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Go Up to isql Command Reference

Allows execution of an operating system command or temporary access to an operating system shell.

SHELL [os_command];
Argument Description


An operating system command; if no command is specified, isql provides interactive access to the operating system

Description: The SHELL command provides temporary access to operating system commands in an isql session. Use SHELL to execute an operating-system command without ending the current isql session.

If <os_command> is specified, the operating system executes the command and then returns to isql when complete.

If no command is specified, an operating system shell prompt appears, enabling you to execute a sequence of commands. To return to isql, type exit. For example, SHELL can be used to edit an input file and run it at a later time. By contrast, if an input file is edited using the EDIT command, the input file is executed as soon as the editing session ends.

Using SHELL does not commit transactions before it calls the shell.

This isql statement has no equivalent function in IBConsole isql.

Example: The following example uses SHELL to display the contents of the current directory:


See Also