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property OnItemDeleted: TItemDeletedByUserEvent read FOnItemDeleted write FOnItemDeleted;


__property OnItemDeleted;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.JumpList TJumpList


May occur during a call to UpdateList or DeleteList, and provides information about a jump list item of your application that your user removed manually. It occurs once per removed item.

Vcl.JumpList.TJumpList.OnItemDeleted inherits from Vcl.JumpList.TCustomJumpList.OnItemDeleted. All content below this line refers to Vcl.JumpList.TCustomJumpList.OnItemDeleted.

May occur during a call to UpdateList or DeleteList, and provides information about a jump list item of your application that your user removed manually. It occurs once per removed item.

The event only occurs for items that are defined in your jump list component at the time of running UpdateList or DeleteList. Handle this event and consider removing the items that your user removed from your jump list component. If you define the content of your jump list at run time, make sure that you define all your items before you call UpdateList or DeleteList. Otherwise, OnItemDeleted does not occur for those items that you define at run time.

The event handler of OnItemDeleted receives the following parameters:

  • Sender is your jump list component.
  • Item is the jump list item that your user removed.
  • CategoryName is the name of the custom category of the item.
  • FromTasks is True if the jump list item is a task, or False if it is a custom category item.

See Also