InterBase Quick Start: Part IV - Using the GROUP BY Clause

From InterBase

Go Up to InterBase Quick Start: Part IV - Grouping and Ordering Query Results

You use the optional GROUP BY clause to organize data that you retrieve from aggregate functions. When you issue a query that has both aggregate (AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX, or SUM) and non-aggregate columns, you must use GROUP BY to group the result set by each of the non-aggregate columns. The following rules apply:

  • Each column from which you are doing a non-aggregate SELECT must appear in the GROUP BY clause.
  • The GROUP BY clause can reference only columns that appear in the SELECT clause.
  • Each SELECT clause in a query can have only one GROUP BY clause.

The definition of a group is: a subset of rows that match a distinct value in the columns of the GROUP BY clause.

Image 025.jpgGrouping the Result Set of Aggregate Functions

Execute the following query to find out how many employees there are in each country:

FROM   Employee
GROUP  BY job_country

The result set looks like this:


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