Data.Bind.DBXScope.TSubSQLDataSet Methods
_AddRef | protected | Called when an application uses a component interface. |
_Release | protected | Called when an application releases a component interface. |
ActivateBuffers | protected | Activates the buffers for the active record. |
ActiveBuffer | public | Returns a pointer to the buffer for the active record. |
AddFieldDesc | protected | |
AddIndexDefs | protected | |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
AllocRecordBuffer | protected | Allocates memory for the record buffer. |
Append | public | Adds a new, empty record to the end of the dataset. |
AppendRecord | public | Adds a new, populated record to the end of the dataset and posts it. |
Assign | public | Copies the contents of another similar object. |
AssignTo | protected | Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. |
AsyncSchedule | protected | Schedules asynch method calls. |
BeforeDestruction | public | Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. |
BeginInvoke | public | Performs an asynchronous call to the method specified by either AProc or AFunc . |
BindFields | protected | Binds the TField components to the physical fields. |
BlockReadNext | protected | Moves to the record from the next block and reads it. |
BookmarkAvailable | protected | Verifies whether there is a bookmark available. |
BookmarkValid | public | Indicates the validity of a specified bookmark. |
CalculateFields (deprecated) | protected | Calculates the lookup fields. |
Cancel | public | Cancels modifications to the active record if those changes are not yet posted. |
CanObserve | protected | |
ChangeName | protected | Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName . |
CheckActive | protected | Checks whether the dataset is active. |
CheckBiDirectional | protected | Checks whether the dataset is bidirectional. |
CheckBrowseMode | public | Automatically posts or cancels data changes when the active record changes. |
CheckDisposed | protected | This method is deprecated. |
CheckFieldCompatibility | protected | Checks the compatibility of a field. |
CheckInactive | protected | Checks whether the dataset is inactive. |
CheckPrepareError | protected | |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
ClearBuffers | protected | Clears the buffers for the active record. |
ClearCalcFields (deprecated) | protected | Clears the lookup and calculated fields. |
ClearFields | public | Clears the contents of all fields for the active record. |
ClearIndexDefs | protected | |
Close | public | Closes a dataset. |
CloseBlob | protected | Closes a binary large object field. |
CloseCursor | protected | |
CloseStatement | protected | |
CompareBookmarks | public | Implements a virtual function to compare two bookmarks. |
ControlsDisabled | public | Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the dataset. |
CopyFields | public | CopyFields copies the field definition structure of another dataset. |
Create | public | |
CreateBlobStream | public | Creates a blob stream for a Binary large object (BLOB) field in the dataset. |
CreateFields | protected | Creates the automatic fields. |
CreateNestedDataSet | protected | Creates a nested dataset. |
CursorPosChanged | public | Marks the internal cursor position as invalid. |
DataConvert (deprecated) | protected | Converts the data depending on the field type. |
DataEvent | protected | Notifies the attached dataset about a specific event. |
DefaultFields (deprecated) | public | Indicates whether a dataset's underlying field components are generated dynamically when the dataset is opened. |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
DefChanged | protected | Event handler that updates the field definition. |
DefineProperties | protected | |
Delete | public | Deletes the active record and positions the dataset on the next record. |
Destroy | public | |
DestroyComponents | public | Destroys all owned components. |
DestroyFields | protected | Destroys the dataset automatic fields. |
Destroying | public | Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. |
DisableControls | public | Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DisposeOf | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoAfterCancel | protected | AfterCancel event dispatcher. |
DoAfterClose | protected | AfterClose event dispatcher. |
DoAfterDelete | protected | AfterDelete event dispatcher. |
DoAfterEdit | protected | AfterEdit event dispatcher. |
DoAfterInsert | protected | AfterInsert event dispatcher. |
DoAfterOpen | protected | AfterOpen event dispatcher. |
DoAfterPost | protected | AfterPost event dispatcher. |
DoAfterRefresh | protected | AfterRefresh event dispatcher. |
DoAfterScroll | protected | AfterScroll event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeCancel | protected | BeforeCancel event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeClose | protected | BeforeClose event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeDelete | protected | BeforeDelete event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeEdit | protected | BeforeEdit event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeInsert | protected | BeforeInsert event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeOpen | protected | BeforeOpen event dispatcher. |
DoBeforePost | protected | BeforePost event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeRefresh | protected | BeforeRefresh event dispatcher. |
DoBeforeScroll | protected | BeforeScroll event dispatcher. |
DoOnCalcFields | protected | OnCalcFields event dispatcher. |
DoOnNewRecord | protected | OnNewRecord event dispatcher. |
Edit | public | Enables editing of data in the dataset. |
EnableControls | public | Re-enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. |
EndFunctionInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
EndInvoke | public | Blocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes. |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
ExecSQL | public | Executes a query or stored procedure that does not return a set of records. |
ExecuteAction | public | Executes an action. |
ExecuteStatement | protected | |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
FieldByName | public | Finds a field based on its name. |
FieldByNumber | protected | Finds a field based on the ordinal position of its column in the underlying table or query. |
FindComponent | public | Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. |
FindField | public | Searches for a specified field in the dataset. |
FindFirst | public | Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the first record, respecting any filters. |
FindLast | public | Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the last record, respecting any filters. |
FindNext | public | Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the next record, respecting any filters. |
FindPrior | public | Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the previous record, respecting any filters. |
FindRecord | protected | Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on a specific record, respecting any filters. |
First | public | Moves to the first record in the dataset. |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeBookmark | public | Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark (somewhat obsolete). |
FreeBuffers | protected | |
FreeCommand | protected | |
FreeFieldBuffers | protected | Frees the field buffers. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
FreeNotification | public | Ensures that AComponent is notified that the component is going to be destroyed. |
FreeOnRelease | public | Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. |
FreeReader | protected | |
FreeRecordBuffer | protected | Frees the record buffer. |
GetAggFieldsClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for the aggregate fields. |
GetAggRecordCount | protected | Returns the number of aggregate fields. |
GetAggregateValue | protected | Returns the value for an aggregate field. |
GetBlobFieldData | public | Retrieves the current value of a BLOB field into a buffer. |
GetBookmark | public | Allocates a bookmark for the active record in the dataset. |
GetBookmarkData (deprecated) | protected | Gets the bookmark for the record buffer given by the parameter. |
GetBookmarkFlag (deprecated) | protected | Gets the bookmark flag for the record buffer given by the parameter. |
GetBookmarkStr (deprecated) | protected | Gets a bookmark represented as a string. |
GetCalcFields (deprecated) | protected | Computes the lookup and calculated fields and updates the status. |
GetCalcFieldTypes | protected | |
GetCanModify | protected | |
GetCanRefresh | protected | |
GetCheckConstraintsClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for TCheckConstraints. |
GetChildOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildParent | protected | Returns the parent or, if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. |
GetChildren | protected | Enumerates all the owned datasets that are also owned by the specified TComponent. |
GetClonedDataSet | public | Creates a new instance of the TDataSet derived class and clones the structure and data of this dataset to the new instance. |
GetCommandNames | public | |
GetCurrentRecord (deprecated) | public | Implements a virtual function to retrieve the current record in a buffer. |
GetDataSource | protected | |
GetDeltaStreams | protected | |
GetDetailDataSets (deprecated) | public | Fills a list with a dataset for every detail dataset that is not the value of a nested dataset field. |
GetDetailLinkFields (deprecated) | public | Lists the field components that link this dataset as a detail of a master dataset. |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetEnumerator | public | Returns a TComponent enumerator. |
GetFieldClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for a field class. |
GetFieldData (deprecated) | public | Retrieves the current value of a field into a buffer. |
GetFieldDefListClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for a field definition list class. |
GetFieldDefsClass | protected | Returns the metaclass of the TFieldDefs class. |
GetFieldFullName | protected | Returns the full name of the field. |
GetFieldList (deprecated) | public | Retrieves a specified set of field objects into a list. |
GetFieldListClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for a field list class. |
GetFieldNames | public | Retrieves a list of names for all fields in a dataset. |
GetFieldsClass | protected | Returns the TFields descendant metaclass. |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetIDsOfNames | protected | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). |
GetIndexDefs | protected | Returns the definitions of all specified indexes defined for the dataset. |
GetIndexDefsClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for an index definition list. |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetIsIndexField | protected | Checks whether the given field is an index field. |
GetKeyFieldNames | public | Fills a list with the names of all fields in all indexes defined for the dataset. |
GetLookupListClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for a lookup field list class. |
GetModifiedBlobCached | protected | |
GetNamePath | public | Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. |
GetNextRecord | protected | Moves to the next record. |
GetNextRecords | protected | Moves to the last record of the dataset. |
GetObjectTypeNames | protected | |
GetObservers | protected | Getter of Observers. |
GetOutputParams | protected | |
GetOwner | protected | Returns the owner of a component. |
GetParamsClass | protected | Returns the metaclass for a list of field parameters. |
GetParentComponent | public | Returns the containing component. |
GetPriorRecord | protected | Moves to the prior record. |
GetPriorRecords | protected | Moves to the first record of the dataset. |
GetQuoteChar | public | Returns the character or characters to use in generated SQL statements to enclose quoted strings. |
GetRecNo | protected | Returns the position of the active record in the dataset. GetRecNo is a getter method for the RecNo property. |
GetRecord (deprecated) | protected | |
GetRecordCount | protected | |
GetRecordSize | protected | Returns the size of a record in the dataset. |
GetSortFieldNames | protected | |
GetStateFieldValue | protected | Returns a Field as a Variant. |
GetTypeInfo | protected | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | protected | Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). |
GotoBookmark | public | Implements a virtual method to position the dataset on the record to which a specified bookmark points. |
HasParent | public | Verifies whether the component has a parent. |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitFieldDefs | protected | Initializes the field definitions. |
InitFieldDefsFromFields | protected | Initializes the field definitions from persistent fields. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InitRecord (deprecated) | protected | |
Insert | public | Inserts a new, empty record in the dataset. |
InsertComponent | public | Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. |
InsertRecord | public | Inserts a new, populated record to the dataset and posts it. |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
InternalAddRecord (deprecated) | protected | Adds a record to the dataset. |
InternalCancel | protected | Cancels the modification made to the current record of the dataset. |
InternalClose | protected | |
InternalDelete | protected | Used internally to delete the current record. |
InternalEdit | protected | Used to edit the current record from the dataset. |
InternalFirst | protected | Moves to a position "before" the first record of the dataset. |
InternalFreeCommand | protected | |
InternalGotoBookmark (deprecated) | protected | Moves to the record with the given bookmark. |
InternalHandleException | protected | |
InternalInitFieldDefs | protected | |
InternalInitRecord (deprecated) | protected | Initializes a record buffer. |
InternalInsert | protected | Used to insert an empty record in the dataset. |
InternalLast | protected | Moves to a position "after" the last record of the dataset. |
InternalOpen | protected | |
InternalPost | protected | Used to post data in the dataset. |
InternalRefresh | protected | |
InternalSetToRecord (deprecated) | protected | Moves to the record with the given record buffer. |
Invoke | protected | Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. |
IsCursorOpen | protected | |
IsEmpty | public | Indicates whether the dataset contains no records. |
IsImplementorOf | public | Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. |
IsLinkedTo | public | Indicates whether a dataset is linked to a specified data source. |
IsSequenced | public | Indicates whether the dataset can use record numbers to indicate the order of records. |
Last | public | Moves to the last record in the dataset. |
Loaded | protected | |
Locate | public | Implements a virtual method for searching a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record. |
LocateRecord | protected | Implements a virtual method for searching a dataset for a specified record and making it the active record. |
Lookup | public | Implements a virtual method to retrieve field values from a record that matches specified search values. |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
MoveBy | public | Moves to another record relative to the active record in the dataset. |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
Next | public | Moves to the next record in the dataset. |
Notification | protected | Forwards notification messages to all owned components. |
ObserverAdded | protected | |
Open | public | Opens the dataset. |
OpenCursor | protected | |
OpenCursorComplete | protected | Opens the database cursor and triggers an AfterOpen event. |
OpenParentDataSet | protected | Opens the parent dataset. |
OpenSchema | protected | |
operator [] | public | |
operator () | public | |
ParamByName | public | Locates a parameter in the Params property collection. |
Post | public | Implements a virtual method to write a modified record to the database or change log. |
PrepareStatement | public | Performs a prepare on the SQL statement. |
Prior | public | Moves to the previous record in the dataset. |
PropertyChanged | protected | |
PSEndTransaction | protected | |
PSExecute | protected | |
PSExecuteStatement (deprecated) | protected | |
PSGetAttributes | protected | |
PSGetCommandText | protected | |
PSGetCommandType | protected | |
PSGetDefaultOrder | protected | |
PSGetIndexDefs | protected | |
PSGetKeyFields | protected | |
PSGetParams | protected | |
PSGetQuoteChar | protected | |
PSGetTableName | protected | |
PSGetUpdateException | protected | |
PSInTransaction | protected | |
PSIsSQLBased | protected | |
PSIsSQLSupported | protected | |
PSReset | protected | |
PSSetCommandText | protected | |
PSSetParams | protected | |
PSStartTransaction | protected | |
PSUpdateRecord | protected | |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
QueryInterface | protected | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the current component supports that interface. |
ReadState | protected | Reads the state of the component. |
ReferenceInterface | public | Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. |
Refresh | public | Re-fetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data. |
RefreshInternalCalcFields (deprecated) | protected | Refreshes the calculated fields. |
RemoveComponent | public | Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. |
RemoveFreeNotification | public | Disables the destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification. |
RemoveFreeNotifications | protected | Notifies all owned components of the owner component's imminent destruction. |
ResetAggField | protected | Resets the aggregate field. |
RestoreState | protected | Restores the operating mode of the dataset to the given value. |
Resync | public | Re-fetches the active record and the records that precede and follow it. |
SafeCallException | public | Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. |
SetActive | protected | Changes the dataset's state to active. |
SetAncestor | protected | Clears or sets csAncestor state in the component's ComponentState property. |
SetBlockReadSize | protected | Setter method for BlockReadSize. |
SetBof | protected | |
SetBookmarkData (deprecated) | protected | Sets the bookmark for the record buffer given by the parameter. |
SetBookmarkFlag (deprecated) | protected | Sets the bookmark flag for the record buffer given by the parameter. |
SetBookmarkStr (deprecated) | protected | Sets a bookmark represented as a string. |
SetBufListSize | protected | |
SetChildOrder | protected | Sets the visual ordering of a child dataset. |
SetCommandText | protected | |
SetCurrentRecord | protected | Moves to the record given by the index. |
SetDataSetField | protected | Sets the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset. |
SetDefaultFields (deprecated) | protected | Specifies whether a dataset's underlying field components are generated dynamically when the dataset is opened. |
SetDesigning | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetDesignInstance | protected | Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. |
SetEof | protected | |
SetFCommandText | protected | |
SetFieldData (deprecated) | protected | |
SetFieldDefProps | protected | Sets the properties of the specified FieldDef from the Field parameter. |
SetFieldProps | protected | Sets the properties of the specified Field from the FieldDef parameter. |
SetFields | public | Sets the values for all fields in a record |
SetFiltered | protected | Setter method for Filtered. |
SetFilterOptions | protected | Setter method for FilterOptions. |
SetFilterText | protected | Setter method for Filter. |
SetFound | protected | Sets a "found" flag. |
SetInline | protected | Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property. |
SetMaxBlobSize | protected | |
SetModified | protected | Used internally to set the Modified property. |
SetName | protected | |
SetObjectView | protected | Sets the ObjectView property. |
SetOnFilterRecord | protected | OnFilterRecord event setter method. |
SetParamsFromCursor | protected | |
SetParentComponent | protected | Sets the parent component. |
SetRecNo | protected | Sets the active record in the dataset. |
SetSchemaInfo | public | Indicates whether the dataset represents metadata from the server, and if so, what kind. |
SetSortFieldNames | protected | |
SetState | protected | Sets the dataset's state. |
SetStateFieldValue | protected | Sets a Field to a Value . |
SetSubComponent | public | Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. |
SetTempState | protected | Restores the operating mode of the dataset to the given value. |
SetUniDirectional | protected | Sets the dataset type: unidirectional or not. |
SetValidatingField | protected | |
TempBuffer | protected | Returns a temporary buffer. |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
Translate | public | Implements a virtual procedure to copy a data string from a source to a destination, optionally performing character translation during the copy. |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
UpdateAction | public | Updates the state of an action. |
UpdateBufferCount | protected | Updates the buffer count. |
UpdateCursorPos | public | Positions the cursor on the active record. |
Updated | protected | Clears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating. |
UpdateIndexDefs | protected | |
UpdateRecord | public | Ensures that data-aware controls and detail datasets reflect record updates. |
UpdateRegistry | protected | Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. |
UpdateStatus | public | Reports the update status for the active record. |
Updating | protected | Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. |
ValidateContainer | protected | Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. |
ValidateInsert | protected | Provides the interface for a method that validates a child component before it is inserted. |
ValidateRename | protected | Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create a name conflict. |
WriteState | protected | Writes the state of the component. |