ListBox Items Editor

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Use the ListBox Items Editor at design-time to add or delete items from a ListBox component. You can add different types of items and change their order.

To display the ListBox Items Editor, right-click the TListBox component on the Form Designer and choose Items Editor....

Using the ListBox Items Editor

The ListBox Items Editor contains a list of items, a combo box for item type selection, an Add Item button, a Delete button and arrow buttons for changing the order of items.

  • To add an item to the list, choose the type of the item that you wish to add from the combo box for item type selection and click Add Item.
  • To remove an item from the list, choose the item from the list of items and click Delete.
  • To change the order of an item, choose the item from the list of items and click the appropriate arrow button.

Types of Items Available

The ListBox Items Editor lets you add the following types of items:

There are additional items available through the Form Designer context menu. Right-click the TListBox component on the Form Designer and choose Add Item. Available item include all of the above items plus the following:

Other Types of Items

There is another type of items that you may use for a list box, but it is not compatible with the items added through the ListBox Items Editor. See String List editor for more information.