Provisioning Page
Go Up to Deployment Options
Go Up to Project Options Dialog Box
- 1 Requirements for Multi-Device Applications
- 2 Tools Options
- 3 Project Options
- 4 Provisioning Options
- 5 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows - Ad hoc
- 6 32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows - Store
- 7 Recovering Provisioning Profile Files on XCode
- 8 Warning Messages
- 8.1 No connection profile found
- 8.2 Connection to '<ip_address>' on port <port_number> failed
- 8.3 No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration
- 8.4 No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration and the selected device "<device_name>"
- 8.5 No certificate found in the selected provisioning profile
- 8.6 No certificates found for the selected build configuration
- 8.7 Unable to match bundle identifier "CFBundleIdentifier" with AppID "Team ID.Bundle ID" in the selected provisioning profile
- 9 Warning Messages on Messages View
- 9.1 [Error] Unable to establish a connection to the remote profile
- 9.2 [Error] No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration
- 9.3 [Error] No certificate found in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
- 9.4 [Error] Unable to find certificate <certificate-name> in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
- 9.5 [Error] Unable to match bundle identifier <bundle-id-name> with AppID <AppID-name> in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
- 9.6 [Error] Unable to match bundle identifier <bundle-id-name> with AppID in all provisioning profiles
- 9.7 [Error] <certificate name>: no identity found
- 9.8 Using provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name> with certificate <certificate-name>
- 10 See Also
Tools > Options > Deployment > Provisioning
Project > Options > Deployment > Provisioning
Use this dialog box to specify your signing data for a macOS, iOS, Android, or Windows application.
You need to sign your applications in the following cases:
- If you want to submit your macOS application to the Mac App Store, Apple requires a valid signing data for sandboxing your applications; you do not need a signing data otherwise.
- You do need a valid signing data for iOS regardless of the selected platform configuration.
- To create signed Android applications that you can install on Android devices where USB debugging is disabled or upload to an application store, you need a keystore file.
- If you want to submit your Windows application to the Windows Store.
Before you can specify your signing data for macOS or iOS applications, you need to obtain the developer and distribution certificates from Apple:
- For macOS: Obtaining developer and distribution certificates for macOS application development.
- For iOS: Obtaining developer and distribution certificates for iOS application development.
Requirements for Multi-Device Applications
Provision Profile
For iOS applications targeting iOS Device (either the Development, Ad hoc or Application Store platform configuration), you need an iOSTeam Provisioning Profile.
To select a specific Provisioning Profile:
- Go to Tools > Options > Deployment > Provisioning.
- Select one of the options from the Provision Profile drop-down menu.
When the provisioning information provided is correct, a Selected Entities panel shows information about the Provisioning Profile and the Certificate:
When the information provided is not correct, a Warning Message appears with further information.
<Auto> Option
If you use the <Auto> option, RAD Studio automatically selects the first provisioning profile that matches the value of the CFBundleIdentifier field in Project > Options > Application > Version Info.
CFBundleIdentifier defines an App ID of your application. An App ID is an identifier that contains both a Team ID and a bundle ID search string. The default value of CFBundleIdentifier is the name of your project.
If there is no provisioning profile with an App ID that matches the value of the CFBundleIdentifier field, RAD Studio shows the following warning message:
Developer Certificate
To select a developer or distribution certificate name, first select a valid provisioning profile.
When Provision Profile is set to <Auto>, the Developer Certificate appears greyed.
To find the valid developer certificates, open Keychain Access on the Mac, and double-click My Certificates.
For macOS, you supply the complete certificate names in the certificate fields:
- 3rd Party Mac Developer Certificate. Use the Mac application distribution certificate to sign a Mac application before submitting it to the Mac App Store. For example:
3rd Party Mac Developer Application: <Team Name>
- 3rd Party Mac Installer Certificate. Use the Mac installer distribution certificate to sign and submit a Mac Installer Package to the Mac App Store. The Installer Package contains your signed application. For example:
3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: <Team Name>
Selected Entities
The Selected Entities panel on Provisioning shows information about the Provisioning Profile manually or automatically selected.
Go to Tools > Options > Deployment > Provisioning to see the App ID for the Provisioning Profile, it can be an explicit App ID to match only one application or a wildcard App ID to match a set of apps. A wildcard App ID contains an asterisk as the last part of its bundle ID search string.
To provide a bundle ID for your application, go to Project > Options > Application > Version Info and edit CFBundleIdentifier. Go to Project > Options > Deployment > Provisioning to see your App ID.
- Provision Profile:
- Name: The name of the iOSTeam Provisioning Profile.
- File Path: The complete path to your provisioning profile file in the Mac. The path must look like
/Users/<your user>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/<filename>.mobileprovision
. - Application Identifier: An App ID is a two-part string used to identify one or more apps from a single development team. The string consists of a Team ID and a bundle ID search string, with a period (.) separating the two parts. The Team ID is supplied by Apple and is unique to a specific development team, while the bundle ID search string is supplied by you to match either the bundle ID of a single app or a set of bundle IDs for a group of your apps.
- Developer Program Name: The name of the Developer Account.
- Developer Certificate:
- iPhone Distribution: The iPhone Developer.
Finding Provisioning Profiles Installed on a Device
In Xcode, to find the Provisioning Profile files installed on a specific device:
- Open Xcode on the Mac.
- Go to Window > Devices.
- On the left-hand sidebar, select the target device.
- Right-click in the target device and select Show Provisioning Profiles.
- The Devices window shows the provisioning profiles installed on the device.
For a sandboxed MacOS application, you need to set the specific entitlements (access privileges).
Open the Entitlement List page by selecting Project > Options > Application > Entitlement List.
Tools Options
These options are available for all RAD Studio projects, select Tools > Options > Deployment > Provisioning.
See Provisioning Options.
Project Options
These options are available for the current project, select Project > Options > Deployment > Provisioning.
Options | Description |
Target, Apply, Save |
See Target Options. |
Provisioning |
See Provisioning Options. |
The provisioning options in the Project Options page are used for the project even though you have set provisioning options in the Tools Options page.
<Use environment options(Auto)
in the Project Options page, RAD Studio uses the corresponding option set in the Tools Options provisioning page.Provisioning Options
Item | Description |
Build Type |
A build type is a combination of target platform and platform configuration. Select a build type on this combo box to define the signing data for that build type. The rest of the fields in the Provisioning page change depending on the selected build type. For MacOS applications, the build type should be macOS - Application Store. For iOS applications, choose one of the following build types:
For Android applications, the build type should be Android - Application Store. For Windows applications, the build type should be 32-bit Windows - Application Store or 64-bit Windows - Application Store. |
For iOS Device, you can select the following options:
Item | Description |
Provision Profile |
The name of the Provisioning Profile installed in your target device. From the drop-down menu, you can select either:
Developer Certificate |
The name of the Developer Certificate installed in your Mac. From the drop-down menu, you can select either:
When the Provision Profile matches with the Developer Certificate, the CFBundleIdentifier, and the target device, the following information is shown:
When the information provided is correct, the Provision Profile and Developer Certificate information is displayed on the Selected Entities panel.
macOS - Application Store
Item | Description |
3rd Party Mac Developer Certificate |
Enter the name of your 3rd Party Mac Developer Application certificate. This certificate is required for the IDE to code sign your application and for acceptance in the Mac App Store. For more information, see Developer Certificate. |
3rd Party Mac Installer Certificate |
Enter the name of your 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer certificate. This certificate represents you as a third party installer and is required for the IDE to build your macOS application and for acceptance in the Mac App Store. For more information, see Developer Certificate. Note: The Mac AppLoader requires an installer certificate regardless of whether your project contains an installer or not.
iOS Device - nn bit - Development
Item | Description |
Provision Profile |
Select an installed Provisioning Profile in your target device or leave it as as |
Developer Certificate |
Select a valid iOS developer certificate or leave it as |
iOS Device - nn bit - Ad hoc
Item | Description |
Provision Profile |
Select an installed Provisioning Profile in your target device or leave it as as |
Developer Certificate |
Select a valid iOS distribution certificate or leave it as |
iOS Device - 64-bit - Application Store
Item | Description |
Provision Profile |
Select an installed Provisioning Profile in your target device or leave it as as |
Developer Certificate |
Select a valid iOS distribution certificate or leave it as |
Android - Application Store
Item | Description |
File |
The path to the keystore file that contains your signing certificates. |
Password |
The password of the keystore file. |
New Keystore |
Opens the Create a new Keystore/Alias wizard to create a new keystore file. |
Change Password |
Opens a dialog to change the password of your keystore file. |
Get Certificates |
Retrieves the list of certificates from your keystore file, and populates the Alias in Keystore combo box with that list. |
Alias in Keystore |
The alias of the certificate from your keystore file to sign. |
Alias password |
The password of the selected certificate. |
Creation date |
The date when the selected certificate was created. |
Valid since |
The date when the selected certificate started being valid, and the date when the certificate expires. |
Add Alias |
Opens the Create a new Keystore/Alias wizard to add a new certificate to your keystore file. |
Change Password |
Opens a dialog to change the password of the selected certificate. |
Delete Alias |
Removes the selected certificate from your keystore file. |
Alias Info |
Opens a dialog with detailed information about the selected certificate. |
Reset All |
Empties the keystore (File, Password) and certificate (Alias in Keystore, Alias password) fields. |
32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows - Ad hoc
Item | Description |
Certificate File |
The path to the certificate file. |
Password |
The password of the certificate file. |
Create self-signed certificate |
Creates the self-signed certificate. For more details, see Creating a Certificate File. |
32-bit Windows or 64-bit Windows - Store
Item | Description |
Package Name |
The value that you receive when Submitting Your App to the Windows Store. |
Package Display Name |
The name that you reserve in the Dev Center. |
Publisher |
The value that you receive when Submitting Your App to the Windows Store. |
Publisher Display Name |
The value that you receive when Submitting Your App to the Windows Store. |
Recovering Provisioning Profile Files on XCode
RAD Studio searches for the provisioning profile files in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profile/
directory where XCode saves them by default.
Follow these steps if an expected provisioning profile is not listed in the Provisioning page:
- Launch XCode.
- Go to XCode > Preferences....
- Go to the Acounts tab and select the Apple ID from which you want to recover the provisioning profile.
- Click View Details...
- To restore the missing provisioning profile files, click the refresh button icon on the bottom left corner.
- Click Done.
Warning Messages
No connection profile found
This message informs that you need to create an macOS Connection Profile.
Go to Tools > Options > Deployment > Connection Profile Manager in order to add a new profile. For more information see Creating and Testing a Connection Profile on the Development PC.
Connection to '<ip_address>' on port <port_number> failed
This message informs you that a connection to a PAServer cannot be established using the <ip_address> and <port_number> of the selected profile from the Connection Profile Manager.
In order to solve the problem:
- Check that the PAServer is running on the macOS on the <ip_address>.
- If the PAServer is running, check that the <port_number> on which the PAServer is running corresponds to the <port_number> defined on the profile from the Connection Profile Manager.
No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration
This message informs you that there is no available provisioning profile for the selected build configuration.
To solve the problem you need to download the provisioning profile for the selected build configuration.
For more information about the Apple Developer Program and how to obtain a provisioning profile, see Joining the Apple Developer Program and iOS Mobile Application Development.
No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration and the selected device "<device_name>"
This message informs you that there is no available provisioning profile for the selected build configuration.
To solve the problem you need to download the provisioning profile for the selected build configuration.
For more information about the Apple Developer Program and how to obtain a provisioning profile, see Joining the Apple Developer Program and iOS Mobile Application Development.
No certificate found in the selected provisioning profile
There is no certificate available for this provisioning profile. The certificate can be missing, invalid, or expired.
To solve the problem:
- Download the certificate for the selected provisioning profile.
- If after downloading the certificate the problem persists, open Keychain Access on macOS and remove all duplicate certificates that are either invalid or have expired.
For more information, see iOS Mobile Application Development.
No certificates found for the selected build configuration
There is no certificate available for all the provisioning profiles on the selected build configuration. The certificate can be missing, invalid, or expired.
To solve the problem:
- Download the certificate for the selected provisioning profile.
- If after downloading the certificate the problem persists, open Keychain Access on macOS and remove all duplicate certificates that are either invalid, or have expired.
For more information, see iOS Mobile Application Development and Provisioning a macOS Application.
Unable to match bundle identifier "CFBundleIdentifier" with AppID "Team ID.Bundle ID" in the selected provisioning profile
This message appears when the bundle identifier value (CFBundleIdentifier) provided in Project > Options > Application > Version Info does not match the bundle ID Search String of the provisioning profile.
An App ID consists of a Team ID and a Bundle ID Search String, for example,*
- Team ID: Identifier generated by Apple. Unique to a specific development team. For example, 66YRC9P3G2.
- Bundle ID Search String: A string value supplied by you to match either the bundle ID of a single app or a set of bundle IDs for a group of your apps. For example, com.domain.* (it matches a group of apps) or com.domain.<name> (it matches a single app).
Warning Messages on Messages View
The Messages window shows different warning messages related to the provisioning profile when compiling applications.
[Error] Unable to establish a connection to the remote profile
See No connection profile found.
See Connection to '<ip_address>' on port <port_number> failed.
[Error] No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration
See No provisioning profile found for the selected build configuration.
[Error] No certificate found in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
See No certificates found for the selected build configuration.
[Error] Unable to find certificate <certificate-name> in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
See No certificate found in the selected provisioning profile.
[Error] Unable to match bundle identifier <bundle-id-name> with AppID <AppID-name> in provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name>
[Error] Unable to match bundle identifier <bundle-id-name> with AppID in all provisioning profiles
[Error] <certificate name>: no identity found
See No certificates found for the selected build configuration.
Using provisioning profile <provisioning-profile-name> with certificate <certificate-name>
The information provided is correct.
See Also
- Provisioning an iOS Application
- Provisioning a macOS Application
- Completing the Provisioning Page
- Entitlement List
- macOS Application Development (contains information about sandboxing, code-signing, and entitlements)
- iOS Mobile Application Development
- Android Mobile Application Development
- Connection Profile Manager
- SDK Manager
- Mobile Tutorial: Set Up Your Development Environment on the Mac (iOS)