IBConsole Menus and Toolbar

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The ribbon menu in IBConsole offers quick access to different options for managing and configuring your InterBase servers and databases, some of these options can also be accessed when you right click on a node in the server tree. To minimize this ribbon, click on the Collapse Ribbon button Collapse.png or expand the More Buttons Morebuttons.png dropdown and click on Minimize the Ribbon. Once minimized, the ribbon only expands when you click on a tab and collapses again after you make a selection or click outside the ribbon.

The following sections describe all the options available on the IBConsole ribbon.

Depending on the node that is currently selected and on the state of certain nodes in the Server Tree, some menu items may be disabled or hidden. For example, if the selected node is a connected server node or any child of a connected server node, the Login... option is disabled.

Home Tab



The table below describes the items of this group:

Item Description


Opens the Start Here tab.

System Data

Show system tables, temporary tables and dependencies in the Multi-Purpose Section.


Opens the tab of the currently selected node on the server tree.


The table below describes the items of this group:

Item Description
Add Server Open the Add Server wizard.
Remove Server Unregister this server from IBConsole. Only available for disconnected servers.
IB Server Manager Open the InterBase Server Manager.
Refresh Server Status Force a refresh of this server.
Login ... Open the Server Login dialog.
Logout Log out of this server.
Add Certificate * Open the Add Certificate dialog.
Remove Certificate * Removes a certificate
Properties ... Show the server properties.

* Only applies to InterBase servers version 7.x or older.


The table below describes the items of this group:

Item Description
Add New Database Open the Add Database and Connect dialog.
Connect Connect to the currently selected database.
Disconnect Disconnect from the currently selected database.
Interactive SQL Open the Interactive SQL window.
Performance Monitor Open the InterBase Performance Monitor Window

Tools Tab



The table below describes the items of this group:

Item Description
Add New Database Adds a new database to the current server.
Options Opens the general InterBase Options.
Configure Tools ... Open the Tools dialog.
Windows Open the Active Windows dialog.

Server Configuration

The table below describes the items of this group:

Item Description
License Manager Open the License Manager.
Diagnose Connection ... Open the Communication Diagnostics dialog.
User Security ... Open the User Information dialog.
View Logfile ... Open the server log file in a Text Viewer window.
Database Aliases Open the Databases Aliases dialog.
Depending on the node that is currently selected and on the state of certain nodes in the Server Tree, some toolbar shortcuts may be disabled. For example, if the selected node is a connected server node, the Remove an InterBase Server shortcut is disabled.

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