function URIToInfo(const URI, Name: InvString): PTypeInfo;
System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo __fastcall URIToInfo(const InvString URI, const InvString Name);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | Soap.InvokeRegistry.pas Soap.InvokeRegistry.hpp |
Soap.InvokeRegistry | TRemotableTypeRegistry |
Returns the type information pointer for a registered remotable class or type.
URIToInfo looks up a registered remotable class or type given its namespace URI and typename. It returns the type information pointer that describes the type or class.
URI is the namespace URI associated with the class or type. This association is established by the RegisterXSClass or RegisterXSInfo method.
Name is the type name that was associated with the class or type when it was registered.
Tip: To look up the type information for a namespace and type that may possibly represent a built-in XML schema type, use the XSDToTypeInfo method instead.