Displaying the Database Information

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Use the Database option to display the TDatabaseInfo record, which consists of the number of databases attached to the server, the number of databases on the server, and the names and paths of the database files.

You can set the Database option to <True> in the Object Inspector, or set it in code.

The following code displays the elements of the TDatabaseInfo record. NoOfAttachements and NoOfDatabases are strings displayed in Label components, while DbName is an array of type string, and displayed in a Memo component.

Options := [Database];
Label1.Caption := 'Number of Attachments = ' + IntToStr(DatabaseInfo.NoOfAttachments);
Label2.Caption := 'Number of Databases = ' + IntToStr(DatabaseInfo.NoOfDatabases);
for I:= 0 to High(DatabaseInfo.DbName) do