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procedure RegisterHolderClsMember(ClsTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const URI: InvString = ''; const Name: InvString = ''; const ExtName: InvString = '');


void __fastcall RegisterHolderClsMember(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ClsTypeInfo, const System::UnicodeString URI = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString Name = System::UnicodeString(), const System::UnicodeString ExtName = System::UnicodeString());


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Soap.InvokeRegistry TRemotableTypeRegistry


Registers a remotable type whose type information must be extracted from a holder class.

Use RegisterHolderClsMember to register a type that is used as the type of the only published property of a holder class. This method is used primarily for C++ applications, which can contain types that require a holder class so that the compiler can extract their runtime type information (RTTI). If the holder class contains more than one published property, use the RegisterXSInfo method after extracting the type information from the property using the global GetClsMemberTypeInfo function.

Info points to the type information of the holder class that has a single published member whose type you want to register.

URI is the namespace URI to associate with the type that is registered. This should uniquely identify the type. If you omit this parameter or supply an empty string, RegisterXSInfo generates a namespace URI for you, based on the name of the type, the name of the unit in which it is declared, and the value of the global AppNameSpacePrefix variable. Note that the namespace URI must be the same in both client and server applications. In Delphi, if you do not explicitly supply a namespace URI, the class must be declared in a unit with the same name, and the value of AppNameSpacePrefix must be the same in both applications. In C++, the client application must always explicitly supply a namespace.

Name is the name of the type as it appears in native code.

ExtName is the name of the type as it appears in encoded method calls and WSDL documents.

See Also