FMX.ListView.TListViewBase Methods
_AddRef | protected | Called when an application uses a component interface. |
_Release | protected | Called when an application releases a component interface. |
AbsoluteToLocal | public | Translates coordinated of the specified Point from an global perspective to a local coordinates of this control. |
AbsoluteToLocalVector | public | Transforms and returns a specified vector from the absolute perspective to the local perspective. |
ActionChange | protected | Specifies the behavior of a TControl control when Action changes. |
AddFreeNotify | public | Adds AObject to the list of objects to be notified when this TFmxObject is destroyed. |
AddObject | public | Adds the AObject object to the Children list of children attached to this parent object (self). |
AddObjectsToList | public | Adds the children of this object to the given list. |
AddToResourcePool | protected | |
AdjustFixedSize | protected | Sets the fixed size of the control. |
AdjustSize | protected | Sets the size of the control. |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
AfterDialogKey | protected | |
AfterPaint | protected | |
AncestorParentChanged | protected | Notifies its child controls that the parent of an ancestor of your control has changed. |
AncestorVisibleChanged | protected | Notifies its child controls that the visibility of an ancestor of your control has changed to Visible . |
AnimateColor (deprecated) | public | Creates a TColorAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloat (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatDelay (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateFloatWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TFloatAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
AnimateInt (deprecated) | public | Creates and runs a TIntAnimation for this object (self). |
AnimateIntWait (deprecated) | public | Creates a TIntAnimation for this object (self) and does not return until the animation is finished. |
ApplyEffect | protected | Applies effects to the control, if specified. |
ApplyStyle | protected | |
ApplyStyleLookup | public | Gets and applies the style of a TStyledControl. |
ApplyTriggerEffect | public | Applies the specified mouse trigger effect to all the children of this FMX object that are of type TEffect. |
Assign | public | Copies the contents of another similar object. |
AssignTo | protected | Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. |
AsyncSchedule | protected | Schedules asynch method calls. |
BeforeDestruction | public | Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. |
BeforeEffectEnabledChanged | protected | Executed right before the value of the Enabled property of an effect changes, and provides the value of the property before it changes. |
BeginAutoDrag | protected | Begins the drag operation automatically. |
BeginInvoke | public | Performs an asynchronous call to the method specified by either AProc or AFunc . |
BeginUpdate | public | Marks the start of an update session of the control and its children. |
BringChildToFront | public | |
BringToFront | public | Brings this FMX visual object on top of other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form. |
BroadcastGesture | protected | |
CanFlipChild | protected | |
CanObserve | protected | |
CanRepaint | protected | |
CanShowHint | protected | |
Capture | protected | Saves the control that currently captures all the mouse messages. |
ChangeChildren | protected | |
ChangeName | protected | Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName . |
ChangeOrder | protected | |
CheckDisposed | protected | This method is deprecated. |
CheckForAllowFocus | protected | Verifies whether the current control can receive focus. |
CheckHitTest | protected | |
ChildrenAlignChanged | protected | Executed when the alignment of the children of the control changes. |
ChooseAdjustType | protected | Returns an adjust type based on the provided FixedSize . |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
Click | protected | Responds to user clicks, key pressing, and input on touch devices (gestures). |
ClipChildrenChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the ClipChildren property changes. |
Clone | public | Returns a new cloned instance of this FMX object. |
CMGesture | protected | |
ContainsObject | public | Returns True if the specified object is a direct child. |
ConvertLocalPointFrom | public | |
ConvertLocalPointTo | public | |
Create | public | |
CreateChildrenList | protected | |
DblClick | protected | Responds to user double-clicks. |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
DefineProperties | protected | |
DeleteChildren | public | Deletes all the children of this FMX object. |
DeleteItem | protected | Deletes an item. |
Destroy | public | |
DestroyComponents | public | Destroys all owned components. |
Destroying | public | Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. |
DialogKey | protected | Processes a dialog key. |
Disappear | protected | |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DisposeOf (deprecated) | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoAbsoluteChanged | protected | |
DoActionChange | protected | TBasicAction.OnChange event dispatcher. |
DoActionClientChanged | protected | |
DoActivate | protected | |
DoAdapterSet | protected | |
DoAddObject | protected | |
DoApplyStyleLookup | protected | Executed internally each time ApplyStyleLookup is called for this TStyledControl object. |
DoBeginUpdate | protected | |
DoChange | protected | Responds to changing the visibility or appearance of the list view component and also to changing the indexes of list items. |
DoChangeRepainted | protected | Handles the TDelayedIncident.ChangeRepainted incident. |
DoCheckStateChanged | protected | Notifies the TListView that a control inside of an item is clicked. |
DoControlClicked | protected | Notifies the TListView that an item is clicked. |
DoDeactivate | protected | Dispatcher of the OnDeactivate event. |
DoDeleteChildren | protected | |
DoDeleteItem | protected | Delets a specific item. |
DoEditModeChange | protected | Invokes the OnEditModeChange handler. |
DoEditModeChanging | protected | Responds to entering of the list view into edit mode. |
DoEndUpdate | protected | |
DoEnter | protected | Responds when receiving input focus. |
DoExit | protected | |
DoFlipChildren | protected | |
DoFreeStyle | protected | |
DoGesture | protected | Processes the unhandled gesturing events. |
DoGetUpdateRect | protected | |
DoInsertObject | protected | |
DoItemInvalidated | protected | Notifies the TListView that the item requires repainting. |
DoItemResized | protected | Hook for the IListViewController.ItemResized. |
DoItemsChange | protected | |
DoItemsCouldHaveChanged | protected | |
DoItemsInvalidate | protected | |
DoItemsMayChange | protected | |
DoItemsResize | protected | Called when the size of the items of the adapter has changed. |
DoListItemChange | protected | Invokes the OnItemChange handler. |
DoListItemClick | protected | Invokes the OnListItemClick handler. |
DoMatrixChanged | protected | |
DoMouseEnter | protected | OnMouseEnter event dispatcher. |
DoMouseLeave | protected | |
DoPaint | protected | Processes the painting of the control. |
DoRealign | protected | Realigns and repaints the ListView. |
DoRemoveObject | protected | |
DoRequestReindexing | protected | Hook for the IListViewController.RequestReindexing. |
DoResetEditModeAnimation | protected | Called at the end of the animation that plays when the edit mode is toggled. |
DoResetView | protected | Called when the view of the specified item of the adapter needs to be recreated. |
DoResized | protected | |
DoRootChanged | protected | |
DoRootChanging | protected | |
DoSetHeight (deprecated) | protected | |
DoSetItemIndexInternal | protected | Used internally by presentation hook. |
DoSetScrollViewPos | protected | Used internally by presentation hook. |
DoSetSize | protected | |
DoSetWidth (deprecated) | protected | |
DoStyleChanged | protected | Indicates that the control needs to update the style and calls Repaint. |
DoUpdateItemView | protected | Dispatches the OnUpdateItemView event. |
DoUpdateScrollingLimits | protected | Updates the scrolling limits and animation boundaries. |
DoUpdateScrollViewPos | protected | Used internally by presentation hook. |
DoUpdatingItemView | protected | Dispatches the OnUpdatingItemView event. |
DragDrop | protected | OnDragDrop event dispatcher. |
DragEnd | protected | OnDragEnd event dispatcher. |
DragEnter | protected | OnDragEnter event dispatcher. |
DragLeave | protected | OnDragLeave event dispatcher. |
DragOver | protected | OnDragOver event dispatcher. |
DrawDesignBorder | protected | |
DrawDragHighlight | protected | |
EffectEnabledChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Enabled property of an effect changes, and provides the new value of the property. |
EnabledChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Enabled property changes. |
EnabledStored | protected | |
EndFunctionInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndUpdate | public | |
EndUpdateNoChanges | protected | |
EnterChildren | protected | Checks whether the input is taken by the control or by its parent. |
EnumControls (deprecated) | public | Loops through the controls that are children of this control, and runs the specified procedure once per control, with a different control as the first parameter in each call. |
EnumObjects | public | Loops through the children of this object, and runs the specified procedure once per object as the first parameter in each call. |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
Exchange | public | Exchanges two objects from the children list. |
ExecuteAction | public | Executes an action. |
ExitChildren | protected | |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
FillTextFlags | protected | Returns the filling direction of the control's text. |
FindAndCloneStyleResource | public | Finds the specified resource object and makes a copy. |
FindComponent | public | Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. |
FindStyleResource | public | Finds the linked resource object for the style specified by name. |
FindTarget | protected | Returns the target control. |
FlipChildren | public | |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
FreeNotification | protected | |
FreeOnRelease | public | Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. |
FreeStyle | protected | |
GenerateStyleName | protected | Generates a style lookup name based on the provided AClassName . |
GetAbsoluteEnabled | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteEnabled property. |
GetAbsoluteMatrix | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteMatrix property. |
GetAbsoluteOpacity | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteOpacity property. |
GetAbsoluteRect | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteRect property. |
GetAbsoluteScale | protected | Getter function for the AbsoluteScale property. |
GetAcceptsControls | protected | Getter function for the AcceptsControls property. |
GetActionLinkClass | protected | |
GetAdjustSizeValue | protected | |
GetAdjustType | protected | |
GetAlign | protected | Getter function for the Align property. |
GetAllowAlign | protected | Getter function for the AllowAlign property. |
GetAnchorMove | protected | Getter function for the AnchorMove property. |
GetAnchorOrigin | protected | Getter function for the AnchorOrigin property. |
GetAnchorRules | protected | Getter function for the AnchorRules property. |
GetAnchors | protected | Getter function for the Anchors property. |
GetBackIndex | protected | Gets the index of TStyledControl. |
GetBoundsRect | protected | Getter function for the BoundsRect property. |
GetCanFocus | protected | |
GetCanParentFocus | protected | |
GetChildOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildParent | protected | Returns the parent or, if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildren | protected | |
GetChildrenMatrix | protected | Returns the children transformation matrix. |
GetChildrenRect | protected | Getter function for the ChildrenRect property. |
GetClientMargins | protected | Implements the IListViewController.GetClientMargins method. |
GetClipRect | protected | Getter function for the ClipRect property. |
GetContainerHeight | protected | Getter function for the ContainerHeight property. |
GetContainerWidth | protected | Getter function for the ContainerWidth property. |
GetControls | protected | |
GetControlType | protected | |
GetData | protected | Protected getter implementation for the Data property. |
GetDefaultMargins | public | |
GetDefaultSize | protected | Getter of DefaultSize. |
GetDefaultStyleLookupName | protected | |
GetDefaultTouchTargetExpansion | protected | |
GetDeleteButtonText | protected | Getter for the DeleteButtonText property. |
GetDeleteModeTransitionAlpha | protected | Implements the IListViewController.GetDeleteModeTransitionAlpha method. |
GetDeltaStreams | protected | Retrieves a list of streams representing the differences (deltas) between the current state of a component and a previously saved state. |
GetDesignInteractive | protected | Getter function for the DesignInteractive property. |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetDragMode | protected | Getter function for the DragMode property. |
GetEditModeTransitionAlpha | protected | Implements the IListViewController.GetEditModeTransitionAlpha method. |
GetEffectsRect | protected | Returns the rectangle occupied by the effects applied over the control. |
GetEnumerator | public | Returns a TComponent enumerator. |
GetEstimatedFooterHeight | protected | |
GetEstimatedHeaderHeight | protected | |
GetEstimatedItemHeight | protected | |
GetFinalItemSize | protected | Returns the size of the item. |
GetFinalItemSpaces | protected | Returns the area available for item layout. |
GetFirstControlWithGesture | protected | |
GetFirstControlWithGestureEngine | protected | |
GetFirstVisibleObjectIndex | protected | |
GetGlyphButton | protected | Gets the glyph button for item Index. |
GetHasClipParent | protected | |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetHeight | protected | Getter function for the Height property. |
GetHintObject | protected | Returns the custom hint object that manages the hint display. |
GetHintString | protected | Returns the text of the hint. |
GetHitTest | protected | Getter function for the HitTest property. |
GetIDsOfNames | protected | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). |
GetImageIndex | protected | Declares the zero-based index of an image. |
GetImageList | protected | |
GetImages | protected | Returns list of images. |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetItemClientRect | protected | |
GetItemCurrentSelectionAlpha | protected | |
GetItemDeleteCutoff | protected | Implements the IListViewController.GetItemDeleteCutoff method. |
GetItemEditOffset | protected | Implements the IListViewController.GetItemEditOffset method. |
GetItemRect | public | Returns a TRectF that surrounds the specified item. |
GetLastVisibleObjectIndex | protected | |
GetLeft | protected | Getter function for the Left property. |
GetListOfInteractiveGestures | protected | |
GetLocalRect | protected | Getter function for the LocalRect property. |
GetLocked | protected | Getter function for the Locked property. |
GetMargins | protected | Getter function for the Margins property. |
GetNamePath | public | Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. |
GetObject | protected | Returns the current control as a TFmxObject. |
GetObservers | protected | Getter of Observers. |
GetOriginalParentSize | protected | Getter function for the OriginalParentSize property. |
GetOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a component. |
GetPadding | protected | Getter function for the Padding property. |
GetParent | protected | |
GetParentClassStyleLookupName | protected | Getter for the ParentClassStyleLookupName property. |
GetParentComponent | public | Returns the containing component. |
GetParentedRect (deprecated) | protected | Getter function for the ParentedRect property. |
GetParentedVisible | protected | Returns the value of the ParentedVisible property. |
GetPopupMenu | protected | |
GetResourceControl | protected | Returns the style resource for this control as TControl. |
GetResourceLink | protected | Returns the style resource for this control as TFmxObject. |
GetStyleContext | protected | Returns context for behavior manager. |
GetStyleObject | protected | Gets the style resource object linked to TStyledControl. |
GetStyleResources | protected | Implements the IListItemStyleResources.GetStyleResources method. |
GetTabList | public | |
GetTabListClass | protected | |
GetTabStopController | protected | |
GetTop | protected | Getter function for the Top property. |
GetTypeInfo | protected | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | protected | Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). |
GetUpdateRect | protected | Getter function for the UpdateRect property. |
GetVisible | protected | Getter function for the Visible property. |
GetWidth | protected | Getter function for the Width property. |
HandleSizeChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Size property changes. |
HasButtonsInCells | protected | Returns True if each list view item contains one or more buttons, or False otherwise. |
HasCheckboxMode | protected | Returns True if the list view supports a mode where you can select list view items using checkboxes, or False otherwise. |
HasDeletionEditMode | protected | Returns True if the list view supports a mode where you can select list view items to delete, or False otherwise. |
HasHint | protected | Returns True if the control has an available hint to display. |
HasParent | public | Verifies whether the component has a parent. |
Hide | protected | |
HitTestChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the HitTest property changes. |
IgnoreBindingName | protected | |
IgnoreBooleanValue | protected | |
IgnoreFloatValue | protected | |
IgnoreIdentValue | protected | |
IgnoreIntegerValue | protected | |
ImagesChanged | protected | Should be called when the component needs to redraw the image. |
Inflate | public | |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitDeleteModeAnimation | protected | Initializes delete mode transition animation. |
InitEditModeAnimation | protected | Initializes edit mode transition animation. |
InitiateAction | protected | Calls the action link's Update method if the control is associated with an action link. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InsertComponent | public | Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. |
InsertObject | public | Adds the object provided in the parameter to the FChildren TList of this object (self), at the specified position (index). |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
Invalidate | protected | Forces the repainting of the surface of the rectangle holding this list view component. |
InvalidateHeights | protected | Changes the value of HeightSumsNeedUpdate to True to indicate that the total height of the list view items has changed since the last time that the list view presentation calculated that height. |
InvalidateRect | public | Adds a rectangle to the update region of the scene. |
Invoke | protected | Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. |
IsChild | public | Returns True if the specified object is a child. |
IsControlRectEmpty | protected | Returns True if the control rect is empty. |
IsEditMode | protected | Returns True if in edit mode. |
IsHeightStored (deprecated) | protected | |
IsHelpContextStored | protected | Specifies whether HelpContext is stored. |
IsImplementorOf | public | Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. |
IsPositionStored | protected | |
IsSizeStored | protected | |
IsUpdating | public | Returns True if this control is in the middle of one or more update sessions. |
IsWidthStored (deprecated) | protected | |
KeyDown | protected | |
KeyUp | protected | OnKeyUp event dispatcher. |
KillResourceLink | protected | |
Loaded | protected | |
LocalToAbsolute | public | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local perspective to the absolute perspective. |
LocalToAbsoluteVector | public | Transforms and returns a specified vector from the local perspective to the absolute perspective. |
LocalToScreen | public | Transforms and returns a specified point from the local perspective to the screen perspective. |
Lock | public | Locks the current control, so it cannot be changed at design time. |
LookupStyleObject | public | Looks for the style resource object linked to the TStyledControl. |
MakeScreenshot | public | Takes and returns a screenshot of the control. |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
MouseClick | protected | Calls Click and starts the animation by calling StartTriggerAnimation. |
MouseDown | protected | |
MouseMove | protected | |
MouseUp | protected | |
MouseWheel | protected | |
Move | protected | |
NeedStyleLookup | public | Call this procedure to indicate that this control requires to get and apply its style lookup. |
NeedUpdateEffects | protected | |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
Notification | protected | |
ObjectAtPoint | protected | |
ObjectState (deprecated) | public | Describes the current state of the object. |
ObserverAdded | protected | Allows the component to handle the addition of an observer. |
ObserversBeforeSelection | protected | Notify observers about the selection change. |
operator () | public | |
PaddingChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Padding property changes. |
Paint | protected | Renders the list view. |
PaintChildren | protected | Renders the child controls. |
Painting | protected | |
PaintInternal | protected | |
PaintTo | public | Paints the current control to a specified canvas. |
ParentChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Parent property changes. |
ParentContentChanged | protected | |
PointInObject | public | Checks whether the point, specified by the absolute coordinates, belongs to the control area. |
PointInObjectLocal | public | Checks whether the point specified by local coordinates belongs to the control area. |
PrepareForPaint | public | |
ProceedDeleteItem | protected | Deletes the item. |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
QueryInterface | protected | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the current component supports that interface. |
ReadState | protected | Reads the state of the component. |
Realign | protected | Performs the realignment of the control's children within itself. |
RebuildList | public | Re-creates the list and updates visible item content when using native presentation. |
RecalcAbsolute | public | Forces the current control to recalculate the AbsoluteMatrix property. |
RecalcAbsoluteNow | public | Recalculates AbsoluteMatrix. |
RecalcEnabled | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its enabled state. |
RecalcHasClipParent | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its HasClipParent property. |
RecalcHasEffect | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its HasEffect property. |
RecalcOpacity | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its Opacity property. |
RecalcSize | public | |
RecalculateAbsoluteMatrices | protected | |
RecalcUpdateRect | public | Forces the current control to recalculate its UpdateRect property. |
RecycleResourceLink | protected | |
ReferenceInterface | public | Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. |
Release | public | Marks this TFmxObject object for delayed deletion. |
ReleaseCapture | protected | Prevents the control from currently capturing all the mouse messages. |
Released (deprecated) | public | Returns True if this object has been released from memory. |
RemoveComponent | public | Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. |
RemoveFreeNotification | public | Disables the destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification. |
RemoveFreeNotifications | protected | Notifies all owned components of the owner component's imminent destruction. |
RemoveFreeNotify | public | Removes the given object from the free notifications list. |
RemoveFromResourcePool | protected | |
RemoveObject | public | Removes a children object from its parent. |
Repaint | public | Forces the control to repaint its image on the screen. |
RepaintJointArea | class protected | |
RepaintRect | protected | |
RequestStyleData | protected | Requests the value of the StylesData property of the style object. |
ResetChildrenIndices | protected | |
ResetChildrenIndicesSpan | protected | |
ResetDeleteModeAnimation | protected | Stops delete mode transition animation. |
ResetEditModeAnimation | protected | Stops edit mode transition animation. |
ResetFocus | public | Removes the focus from a control |
Resize | protected | |
SafeCallException | public | Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. |
ScreenToLocal | public | Transforms and returns a specified point from the screen perspective to the local perspective. |
ScrollStretchChanged | protected | This method is invoked when the value of the ScrollStretchStrength property is changed (UpdateScrollStretchStrength). |
ScrollTo | public | Scrolls the view instantly (without scrolling effect) to the desired item, placing it in the view. |
SearchInto | protected | |
SendChildToBack | public | |
SendToBack | public | Sends this FMX visual object to the background letting other overlapping visual controls that are on the same form to be on top of it. |
SetAcceptsControls | protected | Setter function for the AcceptsControls property. |
SetAdapter | protected | Setter of Adapter. |
SetAdjustSizeValue | protected | |
SetAdjustType | protected | |
SetAlign | protected | Setter function for the Align property. |
SetAncestor | protected | Clears or sets csAncestor state in the component's ComponentState property. |
SetAnchorMove | protected | Setter function for the AnchorMove property. |
SetAnchors | protected | Setter function for the Anchors property. |
SetBounds | public | Sets the boundaries of the current control. |
SetBoundsRect | protected | Setter function for the BoundsRect property. |
SetChildOrder | protected | Sets the visual ordering of a child control. |
SetControlType | protected | Setter function for the ControlType property. |
SetData | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Data property. |
SetDeleteButtonIndex | protected | |
SetDeleteButtonText | protected | Setter function for the DeleteButtonText property. |
SetDesign | public | Sets the csDesigning in TComponentState. Used internally by the IDE. |
SetDesigning | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDesignInstance | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDragMode | protected | Setter function for the DragMode property. |
SetEnabled | protected | Setter of Enabled. |
SetFocus | public | Sets the focus to the current control, if CanFocus is True. |
SetHeight | protected | Setter function for the Height property. |
SetHelpContext | protected | Setter method for the HelpContext property. |
SetHelpKeyword | protected | Setter method for the HelpKeyword property. |
SetHint | protected | Setter for the Hint property. |
SetImageIndex | protected | Declares the setter for ImageIndex. |
SetImageList | protected | |
SetImages | protected | Returns list of images. |
SetInline | protected | Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property. |
SetInPaintTo | protected | Sets the InPaintTo property. |
SetItemSpaces | protected | Protected setter implementation for the ItemSpaces property. |
SetLeft | protected | Setter function for the Left property. |
SetName | protected | Sets the value of the Name property. |
SetNativeOptions | protected | Setter function for the NativeOptions property. |
SetNewScene | public | Sets a new Scene for the current control. |
SetParent | protected | Protected setter implementation for the Parent property. |
SetParentComponent | protected | |
SetPopupMenu | protected | Setter function for the PopupMenu property. |
SetPullToRefresh | protected | Setter function for the PullToRefresh property. |
SetRoot | public | Sets the Root property of each child in the children list. |
SetSelectionCrossfade | protected | Setter function for the SelectionCrossfade property. |
SetSize | protected | |
SetSubComponent | public | Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. |
SetTop | protected | Setter function for the Top property. |
SetVisible | protected | Setter function for the Visible property. |
SetWidth | protected | Setter function for the Width property. |
ShouldHandleEvents | protected | Returns True if this ListView should handle input events. |
ShouldTestMouseHits | public | Indicates whether a control should be ignored in ObjectAtPoint. |
Show | protected | |
ShowContextMenu | protected | Displays the PopupMenu context menu of this control on the specified ScreenPosition screen point. |
ShowInDesigner | public | |
Sort | public | Sorts the children in the children list using the specified sorting procedure. |
StartTriggerAnimation | public | |
StartTriggerAnimationWait | public | |
StopPropertyAnimation | public | Stops the animation of the specified property of this FMX object. |
StopPullRefresh | public | is a boolean method. It should be called when the "pull to refresh" mode has been triggered to stop the spinning wheel. |
StyleDataChanged | protected | |
StyleLookupChanged | protected | |
StyleResourcesNeedUpdate | protected | Implements the IListItemStyleResources.StyleResourcesNeedUpdate method. |
SupportsPaintStage | protected | |
SupportsPlatformService | protected | |
Tap | protected | Called when the Tap gesture on the style presentation is recognized. |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
TouchManager | protected | |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
UpdateAction | public | Updates the state of an action. |
UpdateAnchorRules | protected | |
Updated | protected | |
UpdateDeleteButtonLayout | protected | Updates the layout to place a Delete button. |
UpdateEffects | public | Updates the effects of the current control and of the control's parent. |
UpdateExplicitBounds | protected | Updates the explicit bounds' properties of the control. |
UpdateRegistry | protected | Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. |
Updating | protected | Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. |
ValidateContainer | protected | Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. |
ValidateInsert | protected | Provides the interface for a method that validates a child component before it is inserted. |
ValidateRename | protected | Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create a name conflict. |
VisibleChanged | protected | Executed right after the value of the Visible property changes. |
VisibleStored | protected | Returns True when the Visible property needs to be stored in the fmx-file. |
WillEnterEditMode | protected | Invoked when the Edit mode is being changed. |
WriteState | protected | Writes the state of the component. |