Sandboxing Your macOS Application

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Sandboxing restricts the access of an application to system resources and is one way that Apple ensures that apps are safe and do not contain any malware. You must sandbox your macOS applications if you want to submit them to the Mac App Store.

This topic describes how to sandbox your macOS applications using the RAD Studio IDE. If you cannot use the IDE for the sandboxing process, you can alternatively sandbox your application manually.


Before you sandbox your macOS application, you must:

Generating a Sandboxed Application Package

Project prepared for generating a sandboxed package.

To generate a sandboxed application package file of your macOS application:

  1. Run the Platform Assistant on the Mac.
  2. On the Projects Window:
    1. Expand the Build Configurations node and double-click the Release configuration, or any other platform-agnostic configuration that you want to use to build your sandboxed application package.
    2. Expand the Target Platforms node and double-click the macOS target platform to select that platform. The selected target platform is displayed using a bold font.
    3. Expand the macOS node, expand the Configuration node within, and double-click the Application Store platform configuration node to select that platform configuration. The selected platform configuration is displayed using a bold font.
  3. Build your project on RAD Studio.
  4. Select Project > Deployment and click the Deploy DMgrDeploy.png button to deploy your application.

RAD Studio builds your application using the SDK you previously added to the IDE, connects to your Mac using the connection profile you configured for the macOS platform, and the Platform Assistant running on the Mac generates a sandboxed application package file of your application.

You can submit this package to the Mac App Store.

See Also