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property DataSetField: TDataSetField read FDataSetField write SetDataSetField;


__property DataSetField;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Datasnap.DBClient TCustomClientDataSet


Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset.

Datasnap.DBClient.TCustomClientDataSet.DataSetField inherits from Data.DB.TDataSet.DataSetField. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TDataSet.DataSetField.

Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset.

Use DataSetField when the dataset is the nested detail set of another dataset, such as an Oracle8 nested dataset. Read DataSetField to access the dataset field component in the master dataset that includes this dataset as a detail. Set DataSetField to a field component in the master dataset to assign this dataset as the value of that field.

Note: When setting the DataSetField property, the dataset must be of (or a descendant of) the class specified by the master dataset's NestedDataSetClass property. Otherwise, setting DataSetField raises an exception. Further, setting DataSetField to a TDataSetField that is contained in the same dataset raises an exception (A dataset can't be nested in itself).

See Also