Table 5: System X64 Directory Templates

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Table 5: System X64 Directory Templates

Only 64-bit appsets will have files under this template directory. Windows does not have a separate folder identification for “systemX64”,and that is why we don't want to rename the template to "systemX64". The advantage is that if two templates resolve to the same directory path, the template name that is longer can be chosen. If we rename this template to "systemX64", the application installed on a 32-bit machine will have its files incorrectly captured to "systemX64" template directory.

#define Directory Template
#define S_DT_SYSTEMX64  ?system?
#define S_DT_SYSTEMX86  ?systemx86?
#define S_DT_WINDOWS  ?windows?
#define S_DT_PROFILE  ?profile?
#define S_DT_PICTURES  ?pictures?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILESX86  ?programfilesx86?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILESCOMMONX86  ?programfilescommonx86?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILESX64  ?programfilesx64?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILESCOMMONX64  ?programfilescommonx64?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILES  ?programfiles?
#define S_DT_PROGRAMFILESCOMMON  ?programfilescommon?
#define S_DT_ADMINTOOLS  ?admintools?
#define S_DT_COMMONADMINTOOLS  ?commonadmintools?
#define S_DT_MUSIC  ?music?
#define S_DT_VIDEOS  ?videos?
#define S_DT_PUBLICPICTURES  ?publicpictures?
#define S_DT_PUBLICMUSIC  ?publicmusic?
#define S_DT_PUBLICVIDEOS  ?publicvideos?
#define S_DT_RESOURCEDIR  ?resourcedir?
#define S_DT_LOCALIZEDRESOURCESDIR  ?localizedresourcesdir?
#define S_DT_COMMONOEMLINKS  ?commonoemlinks?
#define S_DT_CDBURNING  ?cdburning?
#define S_DT_USERPROFILES  ?userprofiles?
#define S_DT_SAMPLEPLAYLISTS  ?sampleplaylists?
#define S_DT_SAMPLEMUSIC  ?samplemusic?
#define S_DT_SAMPLEPICTURES  ?samplepictures?
#define S_DT_SAMPLEVIDEOS  ?samplevideos?
#define S_DT_PHOTOALBUMS  ?photoalbums?
#define S_DT_PUBLIC  ?public?
#define S_DT_DOWNLOADS  ?downloads?
#define S_DT_PUBLICDOWNLOADS  ?publicdownloads?
#define S_DT_SAVEDSEARCHES  ?savedsearches?
#define S_DT_QUICKLAUNCH  ?quicklaunch?
#define S_DT_CONTACTS  ?contacts?
#define S_DT_SIDEBARDEFAULTPARTS  ?sidebardefaultparts?
#define S_DT_PUBLICGAMETASKS  ?publicgametasks?
#define S_DT_GAMETASKS  ?gametasks?
#define S_DT_SAVEDGAMES  ?savedgames?
#define S_DT_LINKS  ?links?
#define S_DT_ORIGINALIMAGES  ?originalimages?