File Extensions of Files Generated by RAD Studio
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The following table lists the extensions of files generated by RAD Studio.
Note: MSBuild requires that the extension for all project files end in 'proj' (that is, MSBuild uses the mask*.*proj
The following table explains the different values of the "Keep in VCS?" column of the table below:
Value | Description |
Yes |
You must keep this file under version control. |
No |
You should not keep this file under version control. |
Optionally |
You can keep this file under version control if you want all your team to use it, but you can also keep it to yourself. For example, if you want all your team members to use the same CodeGuard options for your project, you can keep the generated |
Unless buildable |
You should only keep this file under version control if the file is required to build your application and your project does not build it. For example, you must keep binary library files from third parties if you do not have their sources or if your project does not build those libraries. However, if your project builds a library, you do not need to keep the resulting binary of that library in your version control system. |
File Extension | Description | Keep in VCS? |
a |
Static library file (ELF-format) produced by the Clang-enhanced C++ compilers , such as package static library files. For more information, see: |
Unless buildable |
apk |
Android application package file. See Deploying Your Signed Android Application. |
No |
bdsproj |
Project options file for BDS 2006 and earlier (replaced by |
Yes |
bdsgroup |
Project group for BDS 2006 and earlier products. |
Yes |
bpi |
Unless buildable | |
bpl |
No | |
cbproj |
C++ project file. Contains the current settings for project options, such as compiler and linker settings, directories, conditional directives, and command-line parameters. (Set these options using Project > Options.) When compiled, produces |
Yes |
cfg |
Project configuration file used for command-line compilers, as follows:
Optionally |
cgi |
The CG32.cgi file is the configuration information for CodeGuard, a utility used for tracking memory overwrites in statically linked C++ executables. See Using CodeGuard. |
Optionally |
cgl |
CodeGuard generates a log file, |
No |
cpp |
Yes | |
csm |
C++ precompiled header file in earlier versions of C++Builder, such as C++Builder 5. |
Optionally |
d |
No | |
dcp |
Unless buildable | |
dcu |
No | |
dct |
Any change to component templates that you make on RAD Studio is stored in |
No |
deployproj |
Deployment Manager configuration file for your project. |
Yes |
dfm |
A Windows VCL form file. |
Yes |
dll |
A dynamically linked library file. For more information, see Creating Packages and DLLs. |
Unless buildable |
dpk |
Yes | |
dpr |
Delphi project source; when compiled, produces |
Yes |
dproj |
Delphi project file created by the IDE. Contains the current settings for project options, such as compiler and linker settings, directories, conditional directives, and command-line parameters. Set these options using Project > Options. This file is not used when compiling a project from the command line using the command line compiler. |
Yes |
drc |
No | |
dres |
Delphi compiled resource file. This extension is used when you add a resource to a project, such as an icon or image. The |
No |
dsk |
File used to save the project desktop when the Autosave Project desktop option is enabled on Tools > Options > Environment Options. |
No |
dst |
File used to save the desktop speed setting as set in the IDE toolbar desktop combo box. |
No |
dwo |
Split DWARF object file which contains debug information produced by the Windows 64-bit Clang-enhanced compiler. For more information see Split DWARF. |
No |
dSYM |
Unless buildable | |
dylib |
A dynamic library ( |
Unless buildable |
dylib.rsm |
Remote debug symbol file for Delphi for macOS. See |
Unless buildable |
entitlements |
No | |
exe |
Windows executable file. |
Unless buildable |
exe.incr |
Incremental build information. |
Unless buildable |
fmx |
Multi-device form file. See Creating a FireMonkey Application. |
Yes |
fsf |
FireMonkey binary style file. Similar to |
Unless buildable |
groupproj |
Project group. |
Yes |
h |
Yes | |
hpp |
Yes | |
i |
C++ preprocessor output (not saved by default). Each C++ implementation file and all of its included C++ header files are preprocessed into an |
No |
identcache |
Information used for refactoring. |
No |
ilc ild ilf ilr ils |
No | |
info.plist |
No | |
ipa |
Application archive file for an iOS app. Generated for the Ad hoc and the Application Store platform configurations. See Deploying Your iOS Application for Ad hoc Distribution and Deploying Your iOS Application for Submission to the App Store. |
No |
lib |
Can be any of the following:
Unless buildable |
local |
User-specific project options. |
No |
map |
No | |
nfn |
A file maintained by the Translation Tools, containing translated strings and other data displayed in the Translation Manager. There is a separate |
Optionally |
o |
C++ object file or compiled translation unit. |
Unless buildable |
obj |
C++ object file or compiled translation unit. |
Unless buildable |
ocx |
OLE Control eXtension (OCX), created by the Active Form wizard. |
Unless buildable |
optset |
Named option set file that stores configuration options, separately from projects. See Option Sets Overview. |
Yes |
otares |
File with unknown resources generated during upgrade of pre XE2 project. (Unknown resources are resources that are not included in the build configuration, like version info, icon, manifest or styles.) |
Yes |
pas |
Yes | |
pch |
Optionally | |
pdi |
No | |
plist |
Property list file. Property lists are generated for the macOS, iOS Device - 32 bit, iOS Device - 64 bit, and iOS Simulator target platforms. See Compiling and Building Multi-Device Applications. RAD Studio generates the following property list files: |
No |
profile |
A connection profile that describes the connection to the Platform Assistant running on a remote system, for multi-device application development that targets either the macOS or the iOS target platform. |
No |
res, rc |
Compiled and uncompiled resource files. |
Unless buildable |
ridl |
Restricted Interface Definition Language. Text-based file used by the Type Library Editor. |
Yes |
rps |
Legacy extension for an ITE/ETM translation repository; supported for read-only access. Translation repositories are now saved as |
Optionally |
rsp |
Response file used by the C++ linker. |
Yes |
rsm |
RSM debug file, used for remote debugging in Delphi projects. Enabled by the Include remote debug symbols option on Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Linking. |
Unless buildable |
sdk |
An SDK that describes a target platform, and a combination of files needed to build applications for that platform. |
No |
so |
This is the file extension of shared libraries in Unix-like systems such as macOS and Linux. When you build a multi-device application for Android, RAD Studio generates a shared library with this file extension that implements the project logic, as Android is based on Linux. |
Unless buildable |
stat |
RAD Studio saves the Project Statistics when you close the project to the file <ProjectName>.stat. You may keep this file in the version control if you want to. |
Optionally |
style |
FireMonkey style file. See Customizing FireMonkey Applications with Styles. |
Yes |
sym |
Symbol file. C++Builder uses |
Yes |
targets |
Targets file, an MSBuild-compliant XML file you add to your project to allow customizing the build process. It contains MSBuild scripts among other information. |
Yes |
tds |
Unless buildable | |
tgproj |
Modeling design project. |
Yes |
tlb |
Type library. |
Unless buildable |
tmx |
The Translation Repository stores data in a |
Optionally |
todo |
The project to-do list. |
Yes |
tvsconfig |
Modeling configuration file. |
No |
txvpck, txvcls |
Information for model diagram. |
Yes |
vsf |
VCL style file, enabled in Application Appearance page. |
Yes |
vlb |
Visual LiveBindings file. See LiveBindings Designer. |
No |
xml |
XML is a markup language for data files. The following list contains some examples of XML files that RAD Studio generates: |
Optionally |
#nn |
Here #nn = #00, #01, #02, and so forth. C++ debug type file. |
Unless buildable |