DSAzure.TAzureBlobService Methods

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AfterConstructionpublicResponds after the last constructor has executed.
BeforeDestructionpublicResponds before the first destructor executes.
CanonicalizedQueryParamsprotectedBuilds a sorted string representation of the given parameters.
CheckDisposedprotectedThis method is deprecated.
ClassInfopublicReturns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.
ClassNamepublicReturns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument).
ClassNameIspublicDetermines whether an object is of a specific type.
ClassParentpublicReturns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class.
ClassTypepublicReturns the class reference for the object's class.
CleanUpHeadersprotectedResets/clears several of the managed request's fields.
CleanupInstancepublicPerforms finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class.
CopyBlobpublicCopies a blob from a source location to a target location.
CreatepublicCreates a new TAzureBlobService instance.
CreateContainerpublicCreates a new container with a given name.
CreateRootContainerpublicCreates the root container.
DecodepublicDecodes the given string.
DefaultHandlerpublicProvides the interface for a method that processes message records.
DeleteBlobpublicDeletes a specific blob or snapshot.
DeleteContainerpublicDeletes the specified container.
DeleteRootContainerpublicDeletes the root container.
DispatchpublicCalls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
DisposeOf (deprecated)publicDisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object.
EncodepublicEncodes the given string.
EqualspublicChecks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal.
FieldAddresspublicReturns the address of a published object field.
FreepublicDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FreeInstancepublicDeallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method.
GetBlobpublicDownloads the content of a blob.
GetBlobMetadatapublicRetrieves the given blob's metadata.
GetBlobPropertiespublicRetrieves the properties for the specified blob.
GetBlockListpublicRetrieves the blocks that have been uploaded for a block blob.
GetContainerACLpublicReturns the permissions for the given container.
GetContainerMetadatapublicRetrieves the metadata for the given container.
GetContainerPropertiespublicRetrieves the properties for a specific container.
GetDisposedprotectedGetter for the Disposed property.
GetHashCodepublicReturns an integer containing the hash code.
GetInterfacepublicRetrieves a specified interface.
GetInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class.
GetInterfaceTablepublicReturns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class.
GetPageRegionspublicReturns a list of page ranges for the specified blob or snapshot.
GetResponseprotectedIssues an HTTP GET request with the specified URL.
GetResponseDateprotectedReturns the origin date and time for the last response received.
GetResponseETagprotectedProtected getter implementation for the ETag property.
GetResponseHeaderprotectedReturns the header value for the header field with the name provided.
GetResponseHeaderExistsprotectedReturns True if the header field exists in the last response received.
GetResponseLastModifiedprotectedReturns the date and time the server returned as being the last modified time for the resource.
GetResponseTextprotectedReturns the ResponseText for the response to the most recently issued HTTP request by the service.
InheritsFrompublicDetermines the relationship of two object types.
InitInstancepublicInitializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer.
InstanceSizepublicReturns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type.
IsPropertypublicReturns True if the given header field name belongs to a property.
LeaseBlobpublicAcquires a lock on the given blob for write access.
ListBlobspublicRetrieves the list of blobs under the specified container.
ListContainerspublicRetrieves the list of containers for the blob storage account.
MethodAddresspublicReturns the address of a class method by name.
MethodNamepublicReturns the name of a class method by address.
NewInstancepublicAllocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.
PopulateContainerpublicPopulates the given TStrings with key/value pairs for the previous HTTP response.
PopulateContainerPropertiespublicPopulates a list of previously retrieved properties for a container.
PutBlockpublicUploads an uncommitted block for the given blob.
PutBlockBlobpublicCreates a new block blob or updates an existing one.
PutBlockListpublicCommits a block blob, specifying the block IDs for the blob.
PutPagepublicPuts or clears a range of pages into/from a page blob.
PutPageBlobpublicCreates a new page blob.
QualifiedClassNamepublicReturns the qualified name of the class.
QueryParamsprotectedReturns a query string representation of the given parameters and their values.
ResetpublicCreates a new TDSHTTP instance that is kept internally.
SafeCallExceptionpublicHandles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention.
SetBlobMetadatapublicSets the metadata for a specific blob.
SetBlobPropertiespublicSets system property values for the specified blob.
SetContainerACLpublicSets the permissions for the given container.
SetContainerMetadatapublicSets the metadata for a given container.
SetPageBlobPropertiespublicSets the system properties for a page blob.
SetUppublicA required step before attempting a connection to the cloud.
SnapshotBlobpublicCreates a snapshot of a blob.
StringToSignpublicBuilds the string to sign based on the given information.
ToStringpublicReturns a string containing the class name.
UnitNamepublicReturns the name of the unit where the class is defined.
UnitScopepublicReturns the class's unit scope.
URLEncodepublicEncodes the given string so that it is URL safe, having all illegal characters properly escaped.
XMsDatepublicReturns the current date/time, properly formatted.
XMsVersionpublicReturns the XMs version.