InterBase Quick Start
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This Quick Start tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process of creating and using a database. You learn to create data structures that enforce referential integrity constraints and maintain security. You populate your tables, create triggers and stored procedures, and learn a number of techniques for retrieving the data with precision.
Instructions assume that you use the interactive SQL window of the IBConsole but you may use the command-line isql
instead. If you use the command-line isql
, you may need to modify the provided code.
InterBase provides an intuitive graphical user interface, called IBConsole, with which you can perform every task necessary to configure and maintain an InterBase server, to create and administer databases on the server, and to execute interactive SQL (isql). IBConsole runs on Windows, but can manage databases on any server on the local network. It is an all-in-one database tool, combining database administration, interactive SQL, and communications testing capabilities in one easy-to-use application.
Command-line isql Tool
Command-line isql
is a utility for processing SQL data definition (DDL) and data manipulation (DML) statements from interactive input or from a source file. It enables you to create and view metadata, add and modify data, grant user permissions, test queries, and perform database administration tasks.
For a description of the standard SQL commands available in isql
, see the Language Reference Guide. For a description of special isql
commands, see isql Command Reference.
- Overview of SELECT
- Removing Duplicate Rows with DISTINCT
- Using the WHERE Clause
- Using Subqueries
- Using Aggregate Functions
- Grouping and Ordering Query Results
- Joining Tables
- Formatting Data
- Inner Joins
- Correlation Names
- Conditions for Subqueries
- Multiple-result Subqueries
- Using ORDER BY to Arrange Rows
- Outer Joins
- Using CAST to Convert Data Types
- Using the String Operator in Search
- Converting to Uppercase