IBConsole Interface

From InterBase

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The main window of IBConsole is composed of the following:


For detailed information about the options available on the ribbon menu, refer to the Ribbon documentation.

Server Tree

The Server Tree shows a hierarchical list of nodes. The hierarchy is as follows:

  • The top node is the InterBase Servers node.
    • The children of the InterBase Servers node are instances of InterBase servers. Each instance of an InterBase server has the following children:
      • Databases. The children of the Databases node are registered databases. Each database node has the following children:
        • Domains
        • Tables
        • Indices
        • Views
        • Stored Procedures
        • Triggers
        • External Functions
        • Generators
        • Exceptions
        • Blob Filters
        • Roles
        • Subscriptions
        • Tablespaces
        • User Permissions
      • Backup
      • Server Log
      • Users
Some children may be hidden depending on the status of the corresponding node. For example, The Server Log item is hidden if you are not connected to that server.

When you select a node in the Server Tree, the Multi-Purpose Section and the Status Bar show relevant information. See Tabs and Status Bar sections for more information.

Navigating the Server Tree

To expand or collapse parts of the Server Tree, do one of the following:

  • Use the plus key (+) to expand or the minus key (-) to collapse.
  • Select a node and use the right arrow key to expand or the left arrow key to collapse.
  • Double-click on a node.
Performing a double-click on a collapsed node may also trigger a default action. See Node Tabs for more information about default actions.

Context Menus

Some nodes in the Server Tree have a context menu. The table below shows the details about these context menus:

Server Tree Node Context Menu
<InterBase server node>
  • Remove: Unregisters the selected server from IBConsole. Only available for disconnected servers.
  • IB Server Manager: Opens the InterBase Server Manager.
  • Refresh Server Status: Force a refresh of the selected server.
  • Login ...: Opens the Server Login dialog.
  • Logout: Log out of the seleceted server.
  • User Security ...: Opens the User Information dialog.
  • Server Performance Monitoring...: Opens the server wide Performance Monitor window.
  • License Manager: Opens the License Manager.
  • View Logfile ...: Opens the server log file in a Text Viewer window.
  • Diagnose Connection ...: Opens the Communication Diagnostics dialog.
  • Databases Aliases: Opens the Databases Aliases dialog.
  • OTW Configuration: Opens the OTW Configuration wizard.
  • Revert to DES-CRYPT password digest: Change the password digest to DES-CRYPT.
  • Properties: Opens the Server Properties Dialog.
<database node>

For a disconnected <database node>:

For a connected <database node>:

  • Restore ...: Opens the Database Restore dialog.
  • Modify Backup Alias ...: Modifies the selected Backup Alias.
  • Delete Alias: Deletes the selected Backup Alias.
Server Log
  • View Logfile ...: Opens the server log file in a Text Viewer window.
  • Add User ...: Opens the User Information dialog.
  • Modify User ...: Modifies the selected User.
  • Delete User: Deletes the selected User.
Some context menus may be disabled or hidden depending on the status of the corresponding item. For example, the User Security ... context menu item for an InterBase server node is disabled if you are not connected to that server.

Multi-Purpose Section

The Multi-Purpose section shows different tabs:

When you open IBConsole, the tab that opens is the last tab that you had open when you closed IBConsole.


You can use the search field to filter and show specific actions or items. For example, to filter the items listed in the Tables node, enter a search term on the search field and press enter or click the search icon.

Once you perform a search, you can fine tune the search results using the Filter builder, to change the filtering options click Customize.

Start Here Tab

The Start Here tab shows different content depending on whether you have internet access:

  • With internet access:
    • Selected InterBase YouTube videos.
    • Selected Embarcadero YouTube videos.
    • Links to InterBase online resources.
  • Without internet access:
    • A list of recent databases.
    • A list of quick actions.
The online InterBase DocWiki is always the most up-to-date source for InterBase documentation.


Selecting a Node in the server tree shows one of two types of content, a list of items or a list of actions. Double-click on an action to execute it. Double-click on an item to view or edit its properties.

Some items or actions may be hidden depending on the status of the selected item in the Server Tree. For example, the Autologin action for an InterBase server node is hidden if you are connected to that server.

The table below lists the type of information a detailed description for each item in the Server Tree:

Node Content Type Description
InterBase Servers A list of items A list of registered servers, showing the following information about each server:
  • Name: The name of a server.
  • Server ?? //IP or the name of the machine
  • IP address: The IP address of a server.
  • Service: The instance name.
  • Protocol: The network protocol. Possible values are TCP/IP and NETBEUI.
  • Last Accessed: The timestamp of the most recent connection to a server.
  • Connections: ?? // Currently active connections on this server
<InterBase server node> A list of actions Actions for a disconnected <InterBase server node>:
  • Autologin: Default action. Login to the selected server using the last known connection settings.
  • Database Aliases: Opens the Databases Aliases dialog.
  • Diagnose Connection: Opens the Communication Diagnostics dialog.
  • IB Server Manager: Opens the InterBase Server Manager.
  • Login: Opens the Server Login dialog.
  • OTW Configuration: Open the OTW Configuration wizard.
  • Properties
  • Refresh Server Status: Force a refresh of the selected server.
  • Remove: Unregisters the selected server from IBConsole. Only available for disconnected servers.

Actions for a connected <InterBase server node>:

  • Add Certificate: Opens the Add Certificate dialog.
  • Database Aliases: Opens the Databases Aliases dialog.
  • IB Server Manager: Opens the InterBase Server Manager.
  • Logout: Log out of the selected server.
  • OTW Configuration: Opens the OTW Configuration wizard.
  • Properties
  • Refresh Server Status: Forces a refresh of the selected server.
  • Revert to DES-CRYPT password digest Change the password digest to DES-CRYPT.
  • User Security: Opens the User Information dialog.
Databases A list of items A list of databases, showing the following information about each database:
  • Name: The name of a database.
  • Path: The full path of a database.
* <database node> A list of actions Actions for a disconnected <database node>:

Actions for a connected <database node>:

A list of items A list of domains, showing the following information about each domain:
  • Name: The name of a domain.
  • Description: Custom information about a domain.
A list of items A list of tables, showing the following information about each table:
  • Name: The name of a table.
  • Owner: The owner of a table.
  • Description: The description of a table.
  • Table Type: The type of a table. Possible values are PERSISTENT and GLOBAL TEMPORARY.
  • Tablespace: The tablespace a table belongs to.
A list of items A list of indices, showing the following information about each index:
  • Name: The name of an index.
  • Unique: Indicates whether the index is UNIQUE.
  • Table: The name of the table that this index belongs to.
  • Asc: Indicates whether the index is ascending.
  • Inactive: Indicates whether the index is inactive.
  • Foreign key: ?? // Reference to a corresponding internal foreign key &&& index of pk -> index of fk
  • Statistics: ?? // Time for loading, Ruben will investigate
  • Description: Custom information about an index.
  • Tablespace: The tablespace a table belongs to.
A list of items A list of views, showing the following information about each view:
  • Name: The name of a view.
  • Owner: The owner of a view.
  • Description: Custom information about a view.
Stored Procedures
A list of items A list of stored procedures, showing the following information about each stored procedure:
  • Name: The name of a stored procedure.
  • Owner: The owner of a stored procedure.
  • Description: Custom information about a stored procedure.
A list of items A list of triggers, showing the following information about each trigger:
  • Name: The name of a trigger.
  • Table Name: The name of the table that this trigger belongs to.
  • Active: Indicates whether the trigger is active.
  • Description: Custom information about a trigger.
External Functions
A list of items A list of external functions, showing the following information about each external function:
  • Name: The name of an external function.
  • Module: ?? // The name of the dll file where the function is defined
  • Entry: ?? // The corresponding function name.
  • Description: Custom information about an external function.
A list of items A list of generators, showing the following information about each generator:
  • Name: The name of a generator.
  • Value: The current value of a generator.
A list of items A list of exceptions, showing the following information about each exception:
  • Name: The name of an exception.
  • Exception Message: The exception message text.
  • Description: Custom information about an exception.
Blob Filters
A list of items A list of blob filters, showing the following information about each blob filter:
  • Name: The name of a blob filter.
  • Module: The module name of a blob filter.
  • Entry: The entry point of a blob filter.
  • Input: The input subtype of a blob filter.
  • Output: The output subtype of a blob filter.
  • Description: Custom information about a blob filter.
A list of items A list of roles, showing the following information about each role:
  • Name: The name of a role.
  • Owner: The owner of a role.
A list of items A list of subscriptions, showing the following information about each subscription:
  • Name: The name of a subscription.
  • Description: custom general information a subscription.
A list of items A list of tablespaces, showing the following information about each tablespace:
  • Name: The name of a tablespace.
  • File Location: The location of a tablespace.
  • Description: custom general information about a tablespace.
User Permissions
A list of items A list of user permissions, showing the following information about each entry:
  • Name: The name of a user permission.
A list of items A list of embedded users, showing the following information about each user:
  • Name: The user name of a user.
  • Firstname
  • Middlename
  • Lastname
  • Description
Backup A list of items A list of backups that correspond to this server, showing the following information about each backup:
  • Name: The name of a backup.
  • Path: The full path of a backup.
Server Log A list of actions Actions:
  • View Logfile: Open the server log file in a Text Viewer window.
Users A list of items A list of users that are registered on this server, showing the following information about each user:
  • User Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name

Context Menus

Some items in the Database tab have a context menu. In some cases, you can double-click on an item in order to perform a default operation.

The table below shows the details about the available context menu items:

Server Tree Item Context Menu Items
  • Domains
  • Tables
  • Indices
  • Views
  • Views
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • External Functions
  • Generators
  • Exceptions
  • Blob Filters
  • Roles
  • Subscriptions
  • Tablespaces
  • User Permissions

The following context menu items are common to all the Server Tree items listed:

  • Edit Description ...: Opens the Edit Description dialog.
  • Extract ...: Opens the selected item metadata in a Text Viewer window.
  • Refresh (F5): Refreshes the list of items.
  • Properties ...: Default. Opens the Properties window for the selected item.
  • Create ...: Opens a create dialog.
  • Alter ...: Opens the Item Editor dialog for the selected item.
  • Drop ...: Drops the selected item.
  • Select All: Select all items in the list of items.
  • Copy: Copy the selected items to the clipboard.
  • Paste: Paste the items from the clipboard.
You can only paste items of the same type. For example, if you copy a domain item to the clipboard, you can only paste it in a list of domains.

The following context menu items are specific for a certain Server Tree item:

  • Tables:
    • Copy Data: ?? / data copy between two tables with same metadata (check if only for empty)
  • Indices:
    • Activate Indexes: Changes the value of the Inactive property of this index to No.
    • Set Statistics: ??
  • Subscriptions:
    • Subscribe: Subscribes to the selected subscription.
    • Unsubscribe: Unsubscribes from the subscription.
  • Restore ...: Opens the Database Restore dialog.
  • Modify Backup Alias ...: Modifies the selected alias.
  • Delete Alias: Deletes the selected alias.
  • Add User ...: Opens the User Information dialog to add a user.
  • Modify User ...: Opens the User Information dialog to modify the selected user's information.
  • Delete User: Deletes the selected user.

See Also

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