class function Check(AMajor: Integer): Boolean; overload; static; inline;
class function Check(AMajor, AMinor: Integer): Boolean; overload; static; inline;
class function Check(AMajor, AMinor, AServicePackMajor: Integer): Boolean; overload; static; inline;
static bool __fastcall Check(int AMajor)/* overload */;
static bool __fastcall Check(int AMajor, int AMinor)/* overload */;
static bool __fastcall Check(int AMajor, int AMinor, int AServicePackMajor)/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.SysUtils.pas System.SysUtils.hpp |
System.SysUtils | TOSVersion |
Returns whether the version of the current operating system is above or equal to a specific value.
Use Check to determine whether the version of the current operating system is above or equal to a specific required version.