E0003 Connection to 'address' on port 'port' failed

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The connection data specified to connect to the Platform Assistant server does not point to a running instance of the server.

An instance of the Platform Assistant server must be installed and running on the remote system (for example, on your Mac), and both your remote system and your development system must be in a common network, so that RAD Studio can connect to the Platform Assistant. For information on how to install and run the Platform Assistant, see PAServer, the Platform Assistant Server Application.

If the Platform Assistant is already running on your remote system:

  • Check that the IP address that you specified ('address' in the error message) is correct. To do so, run any of the following commands:
    • i on the Platform Assistant server console.
    • ifconfig on the Mac Terminal window, if the Platform Assistant server is running on a Mac.
    • ipconfig on the PC command window, if the Platform Assistant server is running on a PC.
  • Check that the port number that you specified ('port' in the error message) is correct. The default port is 64211. If you specified a custom port, run the p command on the Platform Assistant server console to find out the port number the Platform Assistant is using.
  • Check that the password that you specified is correct. If you introduce an invalid password, the error message starts with "TBXError: Remote error: Authentication manager rejected user credentials".

If any of those pieces of connection information is not correct, ensure you use the right value when you call the Platform Assistant client. To fix the connection information on RAD Studio, select Tools > Options > Environment Options > Connection Profile Manager, update the information of the target connection profile, and click OK. For more information, see Creating and Testing a Connection Profile on the Development PC.

If you are using the Platform Assistant client on the command line, you might have specified a wrong connection profile name. Select Tools > Options > Environment Options > Connection Profile Manager on RAD Studio to see your connection profiles, and ensure the name you specify in the command line matches one of those connection profiles.

If you still get the same error message, chances are the development system does not have network access to the remote system.

See Also