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TDBXPropertyNames = class


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TDBXPropertyNames : public System::TObject


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
Data.DBXCommon Data.DBXCommon


Property names for connections and drivers.

Property names are used for both connections and drivers to provide information, such as user names and passwords.

The following table contains property names:

Constant Description


Name of connection. If connection properties are read from the dbxconnections.ini file, this is the ini file section name. AdoDbx Client can use this property setting for a simple one property connection string. Connection names can also be used to load a connection from a TDBXConnectionFactory instance.


dbxdrivers.ini section that specifies which drivers are enabled.


Used by DBXDynalink drivers to specify the exported entry point for loading a driver prior to dbExpress 4.


Used by DBXDynalink drivers. Name of a vendor-specific client library.


Used only by Linux versions of dbExpress to specify a localized error message file.


Used by DBXDynalink drivers to specify the name of the DBXDynalink DLL.


Unique name for a dbExpress driver. Used by the dbxconnections.ini file to refer to a connections driver in the dbxdrivers.ini file.


Host name of a database server that a driver connects to.


Port number of a database server that a driver connects to.


Name of a database to connect to.


Login user name used to connect to a database.


Login password name used to connect to a database.


Login role used to connect to a database.


Initial transaction isolation to use when connecting to a database. Transaction isolation can also be specified when a transaction is started.


Maximum BLOB size. Set to –1 to specify no limit.


Delegate connection used by this connection. Delegate connections implement the dbExpress 4 driver framework. They can perform pre- or post-processing of all public and protected methods before delegating to the real connection or another delegate connection.


Used to provide an informative error message when driver cannot be loaded.


Used to load a native driver dynamically.

Deprecated. Preferable to just add a comma plus the package name to the end of the DriverPackageLoader property setting.


Indicates that this driver is a delegate and can only be used in conjunction with a nondelegate driver.


Used to load a managed driver dynamically.

Deprecated. Preferable to just add a comma plus the package name to the end of the DriverPackageLoader property setting.


Native Driver loader class used to load a native driver dynamically from a package. Comma-separated class and package name.


Managed Driver loader class used to load a managed driver dynamically from an assembly. Comma-separated class and package name.


Indicates that this driver is a delegate and can only be used in conjunction with a nondelegate driver.


Most applications should not need to use this constant. It is provided for backwards compatibility of the dbExpress VCL. VCL components use this setting to scope metadata requests. This property should be set to user-name.override-schema-name. For example, tables created by the MSSQL sa user are placed in the dbo schema. In this case, SchemaOverride can be set to 'sa.dbo'. This causes VCL to specify the 'dbo' schema for metadata requests when a connection is made using the 'sa' user. An SQL '%' like pattern can also be used for the user-name and the override-schema-name. For example, '%.%' causes the schema not to be specified at all for all users.


Native MetaData loader class used to load a native driver dynamically from a package.


Managed MetaData loader class used to load a managed driver dynamically from an assembly.


Can be specified as a driver property as an override of the TDBXConnection.ProductVersion property. This may be necessary for drivers that do not have the ability to report the product version. The ProductVersion is a number in the format nn.nn.nnnn.


Provides the product name for the dbExpress metadata.


When connecting to a DataSnap server, this is the name of a server method that returns an instance of a TDBXConnection. All SQL statements and SQL stored procedure commands are executed against this TDBXConnection instance. This allows client and server methods to share the same database connection. There is a built-in DSAdmin.GetConnection method that takes a single input parameter, which is the name of a connection in the server-side dbxconnections.ini file and returns a TDBXConnection instance. For example, to set the ServerConnection using this server method for a connection called "myoracleconnection", set ServerConnection: ServerConnection=DSAdmin.GetConnection("myoracleconnection"). Alternatively you can implement your own server method that returns a TDBXConnection instance.


This can be passed to the TDBXConnection.GetVendorProperty method to determine whether the driver supports parameter metadata. If parameter metadata is supported, executing the TDBXCommand.Prepare method causes the TDBXCommand parameter list to be automatically populated with parameters for the command. Note that if parameters were already added to the command, parameters are not automatically added.


Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a new connection to be opened. If the specified time expires, an exception is thrown. Not all drivers support this operation.


Buffer size in kilobytes to use for client driver transport read and write operations. Currently used by DBXClient.


If True, dynalink drivers will automatically unload their dll when there are no open connections left that use the driver.


Specifies the communication protocol.


Specifies the path to a DataSnap server web application. For example, you can use URLPath to specify the virtual directory of a DataSnap server ISAPI dll.


Specifies the user name that is recognized by the DataSnap server. This is a different concept than a database user that is used for creating a database connection.


Specifies a password required for a DataSnap user to authenticate with the server.


Specifies the maximum time to wait for a data packet to be exchanged. When the specified time expires, an exception is thrown. Not all drivers support this operation.


Specifies a key for filters' configuration.


Specifies a key for a URL path toward DataSnap HTTP service.

See Also