AppWave™ 5.1 Common FAQs
Always make sure to consult the README for late breaking updates at ReadMe file.
For additional help please refer to the following links:
- Embarcadero Developer Network at
- Support at
This FAQ is divided into different parts:
AppWave Public Store FAQs
The AppWave Public Store is an internet-available store for Windows apps that gives user access to free, trials, and paid apps from categories such as productivity, media, utilities, developer/database tools, and games - all of which they can run from their browser.
Why do I need to sign up for the AppWave Store?
- By setting up an account you can:
- Take your Apps with you to any PC
- Run free Apps without installation hassles
- Rate and write reviews of your Apps
- Stay informed about new Apps, product updates, and special offers.
- Note: that Embarcadero's Privacy Statement can be seen at
How do I create an account for the AppWave Store?
- Go to
- Click My Account (Sign In or Sign Up) in the upper right-hand corner of the AppWave Store page.
- Click the Create One link.
- On the Sign Up page, complete the information, click Sign Up, and you are now a registered user. Enjoy AppWave by going to
How do I run an App in the AppWave Store?
- The first time you run an App, the AppWave Browser is installed. This is required because Apps from the AppWave Store are streamed and run from the AppWave Browser instead of being installed.
- When the AppWave Store opens select an App and click FREE/TRIAL/<PRICE$>. A message opens informing you that since this is the first time you are running an App, you need to install the AppWave Browser.
- Click Continue in the message box and follow the prompts.
- Once the executable is downloaded, double-click the file. The splash screen opens tracking each element as it is installed.
- When the installation is complete, the AppWave Browser icon is placed in the System Tray. Note that the AppWave Browser does not open.
- The End User License Agreement for your selected App opens. Just click Accept and your App runs in the AppWave Browser.
Do I have to install the AppWave Browser each time I want to run an App?
- After the initial install, you do not need to reinstall the AppWave Browser. It is just three easy steps to run an App.
- In the AppWave Store, select an App, click FREE/TRIAL/<PRICE$>. A message opens informing you that your App is being broadcast to your computer.
- Note: Depending on your Browser, additional security dialogs may open for your approval.
- The End User License Agreement opens for that App.
- Accept the agreement and your App runs in the AppWave Browser.
- In the AppWave Store, select an App, click FREE/TRIAL/<PRICE$>. A message opens informing you that your App is being broadcast to your computer.
- Note: You can cancel the download process at any time by clicking the cross.
- You can write a review for any App in the AppWave Store.
- Select an App and the information page for that App opens.
- Click the Reviews tab and then click Rate this App.
- In the Write a Review box first select the number of stars for the App Rating.
- You can then enter a title, write your review, and submit it.
- A message tells you "Success - Your review has been accepted for moderation". Once it is approved, your review appears in the AppWave Store.
- Note: Only registered users can write reviews.
- Each App is priced individually by their respective authors.
Where do I find the Apps I have selected to run?
- Once an App is streamed, it is visible in your AppWave Browser under Managed Apps.
- In the left pane, click Managed Apps.
- All the Apps streamed from the AppWave Store are listed.
- You delete your streamed App from the AppWave Browser.
- In the left pane click Managed Apps.
- Click the Trash icon and a confirm dialog asks if "you are sure you want to completely remove any local files from this application that are on your computer."
- Click Yes and the App is deleted from Managed Apps. However, the deleted App can be streamed again.
AppWave Enterprise Store FAQs
The AppWave Enterprise Store is for Windows software acquired by and made available within organizations for fast and easy "mobil-like" access to software. All the end users in your organization can search, browse, and run Windows software immediately, from anywhere. The Administrators can track software usage real time with comprehensive reports on demand. These reports give them critical information needed to track what software to maintain and support.
You can:
- Install AppWave in a location accessible to all team members. This could be a shared PC, your own workstation, or a server location.
- Get the AppWave Browser: You can download and run the AppWave Browser on your PC from your installed AppWave Location
. - Explore and Run: Running a popular app or an Embarcadero app from the AppWave Browser initiates a one-time download of that app to AppWave from the Internet. After that, subsequent runs are very fast. The first time you run a free app, you are prompted to enter your AppWave ID (which is the same as your EDN Account). This is a one-time registration.
- Share: You can share the AppWave Browser URL, and the URL for apps you like, to colleagues on your Local Area Network for easy access. You can also rate and write reviews for apps you have run providing useful information to your colleagues.
- Run Apps: You can run your own apps inside of AppWave. Please refer to the AppWave Studio User Guide for instructions on mastering your own apps and broadcasting them through AppWave, using the Studio tab within the AppWave Browser.
- You can also evaluate Embarcadero products. Embarcadero product trials have always been available to users via our product and trial website page at These trials are delivered as user-installable software with a short-term license.
How do I get started on the Appwave Enterprise Store?
- Download the AppWave installation from
- Select AppWave 5.1 (either 32-bit or 64-bit) and click Download.
- Click Install and the AppWave End User License Agreement opens.
- Note: For more details about setting up the AppWave Enterprise see: Installation Information.
What ports are used by AppWave?
- The ports are set during AppWave installation. The default ports used are described in AppWave Ports in the Admin User Guide. Ensure these ports are not blocked by your firewall.
What version of Java does AppWave use?
- AppWave ships with JVM 1.7 embedded.
I am having trouble with my AppWave installation. Where are the installation details kept?
- After installing AppWave, the installation details can be found in the log files:
- Window 7 and 8: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero AppWave\ .
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Program Data\ Embarcadero Appwave\ .
How are the apps displayed in the Enterprise Store?
The apps are sorted and displayed by the following sections:
- Features Apps: The apps that the Administrator wants to measure.
- Highest Rated Apps: Average Rating (from highest to lowest) of apps available in the Enterprise Store.
- Newest Apps: Time of app on system (from newest to oldest) of apps available on the Enterprise Store.
- Most Popular Apps: This is based on the download popularity (from most downloaded to least) of apps available in the Enterprise Store.
What or who determines which apps are displayed?
- You will be able to view featured banner placements promoting specific apps.
- The Administrator has access to an interface that allows him to select which apps within the Enterprise Store to promote.
- The apps will have, as part of their metadata, pre-built ad banners that are displayed on the home page.
- The Enterprise Store home page consists of alternating scrollable "top 10" sections interleaved with advertising banners.
Does AppWave support Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications?
- Yes, AppWave supports SSL. For information on configuring SSL, contact Embarcadero support.
I have ToolCloud installed on one computer and want to upgrade to AppWave but I want to install AppWave on a different computer. How can I migrate my ToolCloud ELC settings such as licenses, users, and groups to the new AppWave?
- Take the following steps to get AppWave up and running on another machine using your current ToolCloud ELC settings:
- Install AppWave on the new computer.
- Backup the license files on the AppWave installation, so that if something goes wrong you can go back to the previous settings. These files are located in \<AppWave_install_dir>\elc\conf and include:
- userlist_concurrent.txt
- userlist.txt
- iplist.txt
- groups.xml
- Backup the licenses zip files located in \[ELC_install_dir]\conf (default: C:\Embarcadero\ELC4.2\LicenseCenter\conf .)
- In the MANAGE LICENSES area, click License Inventory and then click Import License. Browse to the license .zip file and then click Import License or you can copy the licenses \<AppWave_install_dir>\elc\conf on the machine running AppWave .
- Backup the licenses assignments files located in \<ELC_install_dir>\conf. Copy them to \<AppWave_install_dir>\elc\conf on the machine running AppWave .
- Reload the license files, In the MANAGE LICENSES area, click License Inventory > License Files and then click Reload License Files.
AppWave Browser FAQs
AppWave Browser cannot connect to AppWave. The Browser issues a warning message indicating that connection to AppWave failed. What should I do?
- The Browser may not be able to connect to AppWave if the Browser and AppWave are in different domains. If this is the case, in the Browser go to Tools > Connect and in the AppWave field, change the IP address with the host name of AppWave including the domain extension. If AppWave Browser cannot connect to AppWave using a host name, as is the case when a DNS server is not available, do the following on the AppWave host:
- Make sure the server IP is a static IP and is visible from the machine with AppWave Browser installed.
- On the server, edit in <AppWave install Dir>\conf. Change the line<hostname><IP Address>
- Restart the AppWave Service.
When I launch AppWave Browser, I get the message, "TurboOption.exe must be run to turn on Turbo mode." in the title bar of the Browser and an OK button, which when clicked shuts down the Browser. What can I do to fix this problem?
- This message appears when trying to run AppWave on a disk that has been compressed. You must uncompress the disk and reinstall AppWave Browser to run the Browser.
Can AppWave or AppWave Browser run on a compressed disk?
- No, disk compression is not supported at this time. AppWave and AppWave Browser must be installed and run on an uncompressed disk.
Can AppWave or AppWave Browser run on an encrypted disk?
- No, encrypted disks are not supported at this time.
How can I tell if my disk is compressed?
- Open My Computer. If the text beside the drive is blue than compression is enabled.
On the AppWave Browser Options dialog the maximum allowed cache size is 4095 MB, however this dialog also displays a message "It is recommended for the AppWave Browser to use 6 GB for cache size." Why is this and how can I increase my cache size to meet the recommended size?
- AppWave intelligently sets the cache size based on the available and total disk space. If possible, AppWave sets the cache to 6 GB, but if 6 GB is more that 10% of the total disk space, or 50% of the free disk space, then a small cache size is used.
For example, AppWave Browser is installed on a system with 40 GB of disk space and 20 GB of free space. Since 10% of 40 GB is 4 GB and 50% of 20 GB is 10 GB, then the Browser cache size is set automatically to 4 GB. If the cache size is less than 6 GB then the message you saw is displayed. You can increase the disk space by installing AppWave Browser on a disk with a larger capacity and more free space, or you can free space on your current disk through Window by deleting files or uninstalling applications, or removing applications downloaded through AppWave.
If I look in the folder where the Product Repository is located, I see a folder for Apps I may have downloaded previously. However, there is nothing in this folder. Why is it created and what would go in this folder?
- An app folder is created every time you download an app locally. This is where the license is stored. Also, when an app is removed from Managed Apps, the files inside the folder are deleted but the folder remains.
How to cancel the streaming process?
- When you start downloading an application a pop-up appears in the lower right-hand corner of your screen where you can see the status of the streaming process. You can stop this process at any time by clicking the cross in the upper right-hand corner of the status dialog. A dialog appears warning you about the action you are about to perform: "Are you sure you want to cancel and delete “<appname>"?." Click Yes and after a brief time, the download stops.
Where are locally cached apps stored on the AppWave system?
- When you download an App, a folder is created for the app in the following locations:
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Embarcadero\Product Repository\StreamingCore\[AppID]
- Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\Product Repository\StreamingCore\[AppID]
- Note: The folder is deleted when you remove the application from Managed Apps.
- Cached apps are stored in the cache database, and the folders are located in the following locations:
- Windows XP: C:\ Documents and Settings \All Users\Application Data \Embarcadero\Product Repository\StreamingCore\Profiles\[username]\Cache
- Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1: C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\Product Repository\StreamingCore\Profiles\[username]\Cache\
- Note: To change the location of the cache database, go to Tools and Options > Options > Cache Folder.
How to clean the App cache to increase the free space in my hard disk?
- The AppWave Browser comes with the Autogrow option set by default. The applications you download are stored in the cache database placed in the Cache Folder. These cache files increase depending on the space that the applications need to work on your system.
- When you remove applications from Managed Apps these cache files remain the same until you clear and resize the cache.
- If you want to optimize the used space in your hard disk, go to Tools and Options > Options > Clear. Once you clear the cache you are allowed to decrease the App cache Size.
AppWave Studio FAQs
For the latest versions of AppWave documents and for information that will help you install and upgrade, see the Embarcadero documentation website Always make sure to consult the ReadMe file for late breaking updates.
We also recommend you read the Best Mastering Practices before using Studio.
When mastering an App, what is the best location for installing an App?
- The recommended location for installing the App is C:\application_name_version . Avoid installing in the default Program Files location as problems might occur when launching the App on a 64-bit system.
When I try to master an App, I get an error message if I have one or more AppWave Apps running on my system. How do I resolve this error?
- Before mastering an App in AppWave Studio, you must ensure that no other Apps are currently running. This is necessary to avoid adding unwanted artifact files such as files, registry entries, and/or environment variables. These unwanted artifacts could cause recording failures.
- If you try to master an app with Appwave apps running, this message appears: "You currently have one or more AppWave Apps running on your system. Please close these Apps before performing a record." Close the AppWave Apps running on your system just as you would close any other application.
When mastering an App, can I use a Network folder?
- Folders that point to a network location should be avoided. It is recommended that you set the network folder to a local folder.
Can I master an App using a template without installing?
- Yes, however the App needs to already be on the system and installed with all the default options. If the App is installed in the Program Files folder and has this path in the configuration files for its usage or as part of other required components such as Java, there may be problems running the app on 64-bit systems.
How do I master an App on Windows 7 or Vista?
- You must launch the AppWave Browser as an Administrator. To do this, close the AppWave Browser, if it is running, and open it again by right-clicking the AppWave Browser shortcut on your desktop and selecting Run as Administrator.
- We recommend mastering on Windows XP SP3 (32-bit). For more information about Best Mastering Practices see: Best Mastering Practices.
Why do I get the following error message: "Failed to launch the App. Error code: APM_E_APP_CONFIG_INSTALL_REGISTRY. Please contact your administrator for more information." What does this error indicate?
- This error is generated when you master an App on Windows 7 or Windows 8 and create registry keys under
or in one of the subdirectories ofHKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- If the properties for the key you created are set to "All Applications" and "Permanently Replace Host Version", then the error message will be generated. The application is trying to add registry keys in a location where writing is not allowed on the current OS. You may either set the registry key to default properties or run the app on a compatible OS.
Are there some applications that will not work as a streamed App because of their product architecture?
- There are two different types of architecture that will not work:
- Applications that must run as a Windows service. Because they start automatically as a service when you start Windows, they cannot run on a different machine.
- Applications that are configured to run against a database or other service that is installed on the same machine. An example would be an application that locally installs a database and the database connection is hard coded. If an application has the option of installing as a network client and can be configured to access a database on the network, that configuration is more likely to work as a Studio App.
If I have installed and uninstalled AppWave Studio several times, how do I ensure a clean install?
- When mastering an application it is best to ensure a clean state by doing the following: (1)If possible, master in a Virtual Machine environment with a clean OS, and (2) Use the “snapshot” functionality to capture a clean state before mastering is begun. This makes it very easy to redo a mastering task or start the next mastering task from a clean state by reverting to previous snapshot. For more information see: Best Mastering Practices.
- If you are not using AppWave Studio in a virtual machine, when you uninstall and reinstall AppWave Studio, at times it is recommended to remove some files and directories. This ensures a clean starting place for your next install.
- The following files should be removed before reinstalling AppWave Browser:
- Windows 7 and 8:
- C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\AppWaveBrowser\plugins\
- C:\Users\<user>\Embarcadero\AppWaveStudio\Output\
- Note: this is the default Output folder path and can be changed by the user.
- Windows XP:
- C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Embarcadero\AppWaveBrowser\plugins
- C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Embarcadero\AppWaveStudio\Output\
- Note: this is the default Output folder path and can be changed by the user.
- Tip: you should set the hidden files and folders to visible in order to access some folders.
How can I see hidden files and folders?
- Windows 8: Open Search with Windows logo Key + S > Folder Options. In the Folder Options window, go to the View tab and select Show hidden files, folders, and drivers.
- Windows 7: You can directly access this window typing ‘’’Folder Options’’’ in ‘’’Search programs and files’’’ in the Windows Star Menu. In the Folder Options window, go to the View tab and select Show hidden files, folders, and drivers.
- Windows XP: On the current folder, select Tools > Folder Options, In the Folder Option window, select Show hidden files and folders as shown below.
What folders are created in AppWave Studio when mastering an App?
- The created directories are listed below:
- Windows 7 and 8:
- C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\AppWaveBrowser\plugins\
- C:\Users\<user>\Embarcadero\AppWaveStudio\Output\
- Note: this is the default Output folder path and can be changed by the user.
- Windows XP:
- C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Embarcadero\AppWaveBrowser\plugins
- C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Embarcadero\AppWaveStudio\Output\
- Note: this is the default Output folder path and can be changed by the user.
What log files are generated and saved by AppWave Browser and Studio?
- The AppWave Browser and Studio logs are: installation.log, studio.log y streamingcore.log. You have a studio.log per Studio User inside a folder with the user name in the same location as the rest of the log files.
- The paths for these logs are:
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Embarcadero\Log\AppWaveBrowser\
- Windows 7 or later: C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\Log\AppWaveBrowser\StreamingCore.log
- You can find the location in this registry entry:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Embarcadero\StreamingCore\Settings\Logging
What variables can I use that will be replaced with the correct path when the App is loaded on a machine?
- Please refer to the Variable Path Substitution lists in the AppWave Studio User Guide Appendix Predefined Virtual Folders
I get an error message if I try to broadcast an App that has the same name, version, and edition of an existing App. How do I correct this problem?
- Error message: "Unable to broadcast. A product with the same name, version and edition has been detected in the server which you do not have permission to delete. Please ask an Administrator to delete the App if you would like to replace it."
- Before you can complete the mastering process, you must contact your Administrator to delete the existing App. When you click OK on the message dialog, you return to the Broadcast page.
What are the required mastering criteria of an App?
- We recommend following the Best Mastering Practices . There is also a list of Standards applied by Embarcadero in the App Validation Process. This App Validation Process is applied to vendor's apps before being available in the AppWave Public Store.
- Access the Mastering Acceptance Criteria here: App Mastering Acceptance Criteria
How do I use the prefetch option when mastering an App?
- To see the steps for using the prefetch option, please refer to: Using Prefetch