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The Palette contains the palettes used to create modeling diagrams in the Diagram View. You can change the display settings of this palette.

There are seven main palettes: Business Process Objects, Conceptual Objects, Reference Objects, External Data Objects, and Drawing Shapes.

The Modeling palette that is available in the palette depends on what model type you are working with. For example, if you are working in a Business Process Model diagram, the associated palette appears. If you are working with a Conceptual Model diagram, the Business Process Model palette is replaced by the Conceptual Model palette.

For more information, see Using the Palette.

Palette Icons

The table below describes the main elements on the Palette:

Element Palette Icon Description



The select cursor allows you to click on elements and select commands.



Click this cursor to select multiple items by enclosing them in a frame.

Business Process Objects


There are six main groups of notation elements: Events (BPM): There are three types of events: Start, Intermediate, and End.   Activities (BPM): Activities available are: Tasks, Embedded Sub-processes, and Independent Sub-processes.   Gateways: Gateways control sequence flows. There are five different gateway control types which indicate the flow control behavior.   Connection Elements: There are three different elements used to connect elements: Sequence Flow, Message Flow, and Association.   Swimlanes: There are two elements (pools and lanes) that are used to help partition and organize activities.   Artifacts (BPM): There are four different artifacts that allow you to show additional information: Data Objects, Groups, Annotations, and Off-Page Connectors.

Conceptual Objects


This palette contains the five objects used in Conceptual Modeling

Reference Objects


This palette displays the four available reference objects and the link.

External Data Objects


The External Data Objects palette displays the seven different data objects available.

Drawing Shapes


The drawing shapes node contains nine basic shapes you can use to create diagrams. This palette also includes a text label, line, and annotation.

Palette Settings Dialog

The Palette Settings dialog box is where you specify display options for the palette. To open this dialog, right click on any object on the Palette and click Settings. The table below describes the display options:

Option Description


Columns: Icons in the palette are displayed in columns. List: Icons in the palette are listed below each main heading. List: Displays both the icon and its descriptive text. Icons Only: Only the icons in the palette are displayed. No labels are shown. Details: Icons in the palette are displayed with labels and descriptions.

Layout Options

The layout option displayed depends on which Layout type you select.

Drawer Options

The contents in the palette are organized using drawers, which open and close. Each group element contains specific Palette Entries. An Entry defines a tool or template for the User. Select one of the options listed below to determine the drawer’s behavior. Always close when opening another drawer. Close automatically when there is not enough room. Never close.