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property ActiveAggs[Index: Integer] : TList read GetActiveAggs;


__property System::Classes::TList* ActiveAggs[int Index] = {read=GetActiveAggs};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Datasnap.DBClient TCustomClientDataSet


Lists the maintained aggregates supported by the current index.

Read ActiveAggs to obtain a list of currently maintained aggregates for a specified grouping level. The Index parameter specifies whether the aggregates summarize data over the entire client dataset (Index = 0), over the current value of the first grouping level (Index = 1), over the current value of the second grouping level (Index = 2), and so on.

ActiveAggs is a List object (TList) whose items are a subset of the possible aggregates maintained by the Aggregates property. If there are no aggregates maintained for the specified grouping level, the value of ActiveAggs is either an empty list, or nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).

Note: Each grouping level is determined by the current index. Grouping level 1 is the set of records with the same value on the first field in the index. Grouping level 2 is the set of records with the same values on the first two fields in the index, and so on.

See Also