New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 11.0
Abstract: List of new features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 11.0 Alexandria.
RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.
RAD Studio 11 Alexandria consists of new features, enhancements, and quality improvements.
Key RAD Studio 11 Features
- New IDE Enhancements
- High DPI IDE
- Welcome Page
- Open Tools API Changes
- VCL Styles in the Designer
- Form Designing and Code Editing
- Options Dialog Performance
- FireMonkey Design Guidelines and Margins
- DelphiLSP for Visual Studio Code and Other Editors
- Code Insight (DelphiLSP) Improvements
- Warning for Build Events
- Other IDE Changes
- Delphi ToolChain Improvements
- New macOS ARM 64-bit Target Platform
- Binary Literals and Digit Separator
- C++ ToolChain Improvements
- New C++ Code Formatter
- C++ / Delphi Compatibility
- VCL and FireMonkey Changes
- TRichEdit Component updated to RichEdit 4.1 (MSFTEDIT.dll)
- VCL Modernization Work
- FireMonkey
- RTL and Data
- Platform Identifiers
- RTL: TZipFile
- RTL large data structures improvements
- New Record Helpers
- Bluetooth and BLE Improvements
- Additional RTL Enhancements
- FireDAC
- Internet, HTTP and REST Client Libraries
- Internet Server Technologies
- Installer Changes
For a detailed list of new features, please visit the What's New page.
Publicly reported bugs fixed in 11.0
RAD Studio 11.0 Alexandria release includes over 500 quality and performance enhancements, including fixes for publicly reported bugs.
Summary | Component/s | ExternalID |
Regression from 10.3.0 - The help file is missing in the GetIt Package of CodeSite Express. | 3rd Party | RSP-23759 |
Errors occur during compilation of Eigen test. (Symbols in global namespace) | 3rd Party, Demos, RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Math | RSP-26174 |
Exception rethrow not working on clang 64bit | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-23469 |
static library project ignores .c files [batch compilation] | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-24609 |
comment is not finished in the math.h file | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-32567 |
TBlueToothLE Throws Invalid Pointer Operation Error Upon Close | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-21548 |
reference to HCATADMIN is ambiguous | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-33705 |
Clang32 crash: [bcc32c Error] ...: ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-24315 |
[ICE] __finally still broken in 10.4 | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-29161 |
bcc32c: cannot compile this 'this' captured by SEH yet | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-23383 |
latest Orpheus components package fails to compile | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-34210 |
force c++ compile not equal to a c++ compile [C++11 not C++17] | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-32684 |
ifstream constructor no longer accepts FILE* as a parameter | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-24132 |
bcc64 ICE: Internal compiler error: 0@00000000 | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-33270 |
Debugger: Exception-Classname is corrupt in exception-info-dialog | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-33330 |
Missing files with ld-linux.exe: start_linux64.o, SysInit.o, end_linux64.o | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG | RSP-17492 |
[bcc64] Using a typedef-name when naming a destructor fails | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG | RSP-9431 |
CLANG] Using typeid of delphi-style classes causes AV | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Front End | RSP-12474 |
attach to C++ 64bit process and debugging it does not work at all, 32 bit works more or less | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Debugger, IDE | RSP-33839 |
Edge Browser is required for FMX on Windows | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Demos, FireMonkey | RSP-29043 |
std::make_shared causes AV | Compiler, Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ | RSP-27633 |
Please consider adding support for YMM and ZMM registers in the built-in assembly | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-18074 |
Binary literal support | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-15539 |
Digit separator support | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-17863 |
Invalid compiler hints | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-20965 |
Interface is not released after an exception on Linux | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-33378 |
The compiler does not generate rex prefix in some instructions when the optimizations are enabled. | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-26051 |
Compiler generate bad code for x64 and correct for x32 | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-32643 |
inline assembly does not support AVX instructions | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-16836 |
F2084 Internal Error: IRBB360 | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-32405 |
wrong code generation win32 optimization ON | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-33836 |
[REGRESSION] class constructor/destructor are not called | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-30485 |
Can't compile a package with DosCommand dependency | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-28905 |
Access violation caused by boolean local variable declaration | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-32513 |
Code generation produces wrong offset | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-33807 |
Absolute Path to an Inc-File expanded wrongly during a compiler Error | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-32680 |
F2084 Internal Error: AV0EC782CF(0EC00000)-R00000010-0 | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-34519 |
Add open array support to RTTI | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16317 |
FinalizeArray breaks finalisation order of local variables containing managed types. | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi | RSP-30487 |
Update SQLite libs and DLLs for Delphi Service Packs | Data | RSP-30752 |
TFDQuery (Master/Detail) with CachedUpdates Too Slow on Delphi 10.4.2 | Data | RSP-34302 |
Lookup fields generate error when new record is created ADO SQLSERVER vs MSACCESS | Data, Data\ADO | RSP-33088 |
Invalid ADO Parameters Type Mapping | Data, Data\ADO | RSP-29343 |
No Upload ID returned when trying to initiate mulipart upload to Amazon S3 | Data, Data\Cloud | RSP-33551 |
Make DataSnap REST URI Configurable | Data, Data\DataSnap | RSP-17884 |
dbgrid EInvalidGridOperation Grid index out of range | Data, Data\DBCtrls | RSP-33059 |
Grid index out of range in TDBGrid | Data, Data\DBCtrls | RSP-31920 |
Memory Leak in TFMTBcdData Variant Type. | Data, Data\DBRtl | RSP-34065 |
Bug in loading time values from JSON to DataSet | Data, Data\DBRtl, Data\REST | RSP-32438 |
Simple JSON deserialization of records incorrect (Delphi Sydney [10.4.1]) | Data, Data\DBX | RSP-32285 |
Extend TFDSortOption with SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-30056 |
Optimize QueryInfo method in TIBInfo class in FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper unit | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-24510 |
Firedac Monitor : Help should be connected to the WEB | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-30744 |
FireBird library no longer resides in \bin | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-34136 |
TFDBatchmove Error: [FireDAC][Comp][DS]-206. �ffnen der Datenmenge [TFDTable($03521150)] | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-33430 |
FDBatchMove.Execute error when last line in double-quote CSV file does not contain linefeed | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-32465 |
Bug in Firedac FDconnection.ExecSQL.... if execute two SQL query with different number parameters and FDConnection is all time connected | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-32608 |
Erro in TFDBatchMove on Execute | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-33966 |
TFDDatSManager don't Merge Tables | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-34174 |
FireDAC: in MetaInfoQuery for Postgres invalid ForeignKeyFields records | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-33383 |
mysql with delphi and utf8 | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-32162 |
TFDQuery error after exception : [FireDAC][DApt]-402. Operation cannot performed without assigned SelectCommand | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-33575 |
FireDAC: query ShortInt parameter -1 cause range check error in Access ODBC driver | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-33528 |
Unit FireDAC.Stan.Consts does not contain the newer DBMS Releases as version Consts | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-27548 |
Firedac (via ODBC) to Excel file is not working fully as expected. | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-32591 |
FDSchemaAdapter raise errors after its DataSet do LoadFromFile | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSP-34409 |
Add A REST Component To Auto Upload an TFDMemTable Via JSON | Data, Data\FireDAC, Data\REST | RSP-17923 |
TIBextract not read procedure source in utf8 database | Data, Data\IBX | RSP-31472 |
IBConfigService can does not work to get Journal information in some EUA situations | Data, Data\IBX | RSP-29303 |
IBX TIBBackupService - Cannot attach to services | Data, Data\IBX | RSP-31418 |
TControlList fire an IMHO unwanted ItemOnClick event when current record change | Data, Data\LiveBindings, VCL, VCL\Additional | RSP-33656 |
ClientDataset Refresh has strange results when done on XML dataset with XMLTransformProvider | Data, Data\Midas | RSP-31767 |
DBX Error "At end of table" on Delete Record | Data, Data\Midas | RSP-33144 |
RESTClient freeze when used in a console application | Data, Data\REST | RSP-33605 |
restdebugger ignores mime type | Data, Data\REST | RSP-33192 |
TRESTRequest no longer correctly sets the Content-Type correctly. | Data, Data\REST | RSP-33288 |
A RESTRequest ContentType is limited to predefined values | Data, Data\REST | RSP-31997 |
Make StackSize configurable for ISAPI DLL threads | Data, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-32094 |
Somebody knows how to get the clients ip address from within a radserver resource method? | Data\MEAP | RSP-33323 |
64-bit debugger disassembles certain instructions incorrectly | Debugger | RSP-28139 |
Local variables window switched to C++ mode | Debugger | RSP-28910 |
C++64: Debugger fatal error: debug kernel not responding. The debug process willl be terminated. | Debugger | RSP-29696 |
[PAClient Error] Error: E0004 File does not exist: C:\qqq\Project2._@emb_.tmp | Debugger | RSP-17589 |
Unable to create process | Debugger | RSP-33497 |
debug kernel timeout | Debugger | RSP-32652 |
Enabled Codeguard fopen a file lock | Debugger | RSP-27343 |
Unable to see items added to TList while debugging | Debugger, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33067 |
When double click control, IDE does not create correct code [corrupts code] | Demos, IDE | RSP-27617 |
Memory leak in sample HttpAsyncDownloadDemo.dpr | Demos, RTL\Delphi\Net | RSP-33795 |
Firemonkey 4K support for Windows | FireMonkey | RSP-26453 |
Add a configuration do allow Delphi to use d8.bat instead of dx.bat | FireMonkey | RSP-24155 |
Add User Designer Guidelines | FireMonkey | RSP-19477 |
Miss constraints size for firmonkey form | FireMonkey | RSP-13673 |
Size Constraints of Firemonkey window | FireMonkey | RSP-15785 |
Tcontrol.ApplyEffect must be virtual or Tcontrol.FUpdateEffects must be public | FireMonkey | RSP-15741 |
Integration Api 30 Android | FireMonkey | RSP-33978 |
Incorrect drawing of combobox-like controls on non-standard Windows DPI scaling | FireMonkey | RSP-21793 |
Please update Play Services to the latest version | FireMonkey | RSP-33959 | must contain by default volatile (to avoid 2x memory usage on texture) | FireMonkey | RSP-33388 |
Closing form causes access violation when keyboard is open in grid (ios64) | FireMonkey | RSP-32631 |
FireMonkey Label truncated and then vanishes when rotated | FireMonkey | RSP-30128 |
IDE Crashes after building custom packages that contain styled controls | FireMonkey | RSP-27656 |
On android platform, trectangle color tone gets distorted when opacity changes if fiil color have alpha. | FireMonkey | RSP-31597 |
Showmessage in comboboxchange accessviolation | FireMonkey | RSP-29841 |
When you create and destroy any frame that has TwebBrowser it caused refresh problem. | FireMonkey | RSP-26713 |
TFlowLayout - child order completely random? | FireMonkey | RSP-30857 |
GDIpAlloc Memory Leak due to TCanvasGDIPlus.SetSize | FireMonkey | RSP-31718 |
Calls Canvas.SaveState/Canvas.RestoreState damage the canvas state when rendering in High Performance for the Form.Quality (FMX) mode | FireMonkey | RSP-29490 |
TCanvasTextureMaterial GLSL is not efficient | FireMonkey | RSP-22952 |
Trackbar does not work on Android with controltype set to platform | FireMonkey | RSP-29842 |
DragOver isn't correctly triggered when mouse enter in target | FireMonkey | RSP-33537 |
FMX DragDrop Events Not Triggering | FireMonkey | RSP-34062 |
Rectangle on native TPanel does not change Fill Color | FireMonkey | RSP-22959 |
TGridPanelLayout - Margins from controls are ignored | FireMonkey | RSP-14136 |
Access Violation editing TListBox items | FireMonkey | RSP-33179 |
Clearing TText.Text should update Effect | FireMonkey | RSP-26648 |
Mousemove with LeftButtonDown is false if control is under TLayout | FireMonkey | RSP-31942 |
FMX TControl.Touch property assignment issue | FireMonkey | RSP-26405 |
Order of execution for ShowModal causes undesired behaviour on Windows and macOS | FireMonkey | RSP-30287 |
Latest Dark Style has a missing an arrow in its TSpinBox | FireMonkey | RSP-33046 |
A huge memory leak in FMX TComboBox | FireMonkey | RSP-19686 |
TCanvasGdiPlus Memory Leak | FireMonkey | RSP-26158 |
Align fit for a layout placed in a TGridPanelLayout missbehaves | FireMonkey | RSP-28593 |
Bitmap is not updated in ListBoxItem | FireMonkey | RSP-30221 |
Firemonkey Mainform Starting Position not on Screen when using DefaultPosOnly | FireMonkey | RSP-33382 |
Using visual component TBackendEndpoint with Provider and Authenticator on a Datamodul leads to RTL270.bpl error | FireMonkey | RSP-33909 |
MacOS-Entitlements: Music-Read-Write is translated to Movie-Read-Write | FireMonkey | RSP-32436 |
Column and Grid width problem. | FireMonkey | RSP-20877 |
FireMonkey does not honor style window border settings | FireMonkey | RSP-22048 |
does not work even if /min option is added to start command | FireMonkey | RSP-24644 |
Program compiled with the "Enable High-DPI" compilation directive does not work properly | FireMonkey | RSP-17999 |
Styled Firemonkey Windows are too Big | FireMonkey | RSP-22030 |
Form Position=MainFormCenter, ScreenCenter or DesktopCenter are incorrect in Windows 10 and Scale > 100% | FireMonkey | RSP-27511 |
WebBrowser, Geolocation - geolocation permission request does not work | FireMonkey | RSP-24039 |
FMX Windows app which have two form and both has TWebBrowser crashes when it closed. | FireMonkey | RSP-14692 |
TListbox TStyleObject not freed | FireMonkey | RSP-33630 |
Access violation at shutdown if imagelist is in datamodule | FireMonkey | RSP-33084 |
PopupMenu behavior is incorrect | FireMonkey | RSP-33045 |
TListview missing published property Heigh | FireMonkey | RSP-33738 |
FMXLinux Log.d function fails for specific message strings | FireMonkey | RSP-32303 |
MainformCenter and ScreeenCenter does not work on HIGH-DPI-Monitors | FireMonkey | RSP-30718 |
Combobox: Adding ListItems programatically fails when DropDownKind=Native | FireMonkey | RSP-33857 |
FMX Edit button alignment is incorrect when scaled | FireMonkey | RSP-32307 |
Various FireMonkey Windows high-DPI bugs | FireMonkey | RSP-33254 |
DragDrop with Screen Scaling | FireMonkey | RSP-33450 |
WebBrowser.CaptureBitmap in macOS result is empty. | FireMonkey | RSP-19448 |
Access Violation is raised if assigned a value minor to crSizeAll(-22) to a Cursor field | FireMonkey | RSP-16873 |
When you open popup window, the FMX form loses activity for a second (blinks, window title bar becomes gray for a second). | FireMonkey | RSP-29491 |
OSX 32&64 constants like kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageAlways | FireMonkey | RSP-26729 |
OSX 32&64 TPlatformCocoa.CreateChildMenuItems | FireMonkey | RSP-26855 |
Set FMX Form Transparency as true not work | FireMonkey | RSP-31382 |
isLocationEnabled is missing from JLocationManager | FireMonkey | RSP-21365 |
Menu icons appearing black when disabled in FMX (with screens set to different scales) | FireMonkey | RSP-31813 |
MacOS: Changing programatically text on TMemo doesn't trigger Spell Cheking | FireMonkey | RSP-27754 |
TGestureStreamData - Access violation | FireMonkey | RSP-27401 |
Abstract error accessing Printer.Capabilities | FireMonkey | RSP-34479 |
GestureManager in Windows layout raises exception | FireMonkey | RSP-29420 |
Access violations due to duplicates introduced by TFmxObject.SetAction / Application.RegisterActionClient | FireMonkey | RSP-34417 |
Firemonkey popup menu not displayed when right click on TSpeedButton | FireMonkey | RSP-34301 |
Wrong texture coordonnates on DAE model | FireMonkey | RSP-32340 |
BluetoothLE requestMTU Not implemented | FireMonkey | RSP-29937 |
Firemonkey: Screen.Displays[].Bounds returns no longer values in pixels for displays with Scale <> 1. | FireMonkey | RSP-33412 |
TForm.ScreenToClient is incorrect on hi-resolution displays | FireMonkey | RSP-33565 |
PopupMenu isn't entirely visible in High DPI -aware app | FireMonkey | RSP-27728 |
In TLabel may appear leading spaces in new lines. | FireMonkey | RSP-33914 |
In MacOsx (32/64 bit) error in Bitmap.LoadThumbnailFromFile | FireMonkey | RSP-26281 |
Wrong rendering of strings containing emoji in Android. | FireMonkey | RSP-32190 |
TBaseImageList.BeforeDestruction may raise AV | FireMonkey | RSP-31343 |
A form can not be resized by its top corners If custom style applied | FireMonkey | RSP-23057 |
Delphi 10.4 FMX MediaPlayerControl issue in High DPI, the video does not zoom in. | FireMonkey | RSP-29283 |
Form loses focus when modal childform uses Activecontrol | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components | RSP-14747 |
Colour listed twice | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components | RSP-10038 |
Opening a TPopup causes application child form to move to back, then to front again creating an undesirable visual effect | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components | RSP-14752 |
Add support for file upload in TWebBrowser | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime | RSP-29515 |
FMX TForm.ActiveControl Never Updates At Runtime | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Runtime | RSP-10496 |
TGridPanelLayout rendering problem | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Styles | RSP-17976 |
Add designer guides / rules to FMX designer, just like VCL designer | FireMonkey, IDE | RSP-14143 |
Setting a Touch->Gestures->Standard->property throws Exception at DesignTime | FireMonkey, IDE | RSP-26487 |
Incorrectly Creating Dylb on Mac | FireMonkey, IDE, IDE\Deployment | RSP-26860 |
Infinite loop in DoGetClassicAdapter in Android.Bluetooth | FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20845 |
[iOS] UILabel is missing attributedText property | FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33885 |
CocoaPointerConst must work in background thread | FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-23241 |
MacOS: BluetoothLE not useable with Delphi 10.4.2 | FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-33267 |
Embarcadero Toaster - Notification Window "Embarcadero.Desktop.Toasts.CF4ADDBE" | FireMonkey, VCL | RSP-32375 |
Option to control Font size in the IDE | IDE | RSP-12576 |
Code Completion [complete on Tab key] | IDE | RSP-31660 |
Support for multidex on Android platform | IDE | RSP-27600 |
Change Exception Dialog Display Exception Message in Selectable Edit | IDE | RSP-30856 |
High DPI Fonts not working in ActionList editor! | IDE | RSP-32790 |
Welcome Page: Open Links in Default Browser, NOT in MSIE! | IDE | RSP-26993 |
What's new / Getting started opens in MSIE, not in my default browser | IDE | RSP-14605 |
Welcome Page: backward steps | IDE | RSP-18682 |
Delphi IDE is not dpi aware | IDE | RSP-9678 |
Upcoming Events open in Internet Explorer instead of Standard Browser | IDE | RSP-11897 |
[CodeInsight progress bar] hide code audit progress bar when work id finished in project manager | IDE | RSP-32748 |
Add editor font selector to first startup wizard and default to Consolas | IDE | RSP-30750 |
Docked window headers and IDE editor tabs are not aligned in height and font size | IDE | RSP-31933 |
HiDpi 120% scalling - IDE Main Window titlebar - text partially not visible in desktop speedsettings | IDE | RSP-23961 |
4k display, DPI scaling "System (Enhanced) = Object Inspector problem | IDE | RSP-30785 |
lost scroll bar after restore IDE | IDE | RSP-25704 |
Macro buttons are not properly resized and aligned if Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31935 |
IDE : Find in Files form | IDE | RSP-18383 |
Quick edit can not been displayed in full [High DPI] | IDE | RSP-19965 |
Find in Files dialog is jumbled | IDE | RSP-18874 |
During popup docked tool windows have wrong sized headers when expanded while Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31939 |
Screen position and size are not stored | IDE | RSP-32678 |
Toolbars in Project Manager and Structure lack auto sizing | IDE | RSP-31937 |
HiDPI IDE issue | IDE | RSP-17118 |
Checkboxes in IDE Object Inspector are too large w. system text size 125% | IDE | RSP-18192 |
Find panel button missing in high dpi resolution | IDE | RSP-17096 |
IDE interface issues | IDE | RSP-21665 |
IDE combobox corrupted | IDE | RSP-25650 |
Windows Theme not rendering all controls correctly | IDE | RSP-31216 |
Project Options window caption area has wrong height if Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31941 |
Search box in Options windows does not open Formatter section pages | IDE | RSP-24625 |
Error opening PAS unit Encoded by UCS-2 LE BOM | IDE | RSP-33852 |
global search edit field | IDE | RSP-23084 |
Tree control in GetIt has wrong vertical alignment for expand buttons and radio buttons if Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31946 |
Font size is not changed when Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31945 |
Numbers are not fully visible in GetIt if Windows scaling is applied | IDE | RSP-31947 |
Cannot Scroll using mouse scroll on StyleLookup Property Editor | IDE | RSP-30620 |
IDE missing a strip on the right after restore to full 4k screen from minimize | IDE | RSP-25564 |
Blue dots and breakpoints on dark theme look bad | IDE | RSP-33522 |
IDE window shrinks when opening project with only dpr and dproj files | IDE | RSP-30797 |
IDE titlebar measurements incorrect when maximised | IDE | RSP-22197 |
10.3 IDE is totally unusable with high dpi | IDE | RSP-22034 |
Code completion fails to list ancestor methods in generic classes | IDE | RSP-10520 |
Code insight show "end: erroneous type;" inside inherited form and few other code insight problems in example project | IDE | RSP-29357 |
RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo Release 2 - When I set "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings", RAD Studio got many errors and crashed. | IDE | RSP-20081 |
The find declaration work only on first attempt | IDE | RSP-32681 |
Cannot see breakpoint glyph and execution glyph at same time | IDE | RSP-30595 |
Find Declaration does not work with LSP and Record Helpers with Overload methods | IDE | RSP-33736 |
Cleaning a project doesn't remove the RSM generated from the compile | IDE | RSP-28183 |
Data Explorer/Multi-Device Preview tool windows don't repaint on IDE theme change | IDE | RSP-33653 |
Structure window behave strange with new edit window | IDE | RSP-30059 |
Some colors are duplicated in System.UITypes.TAlphaColorRec | IDE | RSP-29269 |
Stepping through code causes font to be drawn sharp for a short time | IDE | RSP-30712 |
New open/close progress dialog significantly slows down opening and closing | IDE | RSP-32545 |
Another example where code navigation (Ctrl+Click) doesn't work | IDE | RSP-32556 |
OI broken on High DPI | IDE | RSP-30636 |
Missing title buttons when different than recommended | IDE | RSP-28335 |
[L10N/FR] Button misplaced | IDE | RSP-34414 |
IDE Floating windows become unresponsive | IDE | RSP-31276 |
Delphi closed without message | IDE | RSP-26399 |
Help Insight search edit box and desktop layout combo are not properly aligned vertically | IDE | RSP-31934 |
IDE crash after setting VCL panel Align property | IDE | RSP-28504 |
Reopen Menu properties dialog does not increase size for items list | IDE | RSP-24429 |
Go to declaration jumps to wrong place | IDE | RSP-20090 |
RAD Studio IDE switches screens | IDE | RSP-34395 |
Scalling IDE GUI issues | IDE | RSP-23049 |
IDE AV when switching WIn32<>Win64 platform with speedbutton | IDE | RSP-32592 |
SDK Manager is missing buttons with HighDPI | IDE | RSP-33417 |
Background Build dialog is partially hidden | IDE | RSP-33750 |
Enum type TOTACompileMode is not complete | IDE | RSP-28392 |
Structure panel icon for interface no longer apropriate | IDE | RSP-32671 |
Single Project takes longer to load IN RIO and user feedback is worst | IDE | RSP-25788 |
Poor UI experience in Delphi compile dialog | IDE | RSP-25874 |
mouse wheel don't works in StyleLookup property list | IDE | RSP-32615 |
LSP Ctrl+Click navigation fails when only DCP's referenced | IDE | RSP-32666 |
Directory Edit Dialog loses selection when changing list order | IDE | RSP-32650 |
IDE Application Title Bar is cut off on Hi-Def screen | IDE | RSP-33154 |
Creating FireMonkey Metrolpolis App for windows lead to invalid pointer | IDE | RSP-28145 |
Catastrophic Error when using multiple edit and form designer windows | IDE | RSP-32501 |
IDE: Dialog "Load process" | IDE | RSP-32389 |
XML Data Binding cannot be added new data type | IDE | RSP-31225 |
Documentation.htm not found | IDE | RSP-33590 |
Duplicates listed in dropdown list of Debug Modules Add Modules dialog | IDE | RSP-32693 |
cleaning non-existent projects and units from "reopen" in options after saving options causes invalid pointer | IDE | RSP-32634 |
Exception or hang when opening certain files | IDE | RSP-33114 |
Search Box Showing White background when click | IDE | RSP-30641 |
Tools/Options dialog opens slowly | IDE | RSP-30323 |
Cannot navigate to methods in record helper | IDE | RSP-30644 |
editor font size error. | IDE | RSP-31026 |
Code completion does not offer identifiers that don't match expected type [class helpers?] | IDE | RSP-33316 |
[DelphiLSP] Using inline var type inference prohibits code completion from providing suggestions | IDE | RSP-30588 |
Dialog "Tools - Options - Language - Delphi - Library - Library Path" far too slow | IDE | RSP-31099 |
Options/Debugger options/visualization checkboxes overlap with frame | IDE | RSP-28660 |
Stack overflow with LSP | IDE | RSP-33091 |
read address 0 | IDE | RSP-30217 |
Missing hints in FMX style designer | IDE | RSP-14577 |
CLANG Libpath missing $(BDSLIB)\win32\release | IDE | RSP-31990 |
IDE is not high DPI aware - wrong manifest | IDE | RSP-17361 |
Better ergonomy: Reopen recently opent projects | IDE | RSP-33658 |
Code insight floating scroll bar on top and how invoke bug | IDE | RSP-32685 |
German text in combobox truncated | IDE | RSP-32612 |
IDE on Laptop with 4K 200% high dpi monitor - blurry fonts and small font size | IDE | RSP-23795 |
Bug Code Insight - Parameter Help [hint window should follow the cursor] | IDE | RSP-32760 |
Getting started to ... is tightly coupled to Internet Exporer | IDE | RSP-32588 |
LSP don't see a new added unit symbols | IDE | RSP-33501 |
Can't create C++ Builder component event handler | IDE | RSP-30277 |
Visual components created in C++ Clang are unusable | IDE | RSP-32471 |
"Palette" and "Palette d'outils" in user interface for Tools / Options dialog box | IDE | RSP-34562 |
Enable Overflow and Range checking in Debug configuration by default | IDE | RSP-16751 |
Code editor top bar fonts are too big | IDE | RSP-32313 |
Delphi IDE do not use the default browser while opening youtube videos. | IDE | RSP-33259 |
Strg+Left Mouseclick don't work in some cases (Ctrl+Left Mouse Click) | IDE | RSP-33065 |
Unable to view designer in New Edit Window | IDE | RSP-33435 |
Editor leaves dangling vertical scrollbar behind | IDE | RSP-34111 |
Android TRequestPermissionsResultEvent declaration generates C++Buiilder project open errors | IDE | RSP-30515 |
LSP doesnt show errors | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33060 |
Error Insight doesn't work with big project | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-32758 |
Error insight not working caused by INCLUDE statements with relative paths | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-31321 |
Search path ending with + breaks LSP | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-30113 |
[Regression] [Code Completion] Changes are not taken into account | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33549 |
Include file breaks LSP code completion | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33305 |
A bug in Code Completion [pressing ; should accept the code completion entry] | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33118 |
Error in IDE code complete (Class Completion) | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-31354 |
[Regression] [Code Completion] No completion for identifiers starting with "Is" and completion after "Is" | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33398 |
Error Insight not updated after switching units | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-32645 |
[Regression] [Code Completion] Result for dereferenced pointers does not contain expected fields | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33363 |
Code Insight window scroll bar on top of code editor | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-30129 |
LSP Code Insight not working for templates and reserved words | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-30990 |
New LSP does not recognize newly build classes. | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-31922 |
Delphi crash with CodeInsight LSP | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33664 |
XMLDOC not showing up for generic class instance | IDE, IDE\General | RSP-10406 |
Error message (error creating form) needs improvement (should say which form) | IDE, IDE\General, VCL | RSP-14100 |
DPI issue in Delphi XE 10.2.3 | IDE, IDE\VCL Designer, VCL | RSP-20269 |
Welcome dialog don't display actual choice for the checkbox "swap the theme to match the windows theme" | IDE, Install | RSP-32520 |
"platforms" topic appears in GetIt catalog but is empty | IDE, Install | RSP-34089 |
Missing DUnitXRuntime.dcp in Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\lib\win64\release\ | IDE, Install | RSP-31695 |
Form flickering when group policy is updated | IDE, VCL | RSP-24026 |
TDatamodule.OldCreateOrder always resets to true on descendants | IDE, VCL | RSP-20016 |
$(BDS)\source\Visualizers\BytesVisualizer.pas | Install | RSP-33392 |
Installer starts Rad Studio when not desired | Install | RSP-14600 |
IDE installed in German language, altough no additional language was selected in setup | Install | RSP-17424 |
Installer does not respect my language preferences | Install | RSP-17381 |
Language of IDE predefined? | Install | RSP-31312 |
LockBox 3.7 problems in C++ Builder CE | Install | RSP-34153 |
...\bin\RSVARS.BAT might contain false path | Install | RSP-32624 |
Wrong default browsing path for all platform except Windows | Install | RSP-23929 |
FireUI LivePreview installed to unsuitable path | Install | RSP-31491 |
Cannot install patches | Install | RSP-33866 |
Installing Bonus Radiant Shapes does not update paths | Install | RSP-32128 |
Download and extract in parallel | Install, Install\GetIt | RSP-16615 |
WebBroker problem with sending/streaming files greater 2 GB (MaxInt) | Internet | RSP-23507 |
When receiving a beacon on Windows 10, RSSI will always be 0. | IoT, RTL | RSP-20214 |
Bluetooth LE not working properly | Libraries and Frameworks, RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-20296 |
NotificationCenter in Windows EnableSound:=False not working - Fix suggested | RTL | RSP-16750 |
AcquireExceptionObject doesn't work for Clang-thrown exceptions | RTL, RTL\C++ | RSP-18031 |
The _utime set of functions should be in sys/utime.h and not in utime.h | RTL, RTL\C++ | RSP-27990 |
SEH exception handling fails under release | RTL, RTL\C++ | RSP-21051 |
The quick_exit function not found in the global namespace | RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other | RSP-27915 |
Update to most recent Indy for Olympus | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-28212 |
TStream.CopyFrom could be more generic | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-12995 |
Base64url encoding | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20316 |
Move ParseJSONValue() from TJSONObject to TJSONValue | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-21536 |
TMemoryStream does not support large (> 2 Gb) memory allocations | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16137 |
Missing Windows API GetConsoleWindow | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29042 |
Add an Implict in TValue addressing TDateTime | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-24602 |
Missing method to remove file from a zip-file in TZipFile | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-15234 |
TZipFile Open with existing FileStream does not update the end of file marker | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16299 |
TZipHeader need a GetFileName method | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20275 |
TStream.CopyFrom is slow for TMemoryStream if Count is big | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-18560 |
Webbroker Apps still raising exception with ANSI encoded URL (see RSP-28104) | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33204 |
Optimize class procedure RegisterCompressionHandler(Compression: TZipCompression; CompressStream, DecompressStream: TStreamConstructor); in System.Zip | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29002 |
Stream version of the TZipFile.IsValid() | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27232 |
TZipFile , Zip64 support needed | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-14774 |
Optimize TMarshal.Copy's Dest parameter so as to reduce unnecessary DynArrayAddRef and DynArrayClear calls | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29167 |
Add a "CustomContentType" to TRestRequest | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-19793 |
Optimize TMarshal.Copy's Src parameter so as to reduce unnecessary DynArrayAddRef and DynArrayClear calls | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29166 |
An overloaded TJSONObject.AddPair for an Integer | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27928 |
Add System.IOUtils.TFile.Size - with example implementation | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-14122 |
Missing Power GUID | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-32723 |
Add missing IUIViewSettingsInterop interface | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29682 |
TNetHTTPClient / TCertificate too limited. | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-30552 |
Androidx support needed | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33864 |
Add UTCNow function | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-22362 |
TStreamReader - can result in many 'moves' on the buffered data which looks inappropriate. | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27394 |
Missing wrapper for Android Environment class | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-12690 |
TVirtualInterface access violation with array of const parameter | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27339 |
Header parameter in OnProgress event always empty in TZipFile.Read method | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-21370 |
SysErrorMessage returns wrong string | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-17489 |
StrToDateTime fails if ShortDateFormat = LongDateFormat | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-17058 |
A better GUIDToString | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34169 |
System.NetEncoding wasting memory during encoding/decoding process | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-21298 |
TGuid operator overloads should be marked as inline | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27706 |
A better StringToGUID | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34168 |
Method body of TObject.ClassInfo should be moved up | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-30757 |
TFormatSettings.Create should not recreate ShortTimeFormat and LongTimeFormat | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20159 |
Exception Error seen using System.ZLib.TDecompressionStream with TJSONTextReader | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16141 |
TStringStream load utf8 file bug | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-28228 |
TValue.AsVarRec does not handle ShortString properly | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34305 |
TZipFile Creates new files that are too big if previous zip file has been opened | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16963 |
System._UStrLAsg should not call _UStrAddRef | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33447 |
Wrong definition value for NSNotFound in Macapi.Foundation | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-21626 |
New DLLShutdown routine uses wrong finalization keyword | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-19587 |
TMemoryStream Realloc not support Int64 For greater than 2G | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-19321 |
Android/ -Incorrect constant value | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29421 |
Unnecessary nil checks in TWinBluetoothAdapter.DoStartDiscovery | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34316 |
System.TypInfo.TIntfFlag enum is missing flags | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-24631 |
System.IOUtils.TPath.HasValidPathChars() ignores UseWildCards argument | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-18696 |
Parameters in TStrings.AddStrings should be changed to open array | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34286 |
[macOS 64] Wrong declaration in Macapi.QuartzCore | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27269 |
TGUID redundantly defined | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-28299 |
System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDownloadsPath returns wrong folder name | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-10375 |
System.IOUtils.TFile.ReadAllLines - ERangeError for very large files | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-23692 |
System.Zip doesn't work properly with files larger in size than 4 GB | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-15587 |
Inefficient code in TRttiType.GetMethods | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33404 |
TStreamWriter.Flush throws away some IO errors | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16548 |
Exception message should be more detailed | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-31884 |
Regression: TStreamAdapter.Seek support Size > 2Gb is broken on Windows - typo in defines {$IFDEF Sizeof( -> {$IF Sizeof( | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34049 |
TList<T>.IndexOf/LastIndex of implementation not optimal | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-31381 |
IWMIndexer2 is incorrectly defined | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34054 |
DateSeparator is default '/' instead of locale separator | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-12860 |
FormatBcd adds decimal separator to the end of the string, although the number has no decimal part. | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-21552 |
Datasnap communication very slow compared to using TWebRequest directly | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-24619 |
Incorrect Rows type declaration in WinAPI.OleDb.pas | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-23768 |
EAccessViolation on Format() call inside of the SignalConverter() handler from System.Internal.ExcUtils.pas | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-26383 |
TValue.FromVarRec cannot cast to a WideString | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-23128 |
[REGRESSION] Extremely slow destruction of TVirtualInterface since 10.4 | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-32432 |
invalid definition of the IKsPropertySet interface (Winapi.DirectShow9) | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34043 |
SNotificationCenterCannotPerformOperation constant should actually refer to notifications | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33205 |
missing declaration of UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey / UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-18013 |
TValue.TryCast and implicit casting fails for TDate, TDateTime and TTime | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-32083 |
getSupportedPreviewFpsRange from Androidapi.JNI.Hardware.pas has wrong return type | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-15654 |
StrToDate does not work with Windows 10 (8) and non US locale | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-16577 |
TJsonCustomCreationConverter readjson circular reference | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34235 |
Thread-object gets destroyed twice on exception in create | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20175 |
TMultiWaitEvent.WaitForAny & WaitForAll raises EAbstractError for Events >= 2, Timeout <> INFINITE. Timeout will also fail when GetTickCount overflows and wraps to 0. | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29673 |
Delphi Linux Memory Leak ?? | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34319 |
DelayLoadResourceModule in System.pas has buffer overrun (passes buffer size, not the number of characters, to API) | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-27712 |
System._IntfWeakCopy should have its Source parameter const | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-20406 |
System.Zip.TZipFile can't be used in a dynamically loaded dll | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-33735 |
JSON does not handle large UINT64 values, throws an exception. | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-34474 |
SQL_OPT_TRACE_FILE_DEFAULT in System.Odbc wrong | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-31391 |
Casting AnsiString to PAnsiChar throws access violation on finalization of AnsiString | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-29567 |
UTF8ToString(const S: array of _AnsiChr): String; overload; Completely wrong | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-10581 |
CLONE - 10.2 Tokyo BLE Framework fails to discover devices on Android | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-20358 |
TBluetoothLEManager.DoDiscoveryEnd uses wrong variable | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-31131 |
StrToDateTime doesn't recognise mmm / mmmm formats - undocumented | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time | RSP-14161 |
StrToDate treat yyyy-MM-dd same as yyyy-dd-MM | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Date/Time | RSP-16700 |
Implementation of TEnumerable<T>.ToArray is causing severe and unnecessary code bloat | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\List/Collections | RSP-30870 |
System.Net.Socket FState should not be private | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Net | RSP-19016 |
System.SysUtils.ByteLength behaves poorly for non UTF-16 strings | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Strings | RSP-9703 |
Pos (ansiString) is 3x more slower than Pos (UnicodeString) | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Strings | RSP-33454 |
Make TThreadPoolStats.GetThreadPoolStats public | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads | RSP-31273 |
TEvent doesn't work as expected on iOS and macOS targets | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads | RSP-16033 |
[LiveBindings] TBindExpression is not evaluated on TPrototypeBindSource.ApplyUpdates | RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL | RSP-34260 |
Paramers of TFNOleUIHook and OleDialogHook are declared wrong. | RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL | RSP-30491 |
Application is leaking refcounts on interfaced object after using BLE framework | RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-20716 |
Handling of BLE Manufacturer Specific Data in Android is flawed | RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-17763 |
TBluetoothLEManager (?) memory leak. | RTL, RTL\Delphi\Bluetooth | RSP-31984 |
Debug message erroneously left in standard library charconv header file | RTL\C++ | RSP-34317 |
System.Net.Socket.TSocket.EndReceiveString exception | RTL\Delphi\Net | RSP-32473 |
THTTPClient does not send data to server when using the method Patch | RTL\Delphi\Net | RSP-33177 |
Soap Android - Server certificate invalid or not present | RTL\Delphi\Net, SOAP | RSP-33609 |
In HTTPSoapDispatcher.DispatchRequest an exception is nearly hidden | SOAP | RSP-15891 |
TNumberBox Format | VCL | RSP-33545 |
VCL TScrollBox does not automatically support mouse wheel | VCL | RSP-13425 |
Add skip disabled overload to TPageControl.FindNextPage | VCL | RSP-27438 |
Make setter and Step() methods of TProgressControl virtual | VCL | RSP-27369 |
Make TCustomRadioGroup.ArrangeButtons virtual protected | VCL | RSP-11765 |
Add support for getting/setting TRichEdit scroll position using EM_SETSCROLLPOS / EM_GETSCROLLPOS | VCL | RSP-13453 |
TDateTimePicker cant change date and time together on UI | VCL | RSP-18215 |
Support transparent rich edit controls | VCL | RSP-13455 |
radiogroup without frame | VCL | RSP-29318 |
Add general-purpose support to EM_FORMATRANGE to TRichEdit | VCL | RSP-13454 |
Make the TDBRichEdit.Lines property accessible | VCL | RSP-13439 |
Add TCustomCheckListBox as intermediate class without published properties | VCL | RSP-31453 |
Please move TScrollingWinControl.ScaleScrollBars from private to protected | VCL | RSP-28174 |
TVirtualImageList.Images property setter. | VCL | RSP-31544 |
can add TLabelDBEdit component? | VCL | RSP-27868 |
Provide Ontracking event for TTrackbar | VCL | RSP-25957 |
Some improvements that I propose to you [VCL] | VCL | RSP-29355 |
Update TRichEdit to support MSFTEDIT.DLL | VCL | RSP-13383 |
Add properties to TTextAttributes used by TRichEdit to set/unset ONLY SOME font styles - not all styles | VCL | RSP-13451 |
Add support for changing margins to TRichEdit / TEdit / TMemo | VCL | RSP-13452 |
TRichEdit: Add a TParaAttributes.ConsistentAttributes that mirrors behavior of TTextAttributes.ConsistentAttributes | VCL | RSP-13443 |
Add DropDownWidth property to the TComboBox | VCL | RSP-26519 |
XE8: VCL: TToolbar: Chevron button is missing | VCL | RSP-11394 |
TPngImage should handle Assign to and from TWICImage | VCL | RSP-29020 |
Make private variables in TCustomStyle protected | VCL | RSP-27581 |
vcl treeview add checkbox | VCL | RSP-15270 |
TPageControl.RemovePage should not switch pages if the removed page was not active | VCL | RSP-32327 |
CheckListBox doesn't invalidate text when ItemEnabled changed | VCL | RSP-18340 |
Themed popup menu do not respect image size | VCL | RSP-10412 |
TEdgeBrowser.Navigate and NavigateToString always return False for a success navigation | VCL | RSP-33189 |
TCalendarPicker is not fully DPI aware | VCL | RSP-30025 |
VCL Styles: TPanel flicker when ParentBackground = False | VCL | RSP-31158 |
TDateTimePicker OnChange fired twice | VCL | RSP-21606 |
Parented controls with free notifications aren't scaled | VCL | RSP-19012 |
TButtonedEdit wrong color for button backgrounds with custom style | VCL | RSP-31442 |
InputQuery still badly broken | VCL | RSP-31022 |
Standard Actions Miss ImageName Property | VCL | RSP-31195 |
Obviously wrong code in | VCL | RSP-32467 |
TBalloonHint not scaling correctly | VCL | RSP-31570 |
TToolButton width is not scaled if the button is invisible | VCL | RSP-20496 |
Changing from WindowState = wsMaximized to wsNormal: form is size 320x240 | VCL | RSP-27847 |
Close second form with cafree close all application in vcl styles | VCL | RSP-33140 |
Redundant checks for nil before freeing object instance | VCL | RSP-30587 |
TSearchBox must implement CM_WANTSPECIALKEY | VCL | RSP-30203 |
Redundant code in some VCL classes constructors/destructors | VCL | RSP-32281 |
E2033 on TrackMouseEvent() | VCL | RSP-16181 |
TCustomListView reintroduces property MultiSelect | VCL | RSP-16886 |
TRadioGroup.TabStop doesn't control whether radio buttons receive focus | VCL | RSP-14201 |
TTreeView overrides its TCanvas Font.OnChange which breaks OnCustomDraw | VCL | RSP-25914 |
Access violation in TTabSheet.SetTabVisible when PageControl.MultiLie=True | VCL | RSP-33557 |
TDBGrid Title Font is Scaled Twice | VCL | RSP-31967 |
TBitBtn DoubleClick - Y coordinate is always zero | VCL | RSP-32493 |
The custom titlebar raises an stack overflow | VCL | RSP-32424 |
CM_STYLEDCHANGE is broadcast twice | VCL | RSP-33221 |
TEdgeBrowser fails if placed on non-active tab of a page control | VCL | RSP-31163 |
Vcl.Graphics DefFontData is outdated | VCL | RSP-33856 |
TRichEdit.SelText unable to assign RTF content. This worked before uni-code update. | VCL | RSP-29654 |
Bluetooth component causes an exception if you repeated enable and disable it. | VCL | RSP-28211 |
Vcl.Themes - function StyleServices is inline (does that makes sense?) | VCL | RSP-30705 |
TEdgeBrowser only work on Application MainForm | VCL | RSP-29593 |
CustomTitleBar duplicated | VCL | RSP-31509 |
Make TOleControl.CreateInstance() virtual and allow read acces to FOleInPlaceActiveObject | VCL | RSP-32450 |
FCurrentPPI value of runtime create TForm instance always show 96 in screen configure to 150% text size | VCL | RSP-18697 |
Default size of a new form ad 4K monitors is too large | VCL | RSP-32665 |
Right Click extremely slow when no context menu is available | VCL | RSP-34339 |
Bug in Vcl.Menus with TMenuItem.Shortcut and Numpad numeric keys | VCL, VCL\Other | RSP-33296 |
TRichEdit missing attributes | VCL, VCL\Win32 | RSP-13482 |