New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 11.3

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RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.


RAD Studio 11.3 strongly focuses on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:

  • Delphi Code Insight (DelphiLSP)
  • Subversion DLLs
  • IDE High DPI and the VCL form designer
  • Delphi Compiler
  • C++ Compiler and Toolchain
  • Debugger Quality
  • RTL Quality and Performance
  • VCL
  • FMX
  • Data

Plus a few new features:

  • ToolsAPI support for the Code Editor
  • Highlighting Matching Words in the Code Editor
  • New TBiometricAuth component

For a detailed list of new features, please visit the 11 Alexandria - Release 3 page.

Publicly reported bugs fixed in 11.3

RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria release includes over 400 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.

Summary Component/s ExternalID
Googlemock related project files in Google Test GetIt package contain too many sources 3rd Party, Install RSP-39641
Class constructor is not called for a record even though the record is referenced Compiler RSP-32387
Internal Error building package for MacOS-X Compiler RSP-38423
C++: declaring a variable and goto statement in finally block causes Internal compiler error Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-37125
Problems with Search Messages display in 11.1.5 Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-38760
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 (clang) Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-36050
cbproj inconsistencies on ProjectRoot Platform Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-39469
Closures broken in C++ on iOS Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop RSP-29397
ICE: Internal compiler error: 0 @ 00000000 Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Front End RSP-38366
Delphi generates incorrect C++ Builder header file for generics - missing 'typename' Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39124
Lib suffix $(auto) doesn't work Compiler, Compiler\C++, IDE, Linker RSP-35371
CMake not working (linking via bcc32x broken) Compiler, Compiler\C++, Install RSP-39439
TEdgeBrowser component crashes when created / destroyed runtime. Compiler, Compiler\C++, VCL RSP-38806
F2084 Internal Error: NC338 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-37764
Win64 platform build of projects which uses custom package installed before, with "link with runtime packages" option set, uses wrong dcp file for custom package and gives E2213 Bad packaged unit format error. Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39257
Compiler should generate better code when multiplicant is a constant Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-38636
Incorrect opcode emitted for XCHG EAX,EAX in 64-bit mode Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-38814
Sets intersections internal error Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39120
reading from uninitiaiized CPU register with O+ causes app to crash Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39546
Can not deploy iOS Enterprise Version Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39426
Memory corruption parsing json Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-38993
Wrong parameter passing of custom managed record Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34539
Wrong code generated for implicit assignment of TComponent.Owner to IInterface Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-34800
F2084 Internal Error: LC14133 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33645
Compiler internal error NC331, similar to closed RSP-29127, on Delphi 10.4 Patch#2 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30201
NC338 with ExtractPair Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31344
F2084 Internal Error: AV0045B4CA-R80000000-0 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-29688
Bad Codegen with managed record using boolean field Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-33755
Inline var/const declaration with "set of byte" type causes ICE Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31804
Generic values with Interface constraint can't be compared without typecast Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-31033
Bogus warnings in generics when using record with managed field Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-30869
AV with generics and constraints Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-38107
Regression: AV with out parameter when Optimization is ON Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Compiler\Delphi\CodeGen RSP-39309
New compiler warnings not present in ToolsAPI\DCCStrs.pas Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Compiler\Delphi\Messages, IDE\Build System RSP-17561
XMLDOC failing if a documented parameter has to do with generics Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-15277
Help Insight not showing for RTL, VCL and FMX units Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE RSP-39405
Win64 build with runtime packages can't find Win64 DCP files Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, IDE\General RSP-39031
TClientDataSet not adding FieldDefs for new fields Data RSP-39784
TAzureBlobService.GetBlobProperties issues a GET request not HEAD Data, Data\Cloud RSP-38873
TAzureBlobService.GetBlobInternal Result incorrect for partial D/L Data, Data\Cloud RSP-40126
TDBGrid Onvalidate display error Data, Data\DBCtrls, Data\DBRtl RSP-39960
TDBGrid: Column is not drawn correctly Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-39482
DBGrid column color is wrong when color is clWhite Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-39905
TDBLookupComboBox don´t show the Scrollbar Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-39970
Compatibility with Postgre 14 and 15 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40008
MongoDB driver does not support logging into a Mongo-Db server - MongoDB-Treiber unterstützt nicht das Einloggen in einen Mongo-Db-Server Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-28151
Add support for MongoDB new transaction feature Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-32159
FireDAC Locate fails when EscapeExpand is false Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-38951
Multiple $ Characters In PostgreSQL Table Name Handled Incorrectly When Parameters Are Used Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40382
Embedded MySQL cannot be used when the libmysqld.dll is placed in a folder which contains a dot. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40426
FireDAC Create Firebird 4 Database with PageSize 32768 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40455
FDScript does not support CALL procedure for Postgresql database Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-39524
SQLite driver missing for Sim. Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-39164
FireDAC: TFDConnection failed to connect to Firebird database Dialect 1 Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40218
Access Violation in TFDDataSet.SaveToStream() if the DataSet is not Active Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40139
FireDac, Oracle, Regular Expression, Params :DIGIT: problem Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-40149
FireDAC error when working with ODBC driver in Linux Data, Data\FireDAC RSP-31894
Table valued parameter doesn't work with NC10, but works with NC11 Data, Data\FireDAC, Demos RSP-39861
Font in FD Query editor is too small Data, Data\FireDAC, IDE RSP-39043
Livebinding - TLinkGriToDataSourceColumns: Property Visible is ineffective Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-39940
TBindingExpression is case sensitive Data, Data\LiveBindings RSP-39791
Client-Side REST Components, in a data module, causes long load times for forms Data, Data\LiveBindings, Data\REST, IDE RSP-39494
ClientLib not found running RSConsole Data, Data\MEAP RSP-39690
TOAUTH2Authenticator refresh_token Data, Data\REST RSP-31422
Add automatic token refresh to TOAuth2Authenticator Data, Data\REST RSP-12421
TRESTResponse.content comes back empty Data, Data\REST RSP-39994
TBackendEndpoint can not download binary files with TMimeTypes.TKind=Undefined Data, Data\REST RSP-40316
TOAuth2Authenticator using expiring access_token Data, Data\REST RSP-27747
In TRestRequest, ContentTypeStr property, there is no "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Data, Data\REST RSP-39414
TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter ignores NestedElements Data, Data\REST RSP-38924
AuthorizationRequestURI has problems when AuthorizationEndpoint has parameter in it Data, Data\REST RSP-40002
TMultipartContentParser treats every part with ContentType as File Data, Data\REST RSP-39623
Can not get build in RadServer to work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Data\MEAP RSP-40113
Very slow Win64 debugger Debugger RSP-34497
Cannot display results of evaluations in hex Debugger RSP-31090
OutputDebugString does not show text on Event Log with bcc64 Debugger RSP-29324
Android - broken debugger breakpoints behavior after particular code Debugger RSP-34187
Debug Launching Android64 app incomplete Debugger RSP-36382
Can't debug 64-bit Android app (Delphi) on an Android 11 device Debugger RSP-38715
VCL class properties cannot be watched in debugger Debugger RSP-13423
Android64 Debugger does not work Debugger RSP-37453
Impossible to inspect string arrays on macOS ARM Debugger RSP-37470
Debug breakpoint/current location glyph/icon is very small in disassembler Debugger RSP-37738
Android debugger doesn't display watches as hex values Debugger RSP-37421
Discrepancies in displaying floating point values in watches Debugger RSP-37425
Android32 Debugger does not work Debugger RSP-37394
Regression: Delphi debugger evaluator has problem with globals in runtime BPL [showcase, log] Debugger RSP-34853
[C++] under 64Bit Debugger, naming a thread, derived from TThread, does not work using NameThreadForDebugging() Debugger RSP-32419
Watches are wrong when debugging OSX 64 Debugger RSP-28197
Wrong result of ClassType Debugger RSP-26250
Debugged Android 64 bit app unresponsive on an Android 12 device Debugger RSP-37530
Inspect objects won't allow changing range of arrays in C++ Builder Windows 64 bit vcl debugger Debugger, IDE RSP-39030
add ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to macOS info.plist FireMonkey RSP-38685
BiometricPrompt, BiometricManager or KeyguardManager is not implementing using java2Op FireMonkey RSP-27324
System.Messaging.TFixedMessageManager is not thread safed FireMonkey RSP-38426
TiOSAddressBook.SaveContact always adds a new record FireMonkey RSP-39132
Bug FMX Frames with ListView DynamicAppearance FireMonkey RSP-37973
TBitmap.Canvas.BeginScene should call CopyToNewReference FireMonkey RSP-38418
Nested Modal Dialogs Opening System Dialog Issue FireMonkey RSP-26994
Webbrowser causes EInvalidFmxHandle when used Tcloseaction.cafree FireMonkey RSP-38984
TMessageManager and TFixedMessageManager are not thread save FireMonkey RSP-37724
Android: crash if Clipboard is empty FireMonkey RSP-39040
Firemonkey accessibility package crashes in debug when inspecting with Accessibility Insights for Windows FireMonkey RSP-38605
TextToShortcut returns -1 on Android, but TCustomAction.Shortcut doesn't get negatives FireMonkey RSP-38255
TWebBrowser no longer returns an interface when calling Supports on Windows FireMonkey RSP-38165
Rad studio or TChart issue FireMonkey RSP-36845
DocumentFile Provider not included FireMonkey RSP-37101
FMX TForm.Cursor doesn't update the cursor FireMonkey RSP-36946
TText doesn't set the TTextLayout.RightToLeft FireMonkey RSP-36975
Showing a message box in a FMX TListBox.OnChange handler causes the mouse button to be stuck in down mode FireMonkey RSP-36598
FMX.Dialogs.Default.DefaultInputQuery cancel button not showing FireMonkey RSP-38759
Typing backspace to delete selected part of text in FMX TComboEdit misfires Change event FireMonkey RSP-38790
Setting TTreeViewItem's IsChecked property cause it's treeview ChangeCheck event to occur twice FireMonkey RSP-38641
Dividers are missing in a TPopupMenu in FMX with 125% Scaling (HighDPI Mon) FireMonkey RSP-39141
Invalid argument exception in TWinMultiDisplay.FindDisplay FireMonkey RSP-38669
EArgumentOutOfRangeException in FMX.ScreenReader.Win.pas FireMonkey RSP-36145
SynchronizeStyleData doesn't correctly Assign TPersistents FireMonkey RSP-36084
Multiview with controltype = platform : application freeze FireMonkey RSP-36241
Is FMX align working correctly? FireMonkey RSP-34656
Native controls (like TWebBrowser) do not show in 3D FMX apps on Windows FireMonkey RSP-38050
iOS pickers buttons wthout translate FireMonkey RSP-37623
Use of SaveContact on the iOS platform cannot be successful FireMonkey RSP-37109
iOS VirtualKeyboard is not translating Done button FireMonkey RSP-37628
TCanvas.TransformRect() of FMX.Graphics unit error FireMonkey RSP-18199
Realign Expander FireMonkey RSP-18778
TCustomGrid.SetTopLeft(const ACol, ARow: Integer) FireMonkey RSP-18154
FMX.Platform.Win, TDropSource.GetData, the type of Global should be HGlobal and not Cardinal FireMonkey RSP-39963
HandleException(nil) in TMacTimer.onTimer crashs the app FireMonkey RSP-40132
TAndroidVirtualKeyboard.DefineNativeView must use IControlTypeSupportable like in iOS FireMonkey RSP-39499
TSpeedButton isPressed no applied if used in a TFrame FireMonkey RSP-33517
ClipChildren does not affected by XRadius and YRadius FireMonkey RSP-29774
FMX TListViewItem have invalid detailed text color when created in Form constructor FireMonkey RSP-29237
FMX Form applications do not respond to terminate requests from Windows Restart Manager FireMonkey RSP-29179
TBitmap.AssignFromSurface(const Source: TBitmapSurface); ignore the pixelformat that was set in Source. FireMonkey RSP-26617
Tedit not work inside a TvertScrollBar FireMonkey RSP-22209
FMX: TabControl tab change while child control raises exception in it's OnExit FireMonkey RSP-34498
Firemonkey android app PhoneDialer block applications startup FireMonkey RSP-39445
TlistView OnItemClickEx - LocalClickPos always 0,0 when ControlType=Platform (iOS) FireMonkey RSP-38364
Tab key doesn't cycle through all controls FireMonkey RSP-11874
Access violation at 000000 with TCameraComponent FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-39284
Access violation in TCameraComponent.DoStop FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-39047
When an app has TAddressBook component but does not use it, it throws exception java.lang.NullPointerException FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Components RSP-23752
add macOS ARM 64 to Radiant Shapes supported platform FireMonkey, IDE RSP-38619
MultiResBitmap property editor dialog add button reverts file name FireMonkey, IDE RSP-21261
Setting FMX Tlabel.FocusControl results in a invalid property value dialog FireMonkey, IDE RSP-33858
Missing 3rd party offline Help files Help and Doc RSP-37759
docwiki CodeSamples broken Help and Doc RSP-39024
Text Highlight for same words IDE RSP-36922
Windows signing needs time stamping MSIX files IDE RSP-38533
IDE with Automatic PPI standard IDE RSP-37751
Show in Explorer IDE RSP-37311
help insight in IDE insight don't appear anymore IDE RSP-30740
HighLight Variables Occurrences in the source editor IDE RSP-23978
progject Manager add popup menu for open Final output directory IDE RSP-39363
Drag and drop into the project manager ignores subfolders IDE RSP-29032
Customizing shading of inactive code in $IFDEF IDE RSP-39041
Ctrl-Click on property should jump to its real declaration in a class hierarchy IDE RSP-36555
I would like to be able to choose to darken inactive codes. IDE RSP-40087
[IDE UI] - When the IDE runs in elevated mode, append it to the IDE caption IDE RSP-37591
Suggestion: Text Highlighting in IDE as in notepad++ IDE RSP-12355
Wrong font size for frames in Form Designer on High DPI in 96 PPI mode IDE RSP-39116
Code insight / Code completion has wrong formatting IDE RSP-39283
Cannot ctrl+click and Internal server error when private type is used IDE RSP-35387
Type not shown in code completion during definition of class IDE RSP-28387
Help Insight not showing for units in subdirectory below a Project IDE RSP-39409
Find declaration scenario where it doesn't work IDE RSP-33119
Wrong position of non-visual components when working with different scaling IDE RSP-37652
Palette Search Painfully Slow IDE RSP-36346
Wrong scaling existing form(s), when opening an existing project IDE RSP-35889
Ctrl-Click fails completely for a certain unit IDE RSP-36457
HelpInsight window size IDE RSP-39162
Unable to add libraries to Android 64-bit platform target IDE RSP-26659
The form designer draws the form in the style that was selected last time, not the one that is selected now. IDE RSP-39385
Tools -> Language -> Delphi -> Library -> Library Path and "..." freeze Delphi 11.2 IDE RSP-39062
IDE does not paint correctly IDE RSP-23667
Catastrophic failure "out of the box" for IOs development at provisionning IDE RSP-40183
Error Insight: None does not work IDE RSP-39726
F2063 and CTRL-Click on the Unit not working, LSP Error IDE RSP-39063
Ctrl-Click navigation fails for TSourceInfo in Vcl.Themes IDE RSP-36542
Switching Interface<->Implemention with not Working Ctrl+Shift+KeyUp [only with a dot] IDE RSP-30974
Code completion for anonymous methods broken IDE RSP-18079
Ctrl-Click does not jump, neither to implementation nor to delcaration IDE RSP-34792
ToDo list crash IDE IDE RSP-33413
Small IDE Toolbar hints when Form Designer set to 96ppi IDE RSP-40408
ActionManager - Bad design IDE RSP-37668
Translation not done for dropdown lists in settings IDE RSP-39044
Inefficient painting of IDE inactive code colors IDE RSP-39320
Directories dialog opens at wrong position IDE RSP-37540
"Learning" text on welcome page not translated IDE RSP-34821
Jumping options for Editor > Language IDE RSP-39302
Design Time TTabItem Loses Style When Switching From Windows To Android And Back IDE RSP-20039
Problem when save the form, with non-visible component IDE RSP-36390
The positions of non-visual components are completely misaligned when migrated from Delphi lower than 11 to version 11 IDE RSP-37799
New items wizard IDE RSP-38131
New Dynamic-link library Dialog cut off IDE RSP-40431
Toggle navigation bar create an empty row IDE RSP-30907
IDE font size can not set reliable IDE RSP-39351
Better ergonomy: Reopen recently opent projects IDE RSP-33658
Language Options: Switching pages moves controls out of sight IDE RSP-35320
Close All has new result IDE RSP-34749
Inline variable breaks the Methods drop-down box in Navigation Toolbar IDE RSP-32507
Color selector shows all black IDE RSP-31274
Platforms and Extensions Manager Problem IDE RSP-34443
Not enough space for German strings in package message IDE RSP-35204
Color popup IDE RSP-39590
Directory/libraries list dialog up/down buttons lose the highlight IDE RSP-32492
Incoherent status of Getit package IDE RSP-39356
Weird Tab order in Debugger Exception Notification dialog IDE RSP-37370
Info.plist: Property List error: Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data IDE RSP-37365
The function "Project, command options page" is still not working IDE RSP-37367
Duplicate env entries in Debug Options when setting them through IOTABuildConfiguration IDE RSP-36628
Can't open New Edit Window when editor is opened on a markdown file IDE RSP-39096
Cannot add data module to FireMonkey application if target is set to iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit IDE RSP-39159
Help Insight window too small for methods without parameters IDE RSP-39408
Tools/Options display issue IDE RSP-39279
Wrong value for ClientWidth and/or ClientHeight gets saved to exe IDE RSP-36081
Crash on second edit window close IDE RSP-36043
Application can't be deployed to Android device IDE RSP-34921
Variables named as reserved word stop Code Completeion IDE RSP-35771
Weird tab behaviour in Debugger Exception Notification dialog IDE RSP-38549
Debug Problem: contents of variables not shown when cursor positioned on it IDE RSP-34979
VCL Designer Guidelines not scaled to HighDPI IDE RSP-37409
Ctrl+Up/Down navigation jumps to wrong function or does nothing IDE RSP-36349
With taskbar autohide on and IDE maximized the taskbar is not shown when mouse cursor on it IDE RSP-34538
Not enough Space for German Strings in editor for ActionManager IDE RSP-34839
"Import Component.." or TLIBIMP.EXE generates pas file that contains an invalid character IDE RSP-17082
Inconsistent DeployFile sort order in .dproj IDE RSP-18069
Navigate to method implementation/declaration has problems with class methods IDE RSP-18078
IDE shortcuts to jump between method decl and impl only works sometimes IDE RSP-35708
XML Comment display Err IDE RSP-40184
Truncated German radio button IDE RSP-39985
Access violation when open html file IDE RSP-39858
Keyboard shortcut "Alt+T" no longer works in replace dialog IDE RSP-39746
Sync Edit Mode Icon not updated IDE RSP-39046
Errors appear in the Structure pane when opening Markdown files IDE RSP-39039
Form design issue IDE RSP-39496
text truncated for french release on "file / Open from version control / git" dialog IDE RSP-32627
Wrong build number for EMSDevServerCommand and EMSDevConsoleCommand IDE RSP-29569
[DelphiLSP] Hover static method implementation does not work IDE RSP-33100
"Remove from Project" prompting behaviour is inconsistent IDE RSP-31056
Code Insight doesn't work correctly in uses IDE RSP-22912
IDE blocks the taskbar in full screen mode IDE RSP-21803
Shipped Subversion binaries are outdated IDE RSP-37323
"Jumping Components" in HighDPI mode IDE RSP-38100
[PAClient Error] Error: E0264 (' or , caractere in certificate) IDE RSP-40481
Delphi 11.2 Error new project compile IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-39461
When compiling a project I often get an error IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-38776
LSP issue [relative paths in uses clause] IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-36058
[Error Insight] Wrong identifier marked for W1036 IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33399
syntax highlighting of not compiled Code IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-39393
XMLDOC/HelpInsight not showing first parameter IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-35205
Auto track doesn't seem to work IDE, IDE\General RSP-11627
Adding jar libraries to an Android project fails if the jar files are read-only IDE, IDE\Project Manager RSP-39508
Android32 not linking IDE, IDE\Project Manager RSP-39217
Android 64bits Service wizard do not attach the service IDE, IDE\Project Manager, IDE\Projects RSP-26674
Delphi 11.2 GetIt fails to install Mobile Permissions Component IDE, Install\GetIt RSP-39720
wrong french translation in the IDE IDE, Translation RSP-35996
Form designer popup menu dos not display submenu arrows IDE, VCL RSP-37833
Ado Controls shift to Right side and disappears from current view of the screen. IDE, VCL RSP-38946
[German localization] Button text in TImageCollection's TImageList import dialog truncated IDE, VCL RSP-38872
Android platforms need path to packages in Library path Install RSP-39410
Installer does not refresh available space to reflect changes on filesystem Install RSP-37471
List index out of bounds (-1) error when installing Install RSP-35123
Prevent MigrationTool / GetIt from importing irrelevant packages Install RSP-39131
2 times $(BDSUSERDIR)\Imports\$(Platform); in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\Library\Win64 Install RSP-39522
BDS icon assigned to .groupproj file association Install RSP-17562
AppWave:HIGH vulnerability “Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration” -eliseService.exe Install RSP-39738
installer incorrectly launches IE browser Install RSP-33460
description panel for license dependency dialog box height too short (FR) Install, Install\GetIt RSP-37638
Apparent bug in linker (ld) when using Facebook Audience Network on iOS Linker RSP-27697
PAServer can't write passfile PAServer RSP-39447
TMethodImplementationIntercept symbol exported when System.Rtti is included RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-29914
TParallel.for freezes when call TThread.Syncronize RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38622
TActiveXPropertyPage.Destroy is missing call to inherited Destroy RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38381
Access Violation in TValue RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-33614
Avoid using rep stos in TObject.InitInstance RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-40409
Better _InitializeRecord RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38579
Better _InitializeArray RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38633
Japanese translation mistake in format string RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-40402
Wrong value in EraOffset in EraInfo of TFormatSettings. RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38826
TPath.GetDownloadsPath throws External exception C06D007F in Windows XP RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-36774
StrToSQLTimeStampOffset raise exception: Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-39665
string.StartsWith fail if string contains #0 (introduced in 11.2) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-39548
TGroupCollection.GetItem should consider varInt64 as Index VarType RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38926
Programmer defined TrueBoolStrs and FalseBoolStrs disrupt Delphi libraries RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38945
Incorrect parsing of ISO8601 Time when no TZ is specified RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38376
Concurrency issues in TTetheringManagerCommunicationThread destructor RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38384
Win64 - System.ObjAuto.pas - There are no stack unwind information for TBaseMethodHandlerInstance.RegisterStub RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-19130
TZipfile, ZIP64 Support broken (Invalid Zip Local Header signature) RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-40191
Wrong text for TAzureBlobService.ListBlobs include value RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-40123
[macOS 64] Inadequate exception handling mechanism RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-27198
More compact error handling in SysUtils helper Parse methods RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-34696
Better Move RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38613
TTreeNode - Show wrong text and access violation RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-39958
A critical vulnerability (CVSS Score 9.8) Zlib- inflateGetHeader affected RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-39737
Microoptimization in TThread.SpinWait RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38516
Webbroker Apps raising exception with ANSI encoded URL and some Chars RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38930
PPL can crash with an AV in TTask.InternalAddCompleteEvent because of a race condition RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-40169
Unable to use proxy with macOS target RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-40392
Access violation in TnetHttpClient When we try to grab an https url that do not have a common name in it's SSL Certificate RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-40444
CookieManager fails to deal with cookie on redirection to different domain RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-35334
Assigning a custom web node to THTTPRIO results in access of freed memory on destroy SOAP RSP-40023
Adapt background color of TTouchKeyboard to active style VCL RSP-36902
TListView icons are not scaled with system dpi set to 150% VCL RSP-36979
AV when activating popup menu without active form VCL RSP-39562
InputBox, InputQuery vanish BEHIND parent form, when it´s FormStyle := fsStayOnTop. VCL RSP-30091
Canvas size of custom button on TTitleBarPanel is fixed irrespective of width or height of button VCL RSP-34660
ActionColorMaps not working VCL RSP-36237
Wrong icon in MessageDlg dialog with mtConfirmation VCL RSP-31447
TShellTreeView crashes on 64bit when UseShellImages:=True VCL RSP-38488
Styled TRadioGroup flashes black when enabled/disabled VCL RSP-31340
Disabled TTreeNode paints different from normal background when a Style is applied VCL RSP-37150
TListView column header order doesn't match the order of listitem's subitems VCL RSP-18234
DPI scaling broken in 10.4 VCL for checkbox and radio buttons VCL RSP-30892
Entering multi-digit numbers into TNumberBox fails if first digit is < MinValue VCL RSP-36944
Crash error produced when in second form change the custom style VCL RSP-29288
Different compiling results depending on dpi-settings in ide / compared with Delphi 11 VCL RSP-37424
TComboBox DropDownCount after 2x MonitorDPIChange is wrong 100% => 200 % = 100% VCL RSP-30929
Action ImageIndex takes precedence over TToolButton ImageIndex when using styles VCL RSP-37682
TBalloonHint.ShowHint not positioning properly VCL RSP-39523
[Regression] TBalloonHint opens at mouse pos instead of specified position VCL RSP-39075
TAction.ActionComponent is not cleared after Execute VCL RSP-36487
TDateTimePicker doesn't check if it has a handle in CMFontChanged VCL RSP-40269
Changing TBitmap.PixelFormat to pf15Bit is reported as pfCustom VCL RSP-40361
TCheckListBox created at runtime doesn't work correct with high DPI VCL RSP-37698
TCheckListBox drawing issues when main monitor is set to high dpi (150%) VCL RSP-40404
DrawMenuItem not working with custom styles VCL RSP-37957
TControlList Dragmode=dmAutomatic works not correct VCL RSP-38957
Using ListView->StateImages corrupts ListView->SmallImages when DPI changes, when using Windows ImageList VCL RSP-37910
TImageCollection Delete(0) does not delete the first and only item from the collection VCL RSP-37854
ImageList->GetIcon(Index, Icon) does not work for Form VCL RSP-37893
F2084 Internal Error: URW8074 (Konopka) VCL RSP-40449
Displaying TPopupActionBar on different DPI monitors is very slow. VCL RSP-39387
TComboBoxEx Paint Error VCL RSP-40172
TDateTimePicker wrong selection VCL RSP-37965
Grid lines in TDBGrid do not scale when TForm.Scaled is true VCL RSP-39691
ListView style text color VCL RSP-38216
TDockTabSet Demo Error VCL RSP-38160
TListView painting issue in form designer when new column is moved VCL RSP-37974
CustomTitleBar caption "glued" to the left margin of the titlebar (no left margin) VCL RSP-36890
Background color of selected TListView item gets darker when checkbox is toggled VCL RSP-36877
HiDpi - Per monitor - TTreeView - Moving forms with tree view between monitors become extreme slow if lots of tree nodes in the tree view VCL RSP-36791
TListView items don't show hot state when hovered over, when a Style is applied VCL RSP-37051
TListView.Items.Count returns 0 if no handle allocated VCL RSP-38755
ComboBox with bidimode RightToLeft alignment not working VCL RSP-39114
Ampersand ('&') character in some captions VCL RSP-39303
UnregisterStyleHook causes an Access Violation VCL RSP-39197
TCustomHeaderControl.ChangeScale dont Scale MinWidth/MaxWidth VCL RSP-39102
Form.Close of second Form ignored when called from a MainMenu in a Styled application VCL RSP-39549
Delphi 10.4.2 and 11.1: Assigning "glyph" property of TBitBtn to "nil" when a "kind" is assigned does not remove glyph VCL RSP-38902
Windows 11 - TDBGrid small selection VCL RSP-36072
Delphi 11 patch 1 - TColorDialog - Is not HiDpi Per-Monitor enabled VCL RSP-36222
Form with CustomTitlebar doesn't display correctly when size changed before the form is displayed VCL RSP-36291
ComboBox wrong DropDownWith when font size is changed VCL RSP-36496
Checkboxes and radiobuttons are scaled incorrectly when forms Scaled property is False and application is styled VCL RSP-35788
Access violation when attempting to replace an item in a TImageCollection VCL RSP-37853
TStringGrid cells in Edit mode are drawn corrupted when monitor's DPI setting changes VCL RSP-38479
Font size of TStringGrid Canvas not updated when monitor's DPI setting changes VCL RSP-38443
Wrong tabSheet title position if vcl skin used and ImageIndex=-1 VCL RSP-37772
TComboBoxEx doesn't honor OverlayImageIndex VCL RSP-37872
The TListView Component Resets the Column Order when Reconnecting to a RDP/Citrix Session VCL RSP-37286
AV in vcl280.bpl attempting to change TToolButton image index VCL RSP-37681
PageControl Tabsheet caption not correct when bidimode=RightToLeft with VCL style VCL RSP-37637
ComboBox with bidimode RightToLeft alignment not working with VCL style VCL RSP-37634
TTreeView on TFrame DPI scaling bug VCL RSP-36317
The VCL TBitmap Load Some bmp File Image is upside down. VCL RSP-20568
TPngImage does not handle WinAPI errors. VCL RSP-19648
TPngImage.Assign raises EAccessViolation if source bitmap is too large VCL RSP-14151
TControlListButton not show cursor Handpoint VCL RSP-39560
TrackBar discards assignment VCL RSP-39564
TDateTimePicher DateTime not properly set under certain conditions VCL RSP-39472
Invisible listview on DPI change can cause exception class EReadError with message 'Stream read error' VCL RSP-39459
Frames with bottom anchored controls not positioning properly VCL RSP-33623
TBitbtn does not show image assigned with TImageList if runtime themes are disabled VCL RSP-33227
MDI Forms Close issue when using styles - introduced 10.4.2 VCL RSP-33521
Common Dialogs don't support Per Monitor V2 VCL RSP-34122
TVirtualImageList.DoDraw does not take BkColor and BlendColor into account VCL RSP-29438
TImageList Draw disabled no longer draws grayscale with transparency VCL RSP-33050
VirtualImageList.UpdateImageList called twice on DPI change VCL RSP-30931
Wrong calculation of distance betweeen icon and text in a TTreeView when screen scaling is larger than 250% VCL RSP-38615
KSVC 7.0 Bug add component VCL RSP-39436
HiDPI Designer: THotkey and TScrollbar have double height VCL RSP-35114
[VCL] Use TActionList to link TVirtualImageList with icons that cannot be displayed on the button VCL RSP-32519
Application crashes on exit if a custom style has been active VCL RSP-38114
TStringGrid scroll bars not updated when GridLineWidth changed VCL RSP-38999
Changing style 2x re-enables modal dialog's parent VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-38899
Bug with VCLStyles VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-37839
Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-35176

See Also