Server Properties Dialog

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Server Properties dialog

Selecting Server>Properties on the menu of the Main Window opens a dialog box displaying several server attributes and statistics for the server currently selected in the connections tree. The dialog box is divided into three tabs, each displaying different types of information. The properties on the Alias tab can be edited if the server is not local. If the server is local, the items on the Alias tab are all disabled. The statistics displayed on the General tab are informative only, and are not editable. If you are not logged in to the respective server, only the Alias tab is visible. A description of each property or statistic is given in the list below.

Name Description
Alias Name Alias of the selected server.
Host Name The network name of the InterBase server host.
Network Protocol The current network protocol being used to connect to the network host. Disabled when logged in to the server.
Port Alias

The Server Properties dialog contains three tabs, Alias, General, and Config Params.

The Alias Tab

On the Alias tab, you can inspect the host name and network protocol for the server. You can inspect and change the Alias name and description.


  • Alias Name: the name of the server as it appears in the Tree pane. This setting is editable.
  • Host Name: the name of the host server. This is determined at the time you create the server connection and cannot be changed in this dialog.
  • Network Protocol: the protocol that the server is using to communicate. This is determined at the time you create the server connection and cannot be changed in this dialog.
  • Description: any additional information you wish to add about the server. This field is optional and editable.

The General Tab

The General tab of the Server Properties dialog is where you can view such server settings as the version, capabilities, number of databases, and number of attachments. You cannot edit the information displayed on this tab.


The server properties displayed are:

  • Version: displays the version number for the InterBase Server.
  • Capabilities: displays support capabilities for the InterBase Server.
  • Attached databases: displays the path and filename for each attached database
  • Number of databases: displays the total number of databases in the InterBase Server.
  • Number of attachments: displays the total number attachments to the InterBase Server.

You cannot update the information displayed on the General tab; however, you can click Refresh at any time to retrieve the current server property information. If you need to view or configure server settings, click the IB Settings tab.

The Config Params Tab

On the Config Params Tab, you can inspect the configuration parameters of the selected server.


See Also

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