System.OleVariant Methods
ArrayDimCount | public | Returns the number of dimensions of the given variant. |
ArrayHighBound | public | Returns the high bound of the given dimension in the given variant array. |
ArrayLock | public | Locks the given variant array and returns a pointer to the data stored in the array. |
ArrayLowBound | public | Returns the low bound of the given dimension in the given variant array. |
ArrayRedim | public | Resizes the given variant array by changing the high bound of the rightmost dimension to the given value. |
ArrayUnlock | public | Unlocks a variant array that was previously locked by ArrayLock. |
As | public | |
AsRef | public | |
Assign | public | |
AsType | public | Casts a Variant object to the type specified by the VarType argument. |
ChangeType | public | Changes the data type of a Variant object once it has been instantiated. |
Clear | public | Clears the value of the Variant. |
Create | public | |
CreateObject | public | Creates an OLE Automation object with the programmatic identifier specified by ProgID and returns it as a Variant. |
Destroy | public | Frees an instance of System.OleVariant. |
Empty | public | |
Exec | public | Executes an OLE procedure, function, or a property Get or Set method. |
GetActiveObject | public | Retrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface of a currently running, registered OLE Automation object and returns it as a Variant. |
GetBaseVariant | public | Returns the Variant that is assigned as the value of this Variant, when the type, returned by Type is varVariant. |
GetElement | public | Returns the value of a specified element in a Variant array. |
GetError | public | Converts the Variant to a varError type and returns the integer value. |
IsArray | public | Queries the VType of the base class TVarData for the varArray bit. |
IsEmpty | public | Queries the VType of the base class TVarData. |
IsNull | public | Queries the VType of the base class TVarData for the varNull bit. |
NoParam | public | |
OleFunction | public | Provides an alternate syntax for OLE Automation calls to Exec(). |
OleProcedure | public | Provides alternative syntax to OLE Automation calls to Exec(). |
OlePropertyGet | public | Returns the value of a property on a COM interface. |
OlePropertySet | public | Sets the value of a property on a COM interface. |
operator ! | public | Returns a new Variant that is the logical negation of this Variant. |
operator != | public | |
operator % | public | Returns the remainder from dividing the Variant's value by a specified value. |
operator %= | public | Returns this Variant as the remainder from dividing its original value and the Variant specified by rhs. |
operator & | public | Performs a bitwise and operation with a specified value. |
operator &= | public | Returns this Variant after performing a bitwise and operation. |
operator () | public | Converts the Variant. |
operator * | public | Multiplies the value of the Variant by a specified value. |
operator *= | public | Multiplies this Variant by the Variant specified by rhs. |
operator + | public | Adds a specified value to the Variant. |
operator += | public | Adds the Variant specified by rhs to this Variant object. |
operator - | public | Subtracts a specified value from the Variant. |
operator -= | public | Subtracts the Variant specified by rhs from this Variant object. |
operator / | public | Divides the value of the Variant by a specified value. |
operator /= | public | Divides this Variant by the Variant rhs. |
operator < | public | |
operator << | public | Returns a new Variant that is the result of a shl (left shift) operation on this Variant. |
operator <<= | public | Performs a bitwise shl (left shift) operation on this Variant. |
operator <= | public | |
operator = | public | Copies a value into the OleVariant. |
operator == | public | |
operator > | public | |
operator >= | public | |
operator >> | public | Returns a new Variant that is the result of a shr (right shift) operation on this Variant. |
operator >>= | public | Performs a bitwise shr (right shift) operation on this Variant. |
operator ^ | public | Performs a bitwise xor operation with a specified value. |
operator ^= | public | Returns this Variant after performing a bitwise xor operation. |
operator | | public | Performs a bitwise or operation with a specified value. |
operator |= | public | Returns this Variant after performing a bitwise or operation. |
PutElement | public | Assigns an element as the value of an entry in a Variant array. |
Sanitized | public | |
SetError | public | Converts the Variant to a varError type and assigns the integer err as the value of the varError. |
swap | public | |
Type | public | Returns the type code of a Variant instance. |