Creating a FireMonkey 3D Application with Animation Effects

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Go Up to Tutorial: Creating a FireMonkey 3D Application

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a FireMonkey 3D application and how to add an animation to a 3D object without writing any code.

Creating a FireMonkey 3D Application

  1. Select File > New > Multi-Device Application - Delphi. On the Multi-Device Application wizard, choose 3D Application and press the OK button.
  2. The Form Designer appears, displaying a FMX.Forms3D.TForm3D.

Adding Components

From the Tool Palette, add the following FireMonkey 3D components (by entering the component name in the Search field):

3D Cube.jpg

Adjusting Components

  1. In the Form Designer, adjust the position and size of the FireMonkey 3D component to suit your needs:
    • To move an object, simply drag and drop.
    • To rotate a 3D component, use the three blue handles that appear when you click the component. Each handle rotates the component in the associated plane in space (that is, the x, y, or z vertex). When you click a handle, it becomes red to indicate that it is the active handle. Note: You can also use the RotationAngle properties in the Object Inspector (x, y, and z).
    • To resize a component, use the resizer control, which is a small blue cube located on one corner of the component. The resizer works in one dimension at a time; the resizer is red on the side of the cube that is the selected (active) dimension. Note: You can also use the properties in the Object Inspector (for TCube, the size-related properties are Depth, Width, and Height).
  2. To change the material of the cube:
  3. To add animation effects to the cube:
  4. Press F9 to compile, build, and run the application.
1 2 3 4
Run1.jpg Run2.jpg Run3.jpg Run4.jpg

See Also
