FMXTCanvasDrawFunctions (C++)
This example shows how to use the TCanvas drawing functions and their results.
The TCanvas drawing functions are: DrawArc, DrawBitmap, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawPath, DrawPolygon, DrawRect, DrawRectSides, CreateThumbnail.
To build and test this example, create a Multi-Device Application - C++ and add the following controls on the form:
- A TImage
- A TGroupBox with nine TRadioButton objects (a radio button for each function). Change the TRadioButton.Text property for each radio button to the name of a function.
- A TButton
The example draws on the canvas of the bitmap. The bitmap is displayed on the TImage.
Add the following code to the OnCreate event handler of the form.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the size of the TBitmap
Add the following code, which makes the drawing area white, to the OnClick event handler of the button.
void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) {
// clears the canvas
Add the following codes to the OnClick event handlers of each radio button.
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawArcClickClick(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the center and the radius of the arc
TPointF p1(200, 200), p2(150, 150);
// draws the arc on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawArc(p1, p2, 90, 230, 20);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawBitmapClick(TObject *Sender) {
TBitmap* MyBitmap;
// is the area where to draw the bitmap
// is also the area of the bitmap to be drawn on the canvas
TRectF MyRect(50, 30, 150, 200);
// MyBitmap is the bitmap to be drawn on the canvas
MyBitmap = new TBitmap("bitmap1.png");
// draws on the rectangle specified by MyRect the area from MyBitmap specified by MyRect
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawBitmap(MyBitmap, MyRect, MyRect, 20);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawEllipseClick(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the circumscribed rectangle of the ellipse
TRectF MyRect(50, 40, 200, 270);
// draws the ellipse on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawEllipse(MyRect, 40);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawLineClick(TObject *Sender) {
// p1 and p2 represent the ends of the line to be drawn
TPointF p1(20, 2), p2(350, 400);
// draws the line on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawLine(p1, p2, 100);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawPathClick(TObject *Sender) {
TPathData* path;
// sets the circumscribed rectangle of the ellipse to be added to the path
TRectF MyRect1(90, 100, 230, 300), MyRect2(70, 90, 220, 290);
// initializes and creates the path to be drawn
path = new TPathData;
path->AddRectangle(MyRect2, 0, 0, AllCorners);
// draws the path on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawPath(path, 200);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawPolygonClick(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the points that define the polygon
TPointF p1(80, 200), p2(225, 30), p3(370, 200), p4(300, 340),
p5(150, 340), p6(80,200);
TPolygon MyPolygon;
// creates the polygon
MyPolygon[0] = p1;
MyPolygon[1] = p2;
MyPolygon[2] = p3;
MyPolygon[3] = p4;
MyPolygon[4] = p5;
MyPolygon[5] = p6;
// draws the polygon on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawPolygon(MyPolygon, 50);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawRectClick(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the rectangle to be drawn
TRectF MyRect(50, 40, 200, 270);
// draws the rectangle on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawRect(MyRect, 30, 60, AllCorners, 100);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::DrawRectSidesClick(TObject *Sender) {
// sets the rectangle to be customized and drawn
TRectF MyRect(50, 40, 200, 270);
// customizes the rectangle and draws it on the canvas
Image1->Bitmap->Canvas->DrawRectSides(MyRect, 50, 20, AllCorners, 40,
AllSides, TCornerType(1));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::CreateThumbnailClick(TObject *Sender) {
// creates the bitmap from where to draw the thumbnail
TBitmap* MyBitmap = new TBitmap("bitmap1.png");
// draws a thumbnail with the given sizes
Image1->Bitmap = MyBitmap->CreateThumbnail(300,300);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TCanvas.DrawArc ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawBitmap ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawEllipse ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawLine ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawPath ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawPolygon ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawRect ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.DrawRectSides ( fr | de | ja )
- CreateThumbnail ( fr | de | ja )
- TCanvas.Clear ( fr | de | ja )
- TImage.Bitmap ( fr | de | ja )
- TBitmap.Canvas ( fr | de | ja )
- TPathData.AddEllipse ( fr | de | ja )
- TPathData.AddRectangle ( fr | de | ja )
See Also
- TCustomForm.OnCreate ( fr | de | ja )
- TVisualObject.OnClick ( fr | de | ja )
- Objects.TImage ( fr | de | ja )
- TRadioButton.Text ( fr | de | ja )