InterBase Quick Start: Part I - Create a New User

From InterBase

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Image 025.jpgCreating a New User

To create a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Login as user SYSDBA.
  2. Go to the Tools tab and select User Security...
    Create Tutor.png
  3. Select New.
  4. Fill out the required fields:
    • User Name: TUTOR.
    • Password: tutor4ib.
    • Confirm Password: tutor4ib.
      Note: This tutorial always references the above user, however, you may set your own user name and / or password if you wish.
  5. Select Apply.

Image 025.jpgLogging in as TUTOR

Next, follow these steps to log in as the newly created user TUTOR:

  1. Select the server you are connected to.
  2. Go to the Home tab and select logout
  3. Reconnect to the server as user TUTOR.

About Users and Security

Users are defined server-wide and can connect to any database that resides on that server. However, tables within databases have additional security. A user needs to have permissions to perform certain operations on tables of any database.

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