Defines the various FireMonkey filter effects, such as TDirectionalBlurEffect, TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect, and TFilterHueAdjust.
Package | fmx280.bpl |
TAffineTransformEffect | TAffineTransformEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies an affine transformation to the texture of visible objects. |
TBandedSwirlEffect | TBandedSwirlEffect is a class for creating an effect that swirls the bands of the texture of visual objects in spirals. |
TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect | TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, swirling the texture of visible objects. |
TBandsEffect | TBandsEffect is a class for creating an effect that creates bands of bright regions from the texture of visual objects. |
TBlindTransitionEffect | TBlindTransitionEffect is a class for creating a blinds effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture. |
TBloodTransitionEffect | TBloodTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a dripping motion. |
TBloomEffect | TBloomEffect is a class for creating an effect that intensifies bright regions. |
TBlurTransitionEffect | TBlurTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a blur transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture. |
TBoxBlurEffect | TBoxBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs the texture of visible objects using a Box blur algorithm. |
TBrightTransitionEffect | TBrightTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by brightening the two textures. |
TCircleTransitionEffect | TCircleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a circle mask. |
TColorKeyAlphaEffect | TColorKeyAlphaEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes pixels of a particular color transparent. |
TContrastEffect | TContrastEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the brightness and contrast of the source pixels. |
TCropEffect | TCropEffect is a class for creating an effect that crops a rectangle area from the texture of visible objects. |
TCrumpleTransitionEffect | TCrumpleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by crumpling the two textures. |
TDirectionalBlurEffect | TDirectionalBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs, using a directional blur algorithm, the texture of visible objects. |
TDissolveTransitionEffect | TDissolveTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by dissolving random areas. |
TDropTransitionEffect | TDropTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by randomly dropping down the pixels columns of the first texture. |
TEmbossEffect | TEmbossEffect is a class for creating an effect that embosses the texture of visible objects. |
TFadeTransitionEffect | TFadeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by fading the two textures. |
TFillEffect | TFillEffect is a class for creating an effect that fills the texture of visual objects with a solid color. |
TFillRGBEffect | TFillRGBEffect is a class for creating an effect that fills the nontransparent pixels of the texture of visual objects with a solid color. |
TFilterAffineTransform | TFilterAffineTransform is a wrapper for TAffineTransformEffect. |
TFilterBandedSwirl | TFilterBandedSwirl is a wrapper for TBandedSwirlEffect. |
TFilterBandedSwirlTransition | TFilterBandedSwirlTransition is a wrapper for TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect. |
TFilterBands | TFilterBands is a wrapper for TBandsEffect. |
TFilterBaseFilter | TFilterBaseFilter extends TFmxObject to provide the FireMonkey object capabilities to filters. |
TFilterBlindTransition | TFilterBlindTransition is a wrapper for TBlindTransitionEffect. |
TFilterBloodTransition | TFilterBloodTransition is a wrapper for TBloodTransitionEffect. |
TFilterBloom | TFilterBloom is a wrapper for TBloomEffect. |
TFilterBlurTransition | TFilterBlurTransition is a wrapper for TBlurTransitionEffect. |
TFilterBoxBlur | TFilterBoxBlur is a wrapper for TBoxBlurEffect. |
TFilterBrightTransition | TFilterBrightTransition is a wrapper for TBrightTransitionEffect. |
TFilterCircleTransition | TFilterCircleTransition is a wrapper for TCircleTransitionEffect. |
TFilterColorKeyAlpha | TFilterColorKeyAlpha is a wrapper for TColorKeyAlphaEffect. |
TFilterContrast | TFilterContrast is a wrapper for TContrastEffect. |
TFilterCrop | TFilterCrop is a wrapper for TCropEffect. |
TFilterCrumpleTransition | TFilterCrumpleTransition is a wrapper for TCrumpleTransitionEffect. |
TFilterDirectionalBlur | TFilterDirectionalBlur is a wrapper for TDirectionalBlurEffect. |
TFilterDissolveTransition | TFilterDissolveTransition is a wrapper for TDissolveTransitionEffect. |
TFilterDropTransition | TFilterDropTransition is a wrapper for TDropTransitionEffect. |
TFilterEmboss | TFilterEmboss is a wrapper for TEmbossEffect. |
TFilterFadeTransition | TFilterFadeTransition is a wrapper for TFadeTransitionEffect. |
TFilterFill | TFilterFill is a wrapper for TFillEffect. |
TFilterFillRGB | TFilterFillRGB is a wrapper for TFillRGBEffect. |
TFilterGaussianBlur | TFilterGaussianBlur is a wrapper for TGaussianBlurEffect. |
TFilterGloom | TFilterGloom is a wrapper for TGloomEffect. |
TFilterHueAdjust | TFilterHueAdjust is a wrapper for THueAdjustEffect. |
TFilterInvert | TFilterInvert is a wrapper for TInvertEffect. |
TFilterLineTransition | TFilterLineTransition is a wrapper for TLineTransitionEffect. |
TFilterMagnify | TFilterMagnify is a wrapper for TMagnifyEffect. |
TFilterMagnifyTransition | TFilterMagnifyTransition is a wrapper for TMagnifyTransitionEffect. |
TFilterMaskToAlpha | TFilterMaskToAlpha is a wrapper for TMaskToAlphaEffect. |
TFilterMonochrome | TFilterMonochrome is a wrapper for TMonochromeEffect. |
TFilterNormalBlend | TFilterNormalBlend is a wrapper for TNormalBlendEffect. |
TFilterPaperSketch | TFilterPaperSketch is a wrapper for TPaperSketchEffect. |
TFilterPencilStroke | TFilterPencilStroke is a wrapper for TPencilStrokeEffect. |
TFilterPerspectiveTransform | TFilterPerspectiveTransform is a wrapper for TPerspectiveTransformEffect. |
TFilterPinch | TFilterPinch is a wrapper for TPinchEffect. |
TFilterPixelate | TFilterPixelate is a wrapper for TPixelateEffect. |
TFilterPixelateTransition | TFilterPixelateTransition is a wrapper for TPixelateTransitionEffect. |
TFilterRadialBlur | TFilterRadialBlur is a wrapper for TRadialBlurEffect. |
TFilterRipple | TFilterRipple is a wrapper for TRippleEffect. |
TFilterRippleTransition | TFilterRippleTransition is a wrapper for TRippleTransitionEffect. |
TFilterRotateCrumpleTransition | TFilterRotateCrumpleTransition is a wrapper for TRotateCrumpleTransitionEffect. |
TFilterSaturateTransition | TFilterSaturateTransition is a wrapper for TSaturateTransitionEffect. |
TFilterSepia | TFilterSepia is a wrapper for TSepiaEffect. |
TFilterShapeTransition | TFilterShapeTransition is a wrapper for TShapeTransitionEffect. |
TFilterSharpen | TFilterSharpen is a wrapper for TSharpenEffect. |
TFilterSlideTransition | TFilterSlideTransition is a wrapper for TSlideTransitionEffect. |
TFilterSmoothMagnify | TFilterSmoothMagnify is a wrapper for TSmoothMagnifyEffect. |
TFilterSwipeTransition | TFilterSwipeTransition is a wrapper for TSwipeTransitionEffect. |
TFilterSwirl | TFilterSwirl is a wrapper for TSwirlEffect. |
TFilterSwirlTransition | TFilterSwirlTransition is a wrapper for TSwirlTransitionEffect. |
TFilterTiler | TFilterTiler is a wrapper for TTilerEffect. |
TFilterToon | TFilterToon is a wrapper for TToonEffect. |
TFilterWaterTransition | TFilterWaterTransition is a wrapper for TWaterTransitionEffect. |
TFilterWave | TFilterWave is a wrapper for TWaveEffect. |
TFilterWaveTransition | TFilterWaveTransition is a wrapper for TWaveTransitionEffect. |
TFilterWiggleTransition | TFilterWiggleTransition is a wrapper for TWiggleTransitionEffect. |
TFilterWrap | TFilterWrap is a wrapper for TWrapEffect. |
TGaussianBlurEffect | TGaussianBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs the texture of visible objects using a Gaussian blur algorithm. |
TGloomEffect | TGloomEffect is a class for creating an effect that intensifies dark regions. |
THueAdjustEffect | THueAdjustEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the overall hue of the source pixels. |
TImageFXEffect | TImageFXEffect is the base class for filter effects. |
TInvertEffect | TInvertEffect is a class for creating an effect that inverts the color of the textures of visible objects. |
TLineTransitionEffect | TLineTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a line to tie the textures. |
TMagnifyEffect | TMagnifyEffect is a class for creating an effect that magnifies a circular region of the texture of visual objects. |
TMagnifyTransitionEffect | TMagnifyTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a smooth magnify effect. |
TMaskToAlphaEffect | TMaskToAlphaEffect is a class for creating an effect that converts a grayscale image to a white image that is masked by alpha. |
TMonochromeEffect | TMonochromeEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the texture of visible objects to a monochrome texture. |
TNormalBlendEffect | TNormalBlendEffect is a class for creating a normal blending of two images. |
TPaperSketchEffect | TPaperSketchEffect is a class for creating an effect that sketches the texture of visual objects. |
TPencilStrokeEffect | TPencilStrokeEffect is a class for creating an effect that sketches the texture of visual objects, so that they appear pencil drawn. |
TPerspectiveTransformEffect | TPerspectiveTransformEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a perspective transformation to the texture of visible objects. |
TPinchEffect | TPinchEffect is a class for creating an effect that pinches a circular region of the texture of visual objects. |
TPixelateEffect | TPixelateEffect is a class for creating an effect that pixelates the texture of visible objects. |
TPixelateTransitionEffect | TPixelateTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by applying a pixelating effect over the two textures. |
TRadialBlurEffect | TRadialBlurEffect is a class for creating a blurring effect using a radial blur algorithm on the texture of visible objects. |
TRippleEffect | TRippleEffect is a class for creating an effect that superimposes rippling waves upon the texture of visual objects. |
TRippleTransitionEffect | TRippleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, imitating water ripples. |
TRotateCrumpleTransitionEffect | TRotateCrumpleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by crumpling the two textures. |
TSaturateTransitionEffect | TSaturateTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by saturating the first texture. |
TSepiaEffect | TSepiaEffect is a class for creating a sepia effect. |
TShapeTransitionEffect | TShapeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by wiping an irregular shape. |
TSharpenEffect | TSharpenEffect is a class for creating an effect that sharpens the texture of visible objects. |
TSlideTransitionEffect | TSlideTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by sliding the textures. |
TSmoothMagnifyEffect | TSmoothMagnifyEffect is a class for creating an effect that smoothly magnifies a circular region of the texture of visual objects. |
TSwipeTransitionEffect | TSwipeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by swiping the two textures. |
TSwirlEffect | TSwirlEffect is a class for creating an effect that swirls the texture of visual objects in a spiral. |
TSwirlTransitionEffect | TSwirlTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by swirling the first texture. |
TTilerEffect | TTilerEffect is a class for creating an effect that tiles the texture of visual objects across multiple rows and columns. |
TToonEffect | TToonEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies cartoon-like shading to the texture of visible objects. |
TWaterTransitionEffect | TWaterTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a troubled water effect. |
TWaveEffect | TWaveEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a wave pattern to the texture of visual objects. |
TWaveTransitionEffect | TWaveTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using vertical waves. |
TWiggleTransitionEffect | TWiggleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by wiggling the two textures. |
TWrapEffect | TWrapEffect is a class for creating an effect that wraps the texture of visual objects, following two curves. |
Register | Registers the effects in FMX.Filter.Effects without adding them to the component palette. |