InterBase Quick Start: Part IV - Grouping and Ordering Query Results

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A database does not store rows in any particular order. When you execute a query, you can see that the result is not organized in any way. The ORDER BY clause lets you specify how to organize the result. You can use the GROUP BY clause to group the results of aggregate functions.

Ordering Query Results

The syntax of the ORDER BY clause is:

ORDER BY [col_name | col_num] [ASC | DESC] [[col_name | col_num] [ASC | DESC], ]

The statement lets you specify more than one column. You can refer to columns by column name or by column position (an integer).

By default, InterBase uses ASCENDING order. If you want the order to be DESCENDING, you have to specify it.

Image 025.jpgUsing ORDER BY

  1. Execute the following query:
    SELECT cust_no,
    FROM   Sales
    WHERE  total_value > 10000

    You can see that the result in not ordered:

  2. Modify the previous query to order the results by the cust_no column:
    SELECT cust_no,
    FROM   Sales
    WHERE  total_value > 10000
    ORDER  BY cust_no

    Now the result shows the cust_no column in ascending order:

  3. Order the result set by the total value of the sales, in descending order:
    SELECT cust_no,
    FROM   Sales
    WHERE  total_value > 10000
    ORDER  BY total_value DESC
  4. To see the effect of ordering by more than one column, execute the following query:
    SELECT last_name,
    FROM   Employee
    ORDER  BY last_name DESC,first_name


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