User Information Dialog

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The User Information dialog allows you to add users and modify information for existing users. Depending on the action you take to open the User Information dialog, you may be unable to modify users. For example, if you open the User Information dialog via the Add User ... item of the context menu in the Database Tab of the Multi-Purpose Section, you are not able to modify users.

Managing Users

To create a new user, use the New button and enter the following information:

  • User Name: The user name for this user. The following restrictions apply to user names:
    • Maximum length is 31 characters.
    • Standard ASCII characters are allowed, excluding spaces.
    • User names ARE NOT case-sensitive.
  • Password: The password for this user. The following restrictions apply to passwords:
    • Maximum length is 31 characters.
    • Standard ASCII characters are allowed.
    • Maximum Passwords ARE case-sensitive.
  • Confirm Password: The same password as in the previous field.
  • First Name: Optional. The first name of this user. The following restrictions apply to first names:
    • Maximum length is 31 characters.
    • Standard ASCII characters are allowed.
  • Middle Name: Optional. The middle name of this user. The following restrictions apply to middle names:
    • Maximum length is 31 characters.
    • Standard ASCII characters are allowed.
  • Last Name: Optional. The last name of this user. The following restrictions apply to last names:
    • Maximum length is 31 characters.
    • Standard ASCII characters are allowed.

To modify a user, select the user from the User Name drop-down list and modify or add the desired data. In order to apply the changes, use the Apply button.

To remove a user, select the user from the User Name drop-down list and use the Delete button.

Privilege Requirements

Users require appropriate privileges for the Users table of the security database in order to be able to add, modify or remove users (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE respectively). Initially, only the SYSDBA user has the required privileges.

See Also

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