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Defines the various FireMonkey filter effects, such as TDirectionalBlurEffect, TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect, and TFilterHueAdjust.

Package fmx280.bpl


TAffineTransformEffectTAffineTransformEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies an affine transformation to the texture of visible objects.
TBandedSwirlEffectTBandedSwirlEffect is a class for creating an effect that swirls the bands of the texture of visual objects in spirals.
TBandedSwirlTransitionEffectTBandedSwirlTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, swirling the texture of visible objects.
TBandsEffectTBandsEffect is a class for creating an effect that creates bands of bright regions from the texture of visual objects.
TBlindTransitionEffectTBlindTransitionEffect is a class for creating a blinds effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture.
TBloodTransitionEffectTBloodTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a dripping motion.
TBloomEffectTBloomEffect is a class for creating an effect that intensifies bright regions.
TBlurTransitionEffectTBlurTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a blur transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture.
TBoxBlurEffectTBoxBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs the texture of visible objects using a Box blur algorithm.
TBrightTransitionEffectTBrightTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by brightening the two textures.
TCircleTransitionEffectTCircleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a circle mask.
TColorKeyAlphaEffectTColorKeyAlphaEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes pixels of a particular color transparent.
TContrastEffectTContrastEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the brightness and contrast of the source pixels.
TCropEffectTCropEffect is a class for creating an effect that crops a rectangle area from the texture of visible objects.
TCrumpleTransitionEffectTCrumpleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by crumpling the two textures.
TDirectionalBlurEffectTDirectionalBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs, using a directional blur algorithm, the texture of visible objects.
TDissolveTransitionEffectTDissolveTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by dissolving random areas.
TDropTransitionEffectTDropTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by randomly dropping down the pixels columns of the first texture.
TEmbossEffectTEmbossEffect is a class for creating an effect that embosses the texture of visible objects.
TFadeTransitionEffectTFadeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by fading the two textures.
TFillEffectTFillEffect is a class for creating an effect that fills the texture of visual objects with a solid color.
TFillRGBEffectTFillRGBEffect is a class for creating an effect that fills the nontransparent pixels of the texture of visual objects with a solid color.
TFilterAffineTransformTFilterAffineTransform is a wrapper for TAffineTransformEffect.
TFilterBandedSwirlTFilterBandedSwirl is a wrapper for TBandedSwirlEffect.
TFilterBandedSwirlTransitionTFilterBandedSwirlTransition is a wrapper for TBandedSwirlTransitionEffect.
TFilterBandsTFilterBands is a wrapper for TBandsEffect.
TFilterBaseFilterTFilterBaseFilter extends TFmxObject to provide the FireMonkey object capabilities to filters.
TFilterBlindTransitionTFilterBlindTransition is a wrapper for TBlindTransitionEffect.
TFilterBloodTransitionTFilterBloodTransition is a wrapper for TBloodTransitionEffect.
TFilterBloomTFilterBloom is a wrapper for TBloomEffect.
TFilterBlurTransitionTFilterBlurTransition is a wrapper for TBlurTransitionEffect.
TFilterBoxBlurTFilterBoxBlur is a wrapper for TBoxBlurEffect.
TFilterBrightTransitionTFilterBrightTransition is a wrapper for TBrightTransitionEffect.
TFilterCircleTransitionTFilterCircleTransition is a wrapper for TCircleTransitionEffect.
TFilterColorKeyAlphaTFilterColorKeyAlpha is a wrapper for TColorKeyAlphaEffect.
TFilterContrastTFilterContrast is a wrapper for TContrastEffect.
TFilterCropTFilterCrop is a wrapper for TCropEffect.
TFilterCrumpleTransitionTFilterCrumpleTransition is a wrapper for TCrumpleTransitionEffect.
TFilterDirectionalBlurTFilterDirectionalBlur is a wrapper for TDirectionalBlurEffect.
TFilterDissolveTransitionTFilterDissolveTransition is a wrapper for TDissolveTransitionEffect.
TFilterDropTransitionTFilterDropTransition is a wrapper for TDropTransitionEffect.
TFilterEmbossTFilterEmboss is a wrapper for TEmbossEffect.
TFilterFadeTransitionTFilterFadeTransition is a wrapper for TFadeTransitionEffect.
TFilterFillTFilterFill is a wrapper for TFillEffect.
TFilterFillRGBTFilterFillRGB is a wrapper for TFillRGBEffect.
TFilterGaussianBlurTFilterGaussianBlur is a wrapper for TGaussianBlurEffect.
TFilterGloomTFilterGloom is a wrapper for TGloomEffect.
TFilterHueAdjustTFilterHueAdjust is a wrapper for THueAdjustEffect.
TFilterInvertTFilterInvert is a wrapper for TInvertEffect.
TFilterLineTransitionTFilterLineTransition is a wrapper for TLineTransitionEffect.
TFilterMagnifyTFilterMagnify is a wrapper for TMagnifyEffect.
TFilterMagnifyTransitionTFilterMagnifyTransition is a wrapper for TMagnifyTransitionEffect.
TFilterMaskToAlphaTFilterMaskToAlpha is a wrapper for TMaskToAlphaEffect.
TFilterMonochromeTFilterMonochrome is a wrapper for TMonochromeEffect.
TFilterNormalBlendTFilterNormalBlend is a wrapper for TNormalBlendEffect.
TFilterPaperSketchTFilterPaperSketch is a wrapper for TPaperSketchEffect.
TFilterPencilStrokeTFilterPencilStroke is a wrapper for TPencilStrokeEffect.
TFilterPerspectiveTransformTFilterPerspectiveTransform is a wrapper for TPerspectiveTransformEffect.
TFilterPinchTFilterPinch is a wrapper for TPinchEffect.
TFilterPixelateTFilterPixelate is a wrapper for TPixelateEffect.
TFilterPixelateTransitionTFilterPixelateTransition is a wrapper for TPixelateTransitionEffect.
TFilterRadialBlurTFilterRadialBlur is a wrapper for TRadialBlurEffect.
TFilterRippleTFilterRipple is a wrapper for TRippleEffect.
TFilterRippleTransitionTFilterRippleTransition is a wrapper for TRippleTransitionEffect.
TFilterRotateCrumpleTransitionTFilterRotateCrumpleTransition is a wrapper for TRotateCrumpleTransitionEffect.
TFilterSaturateTransitionTFilterSaturateTransition is a wrapper for TSaturateTransitionEffect.
TFilterSepiaTFilterSepia is a wrapper for TSepiaEffect.
TFilterShapeTransitionTFilterShapeTransition is a wrapper for TShapeTransitionEffect.
TFilterSharpenTFilterSharpen is a wrapper for TSharpenEffect.
TFilterSlideTransitionTFilterSlideTransition is a wrapper for TSlideTransitionEffect.
TFilterSmoothMagnifyTFilterSmoothMagnify is a wrapper for TSmoothMagnifyEffect.
TFilterSwipeTransitionTFilterSwipeTransition is a wrapper for TSwipeTransitionEffect.
TFilterSwirlTFilterSwirl is a wrapper for TSwirlEffect.
TFilterSwirlTransitionTFilterSwirlTransition is a wrapper for TSwirlTransitionEffect.
TFilterTilerTFilterTiler is a wrapper for TTilerEffect.
TFilterToonTFilterToon is a wrapper for TToonEffect.
TFilterWaterTransitionTFilterWaterTransition is a wrapper for TWaterTransitionEffect.
TFilterWaveTFilterWave is a wrapper for TWaveEffect.
TFilterWaveTransitionTFilterWaveTransition is a wrapper for TWaveTransitionEffect.
TFilterWiggleTransitionTFilterWiggleTransition is a wrapper for TWiggleTransitionEffect.
TFilterWrapTFilterWrap is a wrapper for TWrapEffect.
TGaussianBlurEffectTGaussianBlurEffect is a class for creating an effect that blurs the texture of visible objects using a Gaussian blur algorithm.
TGloomEffectTGloomEffect is a class for creating an effect that intensifies dark regions.
THueAdjustEffectTHueAdjustEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the overall hue of the source pixels.
TImageFXEffectTImageFXEffect is the base class for filter effects.
TInvertEffectTInvertEffect is a class for creating an effect that inverts the color of the textures of visible objects.
TLineTransitionEffectTLineTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a line to tie the textures.
TMagnifyEffectTMagnifyEffect is a class for creating an effect that magnifies a circular region of the texture of visual objects.
TMagnifyTransitionEffectTMagnifyTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a smooth magnify effect.
TMaskToAlphaEffectTMaskToAlphaEffect is a class for creating an effect that converts a grayscale image to a white image that is masked by alpha.
TMonochromeEffectTMonochromeEffect is a class for creating an effect that changes the texture of visible objects to a monochrome texture.
TNormalBlendEffectTNormalBlendEffect is a class for creating a normal blending of two images.
TPaperSketchEffectTPaperSketchEffect is a class for creating an effect that sketches the texture of visual objects.
TPencilStrokeEffectTPencilStrokeEffect is a class for creating an effect that sketches the texture of visual objects, so that they appear pencil drawn.
TPerspectiveTransformEffectTPerspectiveTransformEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a perspective transformation to the texture of visible objects.
TPinchEffectTPinchEffect is a class for creating an effect that pinches a circular region of the texture of visual objects.
TPixelateEffectTPixelateEffect is a class for creating an effect that pixelates the texture of visible objects.
TPixelateTransitionEffectTPixelateTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by applying a pixelating effect over the two textures.
TRadialBlurEffectTRadialBlurEffect is a class for creating a blurring effect using a radial blur algorithm on the texture of visible objects.
TRippleEffectTRippleEffect is a class for creating an effect that superimposes rippling waves upon the texture of visual objects.
TRippleTransitionEffectTRippleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, imitating water ripples.
TRotateCrumpleTransitionEffectTRotateCrumpleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by crumpling the two textures.
TSaturateTransitionEffectTSaturateTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by saturating the first texture.
TSepiaEffectTSepiaEffect is a class for creating a sepia effect.
TShapeTransitionEffectTShapeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by wiping an irregular shape.
TSharpenEffectTSharpenEffect is a class for creating an effect that sharpens the texture of visible objects.
TSlideTransitionEffectTSlideTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by sliding the textures.
TSmoothMagnifyEffectTSmoothMagnifyEffect is a class for creating an effect that smoothly magnifies a circular region of the texture of visual objects.
TSwipeTransitionEffectTSwipeTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by swiping the two textures.
TSwirlEffectTSwirlEffect is a class for creating an effect that swirls the texture of visual objects in a spiral.
TSwirlTransitionEffectTSwirlTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture by swirling the first texture.
TTilerEffectTTilerEffect is a class for creating an effect that tiles the texture of visual objects across multiple rows and columns.
TToonEffectTToonEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies cartoon-like shading to the texture of visible objects.
TWaterTransitionEffectTWaterTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using a troubled water effect.
TWaveEffectTWaveEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a wave pattern to the texture of visual objects.
TWaveTransitionEffectTWaveTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that makes a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, using vertical waves.
TWiggleTransitionEffectTWiggleTransitionEffect is a class for creating an effect that applies a transition between the texture of visible objects and another texture, by wiggling the two textures.
TWrapEffectTWrapEffect is a class for creating an effect that wraps the texture of visual objects, following two curves.


RegisterRegisters the effects in FMX.Filter.Effects without adding them to the component palette.