C++ Compiler LSP

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Go Up to C++ Compiler

Project > Options > Building > C++ Compiler > LSP

Use this dialog box to set C++ compiler LSP options.

Options Description

Target, Apply, Save

See Target Options.

Common items

See Common Items on Project Options Pages.

LSP Options Description

Enable Project Indexing for Navigation/Tooltip support

Enables LSP Server to generate cached information to support navigation and tooltip

Generate a .log file of LSP Server activities

Generates a cbuilder.lsp.log file in the user's Documents folder. Use this option to better understand heavy CPU usage of the cquery.exe LSP Server

Generate LSP input and output files (w/ '.in' and '.out' extensions)

Generates cbuilder.lsp.in and cbuilder.lsp.out files in the user's Documents folder. Enable this option to understand code completion, tooltip, or navigation fail, or why the editor shows incorrect Error Insight

Number of worker threads for indexing (0=> use 50% of number of processsor)

Improves control of how many threads the server utilizes for indexing. When left at zero, the server uses 50% of std::thread::hardware_concurrency()

Update the Index each time a file is modified

Informs the server to update the index each time a file is modified in the editor

Note: This option can result in heavy CPU usage, slowing down the IDE


  • Progress notifications appear in the progress bar at the bottom of the Projects window.
  • A dropdown similar to Code Completion appears to allow you to navigate to different locations.

See Also