FMXTBitmapClear (C++)
This example shows how to use the TBitmap clear functions and their results.
The TBitmap's clear functions are Clear and ClearRect.
To build and test this example, create a Multi-Device Application - C++, and add the following objects on the form:
- Two TImage objects
- Two labels
- A TGroupBox with two TRadioButton objects (a radio button for each function). Change the TRadioButton.Text property for each radio button with the name of a function.
Add a new bitmap as a global variable and name it MyBitmap
. It will be used to save a copy of the initial bitmap.
#pragma resource "*.fmx"
TForm1 *Form1;
TBitmap *MyBitmap;
Add the following code to the OnCreate event handler of the form. The code loads the bitmap into Image1
, so it can be manipulated, and initializes MyBitmap
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
//Creates an empty bitmap
MyBitmap = new TBitmap(0,0);
//Loads the initial bitmap (to be manipulated) to Image1
Add the following lines of code to the OnChange event handlers of each radio button.
The result will be displayed on the Image2
void __fastcall TForm1::RadioButton1Change(TObject *Sender)
//A copy of the initial bitmap
//Clears the bitmap
//Displays the result of the Clear function
Image2->Bitmap =MyBitmap;
void __fastcall TForm1::RadioButton2Change(TObject *Sender)
//The rectangle to be cleared
TRectF MyRect=TRectF(50,30,80,100);
//A copy of the initial bitmap
//Clears the bitmap
//Displays the result of the ClearRect function
The result should look like in the following images:
- FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.Clear ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.ClearRect ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Types.TRectF ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Controls.TTextControl.Text ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Objects.TImage.Bitmap ( fr | de | ja )
See Also
- FMX.Forms.TCommonCustomForm.OnCreate ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.Objects.TImage ( fr | de | ja )
- FMX.StdCtrls.TRadioButton.OnChange ( fr | de | ja )
- Delphi version of this example