Programming Languages
You can develop your HTML5 Builder applications using the following web languages:
- The standard markup language for webpages. The following code represents a webpage like the one you create in the Hello Word tutorial.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body>Hello, World!</body>
- JavaScript
- The standard client-side scripting language for webpages. The following function opens a popup window with the text “Hello, World!” or, if a name is passed as argument, “Hello, <name>!”.
function sayHello(name) {
name = (typeof name == "undefined")? 'World' : name
alert('Hello, ' + name + '!')
- The standard style sheet language for webpages. The following code sets the background color of the page to black, and the text to white.
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
- An easy-to-learn server-side scripting object-oriented language designed for web development.
The following sample code features a function that prints the text “Hello, World!” or, if a name is passed as argument, “Hello, <name>!”.
function sayHello($name = World) {
echo "Hello, ".$name."!";
In HTML5 Builder applications, most pages are PHP scripts that generate webpages written in client-side web languages (HTML, JavaScript and CSS) that a user agent (web browser) can read. HTML5 Builder abstracts you from most of the coding throught the use of components, feature wrappers you can configure visually. And whenever you do need to write code, HTML5 Builder's Code Insight feature, which supports HTML, JavaScript and PHP, will help you write your code quickly and easily.
You will find links to several documentation resources for all those languages and additional technologies you can use with HTML5 Builder in the main page.