Defines classes that implement database-independent datasets, connection brokers, remote servers for multi-tiered database applications, aggregate fields, and related functionality.
Package | dsnap270.bpl |
EDBClient | EDBClient is the exception class for client dataset errors. |
EReconcileError | EReconcileError is the exception class for client dataset update errors. |
TAggregate | TAggregate represents a maintained aggregate in a client dataset. |
TAggregates | TAggregates is a collection of TAggregate objects. |
TClientBlobStream | TClientBlobStream lets applications read from or write to BLOB fields in a client dataset. |
TClientDataSet | TClientDataSet implements a database-independent dataset. |
TConnectionBroker | TConnectionBroker centralizes the connection to an application server for a set of client datasets that all use the same connection. |
TCustomClientDataSet | TCustomClientDataSet is the base class for datasets that cache their data in memory. |
TCustomRemoteServer | TCustomRemoteServer is the base class for all components that connect to an application server in a multi-tiered database application. |
PackageParams | Converts a TParams object into an OleVariant that can be used in multi-tiered applications. |
UnpackParams | Converts an OleVariant that represents a set of parameters into a TParams object. |
PKeyBuffer | Is a pointer to a TKeyBuffer record. |
PRecInfo | Is a pointer to a TRecInfo record. |
TAggUpdateEvent | TAggUpdateEvent is the type for the OnUpdate event handler of TAggregate. |
TCDSKeyBuffer | Datasnap.DBClient.TCDSKeyBuffer is an alias for Datasnap.DBClient.TKeyBuffer. |
TCDSRecInfo | Datasnap.DBClient.TCDSRecInfo is an alias for Datasnap.DBClient.TRecInfo. |
TDataPacketFormat | TDataPacketFormat indicates how information is encoded in a data packet or delta packet. |
TDataSetOption | Represents an enumeration of dataset options. |
TDataSetOptions | Is a set of TDataSetOption enumeration items. |
TFetchOption | TFetchOption and TFetchOptions indicate the type of information about a record that a client dataset can request. |
TFetchOptions | Is a set of TFetchOption enumeration items. |
TFieldDescList | Represents a dynamic array whose elements are field descriptors (DSFLDDesc records). |
TGetUsernameEvent | TGetUsernameEvent is the type for event handlers that supply the user name with which to initialize a remote login dialog. |
TKeyBuffer | Represents a record that contains various information (such as modified state, field count or data) about the search key buffer. |
TRecInfo | Represents a record that contains various information (such as record number, bookmark flag or attribute) about a database record. |
TReconcileAction | TReconcileAction indicates how a client dataset should handle a record whose update generated an error. |
TReconcileErrorEvent | TReconcileErrorEvent is the type for event handlers that handle update errors for a client dataset. |
TReconcileInfo | Represents a record that contains various information (such as dataset, updating kind or reference to a reconcile error exception) about a reconcile operation. |
TRemoteEvent | TRemoteEvent is the type for event handlers that pass custom information to or from a provider. |
AllParamTypes | AllParamTypes: Set = [ptUnknown..ptResult]; |
AllRecords | AllRecords: Integer = $FFFFFFFF; |