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property EditStyle: TEditStyle read FEditStyle write SetEditStyle;


__property Vcl::Grids::TEditStyle EditStyle = {read=FEditStyle, write=SetEditStyle, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ValEdit TItemProp


Determines whether the cell that contains the associated value has a drop-down arrow or ellipsis button.

Set EditStyle to specify whether the cell in the value list editor that contains the associated value should allow users to drop down a pick list or to launch a dialog to edit the value.

When EditStyle is esSimple, the value cell is a simple edit box that lets users edit the associated value directly (unless the ReadOnly property is true).

When EditStyle is esEllipsis, the value cell contains an ellipsis button that users can click to generate an OnEditButtonClick event. Typically, applications use this event to launch a dialog that edits the value.

When EditStyle is esPickList, the value cell contains a drop-down arrow that users can click to display a list of values from which to select. This value must be supplied by the PickList property or in an OnGetPickList event handler (or supplied by the PickList property and modified in an OnGetPickList event handler).

See Also