Studio User Guide

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The AppWave Studio is an application within the AppWave Browser where you can master an application for AppWave as an App.

Apps are the applications that are mastered into a single file that run without installation. The app runs on the desktop, locally, and under ‘full power’ but does not change the operating system or registry. Apps run within their own space, with no shared DLLs or other system-wide settings that could conflict with other Apps. Application data, including settings and licenses are stored locally on the hard drive separate from the executable.

If you are an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) you must master your apps before you can make them available to your customers. For more information please see: AppWave ISV .

Once your app is broadcast, an app build is placed in a working folder. This build is a copy of the normal install build which is compressed into one single standalone executable file that runs instantly on any desktop. This process takes the entire structure of an installed app with all the settings (registry and default settings of the application) and combines them into the final standalone build. This "build" can be executed from a network without being installed on that computer.

The advantage of using the app technology is that the app is broadcast on the system and when it is removed, the system is in a state as if it was never installed. Any file or registry keys that are created by the creation of the app are deleted from the file system on removal. If the app modifies a file on the system, the original state is restored.

Always make sure to consult the README for late breaking updates at AppWave Readme.

For additional information and support on Embarcadero’s products, please refer to the Embarcadero web site at

Studio user Guide Topics

See Also